

31 Mar

Originally posted by xballislifex

The discrepancy between players is pretty clear that people enjoy spending 5-10 minutes straight just looting rather than actually fighting. Bring it on downvoters :D .

I love looting, I don't loot the whole game but looting items and being able to get your kit rather than spawn in with preselected items was the main selling point of the game to me.

Having a large variety of items that you can use is another reason why I love PUBG. Being able to play the game how I want and having to sometimes adapt to situations depending on what is available to me is huge for me as that means my experience will be different and fresh in each match.

Having more spawns of certain items reduces the item variety and the rng experience as a whole in my opinion which in turn becomes a more specific or repetitive experience rather than a more dynamic one.

I personally like the way loot is distributed on Erangel and Miramar and have not had issues with it. I'm perfectly fine playing with whatever cards have been dealt to me. I also want you to note that this is my personal feedback as a player!

Originally posted by Bubbles_012

The question I have for pubg Corp

Does normal mode have a different algorithm for loot distribution than ranked mode? Because in normal mode I will find a warehouse with 3 bags and two AR compensators. But in ranked mode it seems like the loot is more evenly distributed.

This is to do with loot tables. There are less items that need spawning in ranked than in normal mode which causes the loot to spawn more evenly (less items = more of the same items spawn everywhere) and creates a less rng experience, intended for ranked.

In the normal mode there are more items that can spawn which is why the loot can be more random and you can sometimes get a fully equipped weapon from 1 or 2 houses and sometimes you'd need to loot 2 compounds for that which is the intended experience for normal.

12 Mar

Hey man, thank you for reporting this. I hope the issue will get resolved asap. The devs are aware and are working on fixing it.

03 Mar

I loved Paramo's terrain! It has been frequently asked that we bring it back by adding it to customs (which I hope will happen!) but, we do not have any info regarding such plans to share at the moment. Really do appreciate the feedback though, keep it coming!

Hey MionelLessi10! We've fed this back to the team. They are aware and looking into the issue. If you encounter the issue again, please do let us know and share a video clip of it if possible! Thank you very much!

26 Feb

Originally posted by 9hyd

This is the warning screen I got last season -

My interpretation of this is that after seven days you would lose 100RP per day until you become Platinum 1 (because of the phrase "until you fall below Diamond") but I don't have personal experience of my rank decaying.

I don't think anything changed relating to decay for this season but maybe I missed it.

yep, this is correct! It starts decaying after 7 days of inactivity, 100rp per day until Plat 1 is reached.

24 Feb

I love the idea. I think it would fit in PUBG.

Originally posted by godkingnaoki

Sounds like an original way to add terrain advantage to an FPS. I like the concept in general.


Originally posted by Bubbles_012

I think on the other hand.. a jungle map like sanhok (where it’s hard to see) should allow for you to hear a pin drop in the bushes. Let’s say when you are standing still.. you should be able to hear the smallest of leafs being stepped on nearby. Walking hear less.. running hear less.

I also think birds should shit on campers. And attack snakes in the grass in the final circle

I would love to see someone in a bush get shat on, literally!

19 Feb

Originally posted by -AreYouKittenMe-

Thank you kind Sir. I was gonna try and use the Shield, but if I'm not mistaken it doesn't work for us EU players, or did I misunderstood something?

No, Emea means Europe, Middle East and Africa.

18 Feb

Originally posted by RUBIK1376

Are you kidding? You really think that the fact they fist fought at the end was this guy's suspicion of teaming? Did we watch the same clip?

You are right. I am not sure what happened there that caused me not to see the 3rd player alive, that is a clear case of teaming and both of those players got a suspension for it, thank you for your comment sir!

Originally posted by -AreYouKittenMe-

While we're at it... I've posted this 24 days ago, still nothing.

Edit: Appologies, the players have received a suspension for teaming as that is a clear case. Unsure what caused me not to see the 3rd player being killed in that video.

Sorry, the report is too old so there are no 2d replays available. The video showing the last 2 players alive dropping their guns to do a fist fight cannot be considered teaming in this case. Players going for a fist fight at the end of a match is an uncommon occurence but it still happens in game and that video alone is not enough to warrant a ban.

This is why we have Shield. A place where you can report players for cheating / teaming etc. It is not possible for us to catch all your reports "out in the wild" everywhere on the internet. Shield is a centralized place that allows us to work with players directly and help make the game a better place together!

For more info on Shield, please join our Discord and head to #pubg-shield channel! ...

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17 Feb

They've all been banned. I understand that it is frustrating to see cheaters going on a spree. Account of the cheater was suspended a few hours ago for investigation and is now perma banned.

10 Feb

Originally posted by keith_talent

From personal experience, 100% of the cheaters I’ve reported via PUBG Shield have been banned vs maybe 50-60% of my reports via in-game reporting.

Keep reporting them sir! We'll get them all.

Originally posted by hotsoccerdad

I never said I expect it to be 100% perfect. We all know the real issue has a lot to do with a specific geographic area that could be ping locked. They also won't explore that option nor implement hardware id bans. Hundreds of thousands accounts we're banned last year, and at this point in the game's life cycle (as it nears the end) things could have been done a long time ago. You could argue they did look at those options, but I don't see how when the number of banned accounts is through the roof. It would have been done already.

Hey man, hardware bans have been a thing since late 2019 but we all know that those can be avoided as well. We have explored introducing a ping lock on NA and EU servers - we have done a few tests in the early 2020 and it caused a lot of players from remote areas in these regions to not be able to play the game.

We understand that cheating is a big issue, the AC team is working tirelessly every day on improving our AC systems and staying ahead of cheaters. Hundreds of thousands of cheaters are being banned monthly, many of them detected before they even get into a match but as with the Anticheat vs Cheat being a cat and mouse game there are always some cheaters who avoid the AC, at least for a considerable amount of time before they are finally caught which is what this initiative aims to help resolve and we've been successful at it!

I often see reports of cheaters who have been banned quite a few times temporarily but always managed to elude the systems and it fee...

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09 Feb

Hey everyone!

Welcome to another PUBG Shield update! We are very grateful for all the support this initiative has received since we've launched into open beta and we want to say thank you to all the great players in our Discord server who are reporting and reviewing reports made by others.

Today, Shield is receiving a new feature - Leaderboard page, which will showcase some of the most active users in the system. We also want to express our gratitude by giving out some cool rewards to our most active users! Our leaderboard will showcase the most active reviewers from both Steam and Console platforms in the last 30 days.

We al...

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05 Feb

24 Jan

This is by design, after playing for a bit, the game will be able to allocate you in the higher mmr tier which will have the bot count reduced to a minimum of 20. It is as you said meant to allow new players to ease into the game a little bit and not have their first experience be getting destroyed by players with 4000 hours.

Hi Kohomologia! If your squad is not full you may leave without receiving a penalty in the first 5 minutes of the match. This time starts counting from the moment you find yourself in the airplane, not in the pre-match lobby.

21 Jan

I can't promise this will happen anytime soon but we have reported this to the team. Hopefully you'll get back to making duck noises after your kills asap!