

10 Dec


This is not a valid source im afraid. Something being in inventory at the time is not enough, particularly when most sources at the time show otherwise.

A source specifically on Buccaneer would be necessary.


I dont think the base S.2 model carried anything higher than the AIM-9B, but if thats incorrect please do let me know and we can raise something as soon as possible.

I dont know how many times it has to be said. We literally just added the Gen 1 Harriers. Do not expect the Generation II family anytime soon at all.

Italy also wont get them before US/UK.


That's only the number produced by Blackburn themselves. They also outsourced production. Over 70 were built.


Haven't yet tried them myself. Still very much WIP and too early to give a proper view.


Currently at the end of the bomber line.

09 Dec


SRAAMs cannot be removed from GR.1.

It also cant be changed into an FRS.1.


This was previously answered. Currently its not planned to replace the standard random battles with EC. EC will (for the time being at least) remain and on and off event mode. Whilst we very much do understand peoples enjoyment of EC, EC also brings a particular set of issues and challenges, even more so in the naval mode.

But we will continue with its development, fixes and bringing it back when we can.

Right now though, its unlikely to come back before the next major.


I was referring to the fact that the current models have the mounting point on the fuselage underside currently there, when these versions did not use it. That very minor model matter has no gameplay impact.

Not the flares themselves.


Oh yes we have the news, but if we told you, we'd have to...


We already said in the last Q & A, the flare mount being there is an issue for both Jaguars and is known, planned to be fixed. It has 0 gameplay impact at all.

Lots of aircraft in a series share c*ckpit models were separate models are not yet completed. The MiG-21s did and the British Phantoms share their US cousins too. This is not something exclusive to Jaguar and again, is better than a low res placeholder.


France has some promising things ahead. Not just with this update (as I said its a smaller one).


And up to this point. France has not had tons of vehicles in reserves that offer the same attraction that current event and squadron vehicles have. Event vehicles must also be interesting and useful and what France has had of that so far we have done our best to divert to the main tree where possible. US again is a case where it has so many examples that the community want to see, there are enough interesting extras with accessible info to make event vehicle options too.

But specifically here, I was talking about major update content, not events / squadron as they follow an entirely different deployment and set of criteria to the major update content thats available to everyone.


Unfortunately we are entering an era were multiple nations shared projects and development and also where multiple nations use the same aircraft. Its also conflicting seeing as lots of people seem to also want/be asking the French F-8, even though its primarily an American aircraft and by your logic, not French enough even though widely used by the French. Shared use or multi nation purchase is a fact of history. Something used by France still counts just as much.

Regardless of your personal opinion, it doesn't Jaguar A is still a unique aircraft for the French tree. But if you want to discuss it, you can go here:

We were talking about things added through major updates, not events and squadrons. To wh...

Read more

6 US jets were added over major updates this year so far and 2 French ones. So yes, you are


There are people that enjoy and play all modes. Just because you and others dont, does not mean everyone is the same as you regardless of how many may or may not voice it.

It would be the same case if we suddenly stopped making dev blogs for certain nations because they are played less and most people dont care about them. Some people would be just as upset.


Just to point out, nobody said they wont come in time, just like everyone elses things. But again, we have the factor here that for every one of these you list, there are 2-3 American jets also to add + USSR + Everyone else too.

Mirage IIIC is still a top performing jet, so France is not falling behind at all. Is there more to come? For sure. But it cant all come at once.


No, its absolutely not at all.

People dont generally come to the forums because they are happy and content. The forum is not a good or accurate proportion representation of the whole playerbase. Especially this topic.


Nobody said you were actually. Some people seem to have overacted to a joke about the days when "Gib Mirage" was a thing and it was a point about why listening to this topic as a good representation of the whole playerbase is also a bad idea.

Im also unsure why this topic seems to have turned into a constant nationalistic one-upmanship, but those posts have now been removed.


This topic doesn't even equate to about 1% or the active playerbase. So again "nobody asked for that" doesn't apply here.

And if we only listened to those vocal in this topic the most, we would likely have a rank III MiG-23 or Mirage 4000.