

03 Apr


Thank you boss, for all your guidance, hard lessons and excellent memories. Gonna cherish them, hopefully, you'll be leading me once again in the future. One thing for sure, lifetime friendship forged out of this.


Love you buddy,

02 Apr


Hey u/BrandoCalrissian9229,

Hopefully responding to this to as best of my ability as I can, but if you're ever unsure you need to contact EA Help for assistance about EA services. But this is Sony-level stuff I personally feel,

Sorry to see that this has happened, this scenario is absolutely why we must take extra measures to ensure the safety of our accounts. Be it through the likes of Two Factor Authentication on your Sony account or even on the email address login its...

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01 Apr


Originally posted by Excellent501

You're experiencing a milestone glitch, ignore anyone who says otherwise. u/T0TALfps was helping people with this sometimes but he doesn't seem to be very active. You could see if it gets fixed next update.

Yes, not very active at the moment as I recently got out of Hospital two days ago. I am partially around where and when I can be. May be back more next week pending on how i feel and chats with bossman :)

In regards to the subject at hand, please send me a private message with your platform, the username for that platform and the milestone you're having a issue with.

Worth also noting that when this issue was first reported I had assisted the WWCE team and they should now be able to fix it via live support.

Stay safe brothers,

25 Mar


Happy to help during these rather strange and eventful times!

Take care of yourself, stay inside and get gaming! Fix that disc drive up later on! :)

Enjoy, from all at DICE Stockholm.


You've got mail, u/Dark_Knight39.
Stay Home. Stay Safe. Together Brothers.

23 Mar


With the update being delayed by a couple of weeks, the community transmission discussing the details of that update would naturally be delayed also.

This gives us more breathing room to add or remove things such as fixes/tweaks as we navigate through those additional weeks, rather than releasing the Community Transmission weeks ahead and things changing during that time.

The intention then is to commit to things definitively, rather than amping up the release of it. We're excited just as much as everyone else is, but it has to be done right :)

21 Mar


Xbox had currently gone through server instability, your celebration edition items will return to you as soon as servers are restored. Fear not, those items will always be returned to you.

20 Mar


A few changes to declare with this event:

  • Unlimited Power is also available on Supremacy alongside the originally planned Galactic Assault mode.
  • Battle Point reduction has been increased to 90% instead of the originally planned 75%, because we felt there wasn't going to be enough chaos. \cackles**

Enjoy Unlimited Power, let the chaos begin!!


Originally posted by Abroad92

god no, not again. it was just a few weeks ago.

The last time we had Unlimited Power was actually Jan 1st 2019. Some may confuse this with Heroes Unleashed form of gameplay, this isnt that. This is chaos and we've only ever done it once before today. :)


Originally posted by I_Rate_Your_Posts_

Come on dude you know they don’t care



Quick tip, if you use Discord jump in on this subs community server. You can find others that share the same platform, timezone and interests there. More gaming buddies makes the world go round!

Good luck!



There are plenty of reasons that someone may need to drop out of the match for.

Granted, some do drop out because they are losing and that is absolutely poor sportsmanship and if it affects your experience enough you can go ahead and ignore/block them.

But then there are valid reasons too such as internet drop out, a platform level crash, dashing to the loo, a piano fell on the house, they just won the toilet roll lottery (okay, maybe not them last two, but still!)

And while it may be aggravating that it instantly puts things at a disadvantage for that single moment, there will always be another match in the grand scheme of things.


Hi there,

We'll try to get things up and running again but help us fill in the blanks here by sending me a private message with the following information if you can and I will do my best to escalate it through to the team. Alternatively, you can also contact EA Help via this link.

Information I'd need to get some form of information back from the team:

  • What platform are you on?
  • When did you purchase the Celebration Edition?
  • What is your EA account name (or if it's on a third-party platform, what is your Gamertag or PSN ID?)
  • ...
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Hi there,

We'll try to get things up and running again but help us fill in the blanks here by sending me a private message with the following information if you can and I will do my best to escalate it through to the team. Alternatively, you can also contact EA Help via this link.

Information I'd need to get some form of information back from the team:

  • What platform are you on?
  • When did you purchase the Celebration Edition?
  • What is your EA account name (or if it's on a third-party platform, what is your Gamertag or PSN ID?)
  • ...
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Maintenance was merely server maintenance and nothing to impact the core gameplay experience, Unlimited Power is still on its way and will be active throughout this weekend. Prepare for chaos!

17 Mar


This sub has it's very own Discord channel, great place to start. All the Ewoks hang out there, a droid and his master too, whoever they are.

15 Mar


I came in here preparing to congratulate you on the job done in leveling these spinny boys up, but no, instead I am here with utter disappointment.

Disappointment in that you are limiting yourself from experiencing the sheer joy that these heroes bring. Expand them horizons sir and experience something different!


Congratulations, a most valiant effort indeed!

14 Mar


Originally posted by Firaxyiam

And here I am with no internet for 2 weeks because I'm moving out. Oh well.

Safe travels to you!

13 Mar


Originally posted by Chickachic-aaaaahhh

Is the cycler rifle being updated? Because it needs to be updated. . .

We're looking into it.