

24 May

01 Oct

    /u/Soren_GSG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by JaymesMarkham2nd

And then later, we might create mini-campaign expansions.

Perfectly fitting to call these Assignments, don't you think?

While shouting “Rock And Stone” in the computer game doesn’t actually affect gameplay.

You take that back!

oh, sorry, yes, I will take that back
ofc it affects gameplay!

03 Sep

    /u/Soren_GSG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the patience!

We still feel like the update should land in Q3

Hopefully we can give you a precise date soon

06 Aug

    /u/Soren_GSG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by GSG_Jacob

That’s a corporate website aimed at investors. It’s literally what they do. The reason you’re not seeing anything about a mission statement is that they don’t get involved. From what I’ve been told, they don’t even have anyone on the payroll, that can do the things you fear they’d do. They’re giving us a safety net on the long run and the resources to do what we’re already doing, and part of the deal is that we continue with everything full speed.

I’ll get Soren to chime in tomorrow, as it is 1AM here.

yes, Jacob is spot on with his comment.

I have met Lars several times. We went to his office in Karlstad (an appropriate name, right?) to shake hands on the deal. And Lars is the most no-bullsh*t business guy I have ever met. Super pragmatic and basically just a nerdy collector."

Embracer and Lars Wingefors have bought Ghost Ship because of the way we have handled the success of Deep Rock. And the way we have involved our community. Lars is not at all interested in changing anything at Ghost Ship.

We will stay as independent as before, but now just in a much stronger position, where we will continue to support DRG for years to come. And we will continue and strengthen our already fantastic relationship with Coffee Stain.

If you need some reassurance on this, then just check Coffee Stain and how they have faired. They still operate as independently as they did before they were acquired by Lars and Embracer. They continue to be both in control of the...

Read more

08 Dec

    /u/Soren_GSG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by MostSensualPrimate

Devs, why is the Deep Dive still bugged after days of talking about it? It cannot be completed on PC, the leg doesn't spawn. We've wasted hours digging out the map trying to find it.

Tagging Devs:




I have no clue who you folks are or if you're the right ones to tag, but you DO know who to tell about this.

Maybe check in on the deep dive threads once a deep dive is out so you see if there are issues.

Thanks for a fun game in general, but damn this has been frustrating. Finally get to promote a character and can't run the deep dive because it's broken.

Are you playing the Microsoft PC version? (not Steam)
We released a hotfix for this on Steam, but have not released the hotfix on Xbox/Win10 versions. Unfortunately, the dev team has been hit by sickness in key positions regarding the Xbox and releases, so I don't know yet when it will release.

25 Nov

    /u/Soren_GSG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks you! We are just grateful to have created a game that so many people have found worthy of their time. Rock and Stone!

07 Nov

    /u/Soren_GSG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

The network layer has for some time (started 7-8 hrs ago) not allowed new players to join networked games.
The issue should now have been resolved. Please try joining games again.

    /u/Soren_GSG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

The network layer has for some time (started 7-8 hrs ago) not allowed new players to join networked games.
The issue should now have been resolved. Please try joining games again.

    /u/Soren_GSG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

The network layer has for some time (started 7-8 hrs ago) not allowed new players to join networked games.
The issue should now have been resolved. Please try joining games again.

    /u/Soren_GSG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

The network layer has for some time (started 7-8 hrs ago) not allowed new players to join networked games.
The issue should now have been resolved. Please try joining games again.

    /u/Soren_GSG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey,We are experiencing a problem with the network layer which results in new players not being able to join multiplayer games. This been happening since 6am (CET).We are currently investigating the issue and will work on a solution.We will update this info when we know more.

Update: The issue should now have been resolved. Please try joining games again.

19 Oct

    /u/Soren_GSG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by MNIW_de

Appreciate an official response within the next 48 to this. Multiple players are complaining about it already. Game is in an unplayable state right now.

We identified a disconnection bug with the Microsoft Store version when it was released last Thursday. And we submitted a fix to this Friday that hopefully should be approved by the certification to go out in a day or two.

The disconnect happens when a Win10 player tries to join a server created by a Win10 player.

18 Aug

    /u/Soren_GSG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

As the CEO of Ghost Ship, I can reassure you that DRG is a financial success :-) The player numbers (CCU) in August has historically been a low point and it will go up again later in the year. We are still selling well despite the time of year and I do not foresee any reason for DRG to lose momentum. After 1.0 launch, we have chosen to go for fewer (but bigger) updates and that will also create some larger waves in the curves (both up and down). The cosmetic DLCs are a way for existing fans to keep supporting the game, though selling the base game to new players is also an important revenue for us.

Rock and Stone forever!

28 Jul

    /u/Soren_GSG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We create games to make the world a happier place so reading this puts a big smile on my face. So Dear Fans, from the bottom of our hearts: thank you!

20 May

    /u/Soren_GSG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Something_Syck

Hope they do it with all the default mesh color schemes

Just clarifying here: this is a fix for the MegaCorp (and Dark Future) paintjob only

14 May

    /u/Soren_GSG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Arthurya


Get these praises, you deserve them ! Like realy hard !

I'm just a gamer like everyone else. Playing the role of CEO at day, gaming at night.

13 May

    /u/Soren_GSG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Maxcalibur

I'd guess they purchased it, it's gotta be advertising space like anything else so it's probably up for rent

We got this based on our performance as an Early Acces game. To our knowledge, you cant pay Valve for promotion spots.

06 May

    /u/Soren_GSG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Beavers4beer

What happens to existing owners of the motherload edition? edit: a word

You will be able to buy the two new DLCs at a 20% discount using the Dwarven Legacy bundle. You will still own the base game, the supporter pack and the soundtrack (and you get the new soundtrack for free as a volume II).

01 May

    /u/Soren_GSG on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This should be fixed with the latest build on Experimental (so will be fixed in 1.0)