

01 Feb


Originally posted by kaldin-battlefrontII

I love this game

We love you!


Originally posted by roboi501

I'm just asking when it's coming

The BB Update?

Monday, we'll be locking down deployment times on the day.

30 Jan


Originally posted by superbeagleman

i dont see anything towards a february update, are we still getting a february update?

While we may have shown confirmed updates on them in the past, Community Calendars​ are about events going on throughout the month, not about any possible update.

29 Jan


Originally posted by ovalcircle1

Would you look at that. It specifies the modes now instead of saying "Across all modes".

Yes, I took the communities advice onboard with that :)


Hey Folks,

It would appear that this was released a little bit too early, some events are still being locked down, however, due to the way PlayStation Events works it had gone live a little too far in advance. We will be releasing the full Community Calendar once we've got everything sorted and approved.

The event for this weekend is accurate, Jan 31st - Feb 3rd we will be having a Fast Spawn Event across the Assault Modes playlist.

Roger, Roger.

28 Jan


Originally posted by 6RogerRoger6

January 30th, which is oddly enough my actual birthday.

We all hope you have a fantastic Birthday! o7.


Originally posted by dart278

F8RGE: I am going to post this meme.

Mods: But it's not Saturday!

F8RGE: 👋 I am going to post this meme. 👋


26 Jan


On behalf of the team, welcome aboard!!


This is the first i've heard of this bug and I had tried to be around as much as possible during the holidays too, out of curiosity did you take any footage or screenshot showing that you had completed it? Have you tried to get in touch with EA Help to see if they could send through the item manually? What platform did this occur on?


Originally posted by Eek_the_Fireuser

I'm picturing you and Ben in the office, when Ben walks past you quckly tab out of microsoft paint, Ben asks:

"What are you doing?"



Then a few hours later when Ben see's this:


You're awesome! :D


Originally posted by Diamond8633

Did I just find a new background? nice!

I'm glad this droid could assist you today, sir.

25 Jan


Originally posted by F8RGE

BB-8 rolls up

Beep boop?

24 Jan


Little bit of a surprise addition this weekend. We also felt it was needed as we had an issue over the holidays where Double XP Wednesday would take precedence over the Triple XP event that was ongoing at the time.

Go get that XP!

22 Jan


Today's been a bit of a rough day as I'm a little bit ill, but coming home to seeing this has really perked me up. Thank you for this, you're too kind!

It's an honour and gift to be able to represent such a community as this, I don't speak about it often (though I'm sure Master Ben Walke is tired of hearing it) but from being here day one and going through all of the rough (with a fair bit of good along that way too) to the stage we are at now, is truly nothing short of remarkable and the amount of pride I feel for each and every one of you in this community, knows no bounds.

Keep being awesome, and since u/ficerc mentioned it...

Roger, Roger.

21 Jan


This is usually a sign of a latency issue, if your ISP and the game servers are not communicating sufficiently enough then the game will tend to plant you until it begins receiving enough data.

I would suggest that you open you open the ports listed on our EA Help site and go through any troubleshooting for your router, if that doesn't resolve it get in touch with our support team for further ​help.


Originally posted by St0rmO1

Every character with capes have the same problems, it got worse since the "Roger Roger" update. Since that update, Lando, Vader, Dooku's cape gone broken. There's way too much clipping issues with the heroes right now. The old players might remember that Vader didn't have any problem with his cape at launch, it was perfectly animated and there were no clipping, now his arms goes through his cape with every movement he does. Even Phasma's cape is weird though there is no clipping, it's sort of distorted. Han has his gun holster clipping through his leg with the Yavin ceremeony skin.. This may be nitpicking but if there's more and more as skins are added, Kylo's Supreme leader appearence suffer clipping issues too, except it's very minor.

u/F8RGE u/T0TALfps please Can these clipping issues be flagged? It's getting annoying to play characters because of that...

Someone had reported this to me a week or so ago and it was forwarded through to the team to investigate at that time. Unsure on the status of it and when/if it may get resolved, but it is definitely in our system :)




Originally posted by TugonmaNutz

Not related, but any word if what happened to the stinger pistol is a bug or an intentional nerf? Just looking for clarity, it wasn’t mentioned anywhere in any patch notes.

As always, feel free to drop me a message with context and I'll try and look into it. Not personally seen anything on it so i cannot state offhand but I'll gladly look into it.


Originally posted by IAN1014093

Its honestly what a lot of people would like but DICE even giving a crap...😬😬😬

It's not a case of giving a crap (we wouldn't be here if we didn't give​ a crap), it's more a case of where to allocate time and priorities on the list, and ofcourse the things that DICE wish to achieve with the game themselves too.

Motto is never say never, we do take on a lot of feedback and we definitely hear the community ask for this mode a lot too, just that there are other focuses ongoing at the moment.

Watching people establish a little code via emotes and lightsaber usages to initiate a duel over this past year or so has been quite a charming thing to witness.


Each month we tend to hold temporarily modified rulesets on certain modes, this weekend it was a reinforcements based event which reduces the cost of them in certain modes.

You can check out the planned events via the Community Calendar that we put out​ near the start of every month, and that is usually located in the sidebar of this sub too!