

21 Sep


Originally posted by Cupcakehandler

You are doing CODgod/CODZombies works. Blessings

The devs are the true magic makers. The positivity in this thread is definitely appreciated. :)


Originally posted by LiesSometimes

Not a bother if you're sharing actual issues/feedback items

Shit man, what a burn. My issues/feedback aren’t real because the community manager got offended.

Here’s my “actual issues/feedback” for the dev team. Tell them to implement proper fixes for the pathing issues instead of cutting off pieces of maps to fix what should have been caught in QA (guess that’s kinda hard when we ARE the QA…)? Tell them to stop ruining legitimate camp spots (climb-up spots) that have existed for years? Tell them to focus on things that break the paid aspect of their game before implementing half-assed fixes for things that don’t affect the game anywhere near as much as using the customization people paid to use?

Ah, hell. We both know you don’t give an actual f**k about anything aside from looking good for Reddit and their “Reddit moments”. Call people out for that then slink away when getting called out for your “Treyarch moments” of laziness and ...

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Look, your initial post was an off-topic slight over a steadfast opinion. I respect the core of the conversation you actually want to have, but you're steeping it in this aggressive, chip-on-my-shoulder delivery which makes it easy to disengage from.

Perhaps if you had delivered a more structured statement elsewhere it would entertain some kind of conversation or positive exchange, but this isn't what happened. It was literally a Reddit moment. You want to be incendiary and you got called out on it.

I will absolutely move past posts like yours for those who want to handle themselves better as that is the discretion I wield in this position.


Originally posted by Jimi56

I don’t want to be too much of a bother, but I was playing a match last night and couldn’t access the Tombstone perk stash whenever I would respawn.

I tested it out a bit and it would only work if I died while I was a ghost. Don’t know if you guys are already looking into this or not, but just wanted to let you know.

Not a bother if you're sharing actual issues/feedback items in a situation like this. I'll make sure to push your experience to our team.


Originally posted by LiesSometimes

Simply put, fixing things can sometimes take time.

Unless it’s a zombie jump up spot, the Firebase Z ledge or the Mauer der Toten truck. Then it seems to take no time at all.

Funny how that works…

Reddit moment.


Originally posted by dJeyL33

Also, the Outbreak Survival mode is live :)

Hopping into a game right now to make sure the blueprints glitch is reasonably fixed.

Edit: seems fine! There’s a little delay before you get your weapon back in your hands but it gets the right custom mod now. Not even “thanks but that’s not what I asked for” anymore :)

Also, the Outbreak Survival mode is live :)

Hopping into a game right now to make sure the blueprints glitch is reasonably fixed.

Edit: seems fine! There’s a little delay before you get your weapon back in your hands but it gets the right custom mod now. Not even “thanks but that’s not what I asked for” anymore :)

For thread context: We'll be addressing the slight delay in some future updates. The fix for this has been a process, but our team has taken it seriously the entire way through. Simply put, fixing things can sometimes take time.


Originally posted by MonsterHunter6353

Yeah before they just said the fix was for doing it too fast but most of the time people were getting the issue on their first blueprint change so I guess it was a different bug they fixed before

Yeah before they just said the fix was for doing it too fast but most of the time people were getting the issue on their first blueprint change so I guess it was a different bug they fixed before

This. We've addressed multiple bugs per the descriptions we've received from the community and our own investigations. This new fix should address most issues. Players who swap BPs too fast may encounter some issues, but we have more fixes coming later this week and we'll then make some adjustments in a major update to make the process faster/better for most.

10 Sep


Originally posted by Tankerace42

Tagging /u/TreyarchCM in case they see this, I made some observations today and I might know the culprit - I think it's the Mic Drop gesture causing the problems. Before the patch it did not have a voiceline, and the gesture itself was bugged as on player models the microphone would appear over the player's hand before it was dropped. Today in testing, I noticed that there was a new voiceline ("Boom: Crushed it.") which shows that so far this is the only working bundle gesture, and the graphic error has been resolved. On player models now, I can see them holding the mic and actually dropping it.

I also noticed that with the exception of Crank Job, all of the voice lines seemed to work appropriately in Warzone, if that makes any difference.

Thanks for taking the time to write this up. This was shared with the team internally and it looks like a fix should release tomorrow.

09 Sep

08 Sep


Originally posted by thesquareman

but what about a Strafe Run... what shoots that down?

Unless I'm mistaken, you can technically shoot that down too just as you could in Black Ops 4 with a ZRG.


Originally posted by xwolf360

Hi, I just wanted to say that I bought cw with 50% off and I gotta say I am loving it. As a casual player on the ps5 I am having a great time.

Glad you're having fun! Definitely jump into Zombies too! We've made a new Dark Aether story and the main quests are rather streamlined to introduce players to Zombies.


The change to adjust the Tec-9 and EM2 was accidentally reverted and we'll recommit to that. Expect the changes to be made when Season 5 Reloaded launches.

07 Sep


You can shoot down a H.A.R.P. with a ZRG 20mm + Cavalry Lancer barrel.

04 Sep


Thanks for tagging!

  1. Beta Concerns: Studio doesn't have control over how they are rolled out but our Support pages normally have details on how to access/use beta codes. Yes, most, if not all, of our titles now give you access to the early portion of the beta for your platform if you have a digital pre-order. The last few days of the beta are also almost always open now.
  2. Reporting: I understand that you're sharing that you couldn't report, and I'll forward that portion along to our team at a minimum, but we can't operate on hearsay when it comes to enforcement. I understand you have your suspicions, which is where in-game reporting would come, but we have to err on the side of caution when enforcing.

28 Aug


Originally posted by MyNameIzPenguin

Well this post is just meant for a more public report on a guy who is most likely hacking, I just want u/TreyarchCM to look into this person, but if you would like more convincing I could always look at theater mode to see if there's anything else I can pull from there. We didn't really give him much of a chance to kill us this game, but we did go against him the game before this one so we were just testing the waters for sure if he was, because he was doing very suspicious stuff last game.

The ingame report feature doesn't really seem to work half the time

I understand that you don't trust the in-game reporting features, but it is always the best course of action to take. Our team is served all of the relevant information needed when a report is filed.

26 Aug


Originally posted by 2ndbA2

Ive always wondered are devs usually really good at their own games? Like obviously depending on what they worked on they know some parts and spawns inside and out but sometimes there’s just shit you can’t anticipate it like bxr or are devs just really average across the board?

I'm back on my new main since this is more of a CM question.

In-game skill is a spectrum (Great, Average, Novice), and I would say that most are Average, just like the community. The level of understanding of their expertise is excellent, though, and we, alongside other studios, definitely have talent that moves from studio to studio or genre to genre. So skill and brand knowledge fluctuate, but most become acclimated over time, and we all love games anyway.

22 Aug


Originally posted by LilElvis101

I made a post about this the other day, and it got removed for seemingly no reason. And it's concerning, because I've checked the dev team's Trello Board and this doesn't seem to be listed as a known issue in Zombies.

/u/TreyarchCM, I can confirm that since the latest patch, applying blueprints in all Zombies modes seems to cause a myriad of strange loadout corrupting glitches, including duplicating weapons into non-existent weapon slots, stripping upgrades or completely overwriting other weapons, the duplicated weapons cannot be dropped under any circumstance, any attempt to upgrade them will eat points and salvage with no yield, and will cause guns picked up from the weapon box to be lost to the void.

We're aware of this one. Context as to why it isn't on the board and how things go onto the board. I'll check with our team tomorrow to see where we're at and will try to get something up for it soon.

21 Aug


Originally posted by LetTheFloorHitTheBod

People are literally selling cold war wallhacks for $10/month on discord but apparently some guy shouting nonsense is your top priority..

Edit: oof the cheaters are downvoting hard when they are called out

People are literally selling cold war wallhacks for $10/month on discord but apparently some guy shouting nonsense is your top priority..

Edit: oof the cheaters are downvoting hard when they are called out

I debated on responding to you, but I feel like there's some due diligence on my side to provide some insight here.

My priorities as a Community Manager vary day-by-day, but our dedicated teams' priorities for various systems that comprise Call of Duty often do not. The people in charge of and responsible for anti-cheat and policy enforcement are actively performing their jobs. The same can be said of our engineers, designers, producers, artists, and many more.

Cheating is a proverbial cat-and-mouse game. It, unfortunately, has been and will be a part of the collective gaming history. The same can be said of racism, sexism, xenophobia, and much more. This reality, however, doesn't mean that we can't strive to be better ...

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Originally posted by Red_Ryderr

I just know his name is "NoName"

I'll shoot you a DM.


Please DM me any additional information about this player. A full ID would be appreciated if you have it.