Yah, working on getting something back that can accomplish the feels / experience these brought. Lots and lots of stuff to fix.
Yah, working on getting something back that can accomplish the feels / experience these brought. Lots and lots of stuff to fix.
GZ OP! Also Tryndamere, you probably don't remember but I still own the Teemo statue and the letter Riot sent out in season 1 :D I think you guys kept your goals.
Edit: Actually funny story, they sent out a signed letter with your most played champ. I mained twitch but changed my in-game name around the time they sent those out. To keep my old name I created a lvl 1 account with only Alistair and Garen on it. You could get this Alistair skin and a Garen skin for free. I played 1 game on that account and ended up with the Alistar signed letter haha. I think it makes a nice story tho!
Hah! Blast from the past - love it
Sending love your way Annie Bot
Should we summon ? Lets see if it works... u/Tryndamere might be able to give a heads up -_-
We’ll provide an update when we’re ready - the team is making progress.
The team is working on a solution
Go team!
Once upon a time, Riot hosted forums and participated in them. Reddit has been but a pale shade of what the old forums used to be.
True story
Super dope - thx for putting this together and sharing!
Can I ask where the name comes from? :D
One of my EQ characters - a Barbarian Warrior named Tryndamere on the Tallon Zek server. I was part of and then led a single team only PvP guild called Human Retribution. So when we were making a barbarian warrior - the team dug the name.
I didn't know, can you share your favorite champion style? Melee or ranged?
I can only play with ranged champions because of my spine and my eyes. There are a lot of clicks and I always get lost in the confusion of champions, I prefer to stay away thinking strategically.
I like them both - just depends on what I’m playing. I go melee junglers and tops usually, usually ranged mids and obviously ADC’s. My favorite supports are Thresh and Lux - but I also throw in a Leona from time to time :)
Would you happen to know who designed the original Kayle? She was & still is my favorite champion, even if I can't play her anymore.
I don’t recall who did her kit, but Brandon and I collaborated on her original look and idea (justice Angel in plate wielding a flaming sword of righteous justice). In the early days, we had a very open and collaborative design process where everyone at the company could be involved in ideation if they wanted to.
Oh! I believed that the champion was created by yourself!
Nah, the team just named him after me.
He has the CEO buff, he is Marck Merill's champ.
His name on Twitter is also Tryndamere.
His user name on Reddit is u/Tryndamere
Hey, Guinsoo designed him, just sayin!
Read moreI'm hesitant to get involved in this conversation, but whatever.
Did you permaban "Tryndamere"? cause I just op.gg'd it and it was played on two months ago, unless someone else got that name in S6.
I think it's great that you apologized, and I think it's great you paid a fine; I hope it wasn't just a tax write-off, but again it's whatever.
All this stuff has already been discussed at great length years ago https://www.reddit.com/r/leagueoflegends/comments/533ak3/competitive_ruling_marc_tryndamere_merrill_s2_elo/My problem with this whole debacle is just as stories evolve, grow (and in this case get stinkier and more negative) so has the boosting/account sharing scene. It used to be, from my limited understanding, stuff done in the wild west days of League by pros eking out a living helping out poor Riot Found...
No, I banned the account and moved the name to a different account, so the name is still me. That’s why you won’t see data on that account for the first several years, despite my original account being one of the first ever made.
I perma-banned my own account and paid voluntarily paid the “fine” on top for letting some friends play on my account - to a charity that does great work in the inner city. That’s why I don’t even use my original League account.
I was not aware. Then I retract my statement.
The whole “omg you’re on the board” thing is like… so? I volunteer time and give money to a charity and yet people position that like somehow it’s self-dealing.
I agree with this. I never thought that was the problem at all.
Btw, cheeky question since I know you also appreciate the video game designs of the 00s, any chance that Riot is considering a game mode or something for League that is more in the sense of old school MOBA game design? :)
Depends on how you define “old school moba” - but we’re in the process of leveling up the events team and are working on getting back to fun craziness :)
Like a sports team, a lot of game dev is about the team and sometimes you need to go through re-building phases (especially since we’ve “gone wider” and have spread people out across many many projects at Riot).
Whatever the punishment is, Tryndamere's account should have gotten it.
Then if he wanted, he could choose to donate to charity as well on the side to show good faith and it would be very commendable.
I perma-banned my own account and paid voluntarily paid the “fine” on top for letting some friends play on my account - to a charity that does great work in the inner city. That’s why I don’t even use my original League account.
The internet rumor mill is fascinating to watch how stories evolve, grow with the telling, etc. The stink of things that are close to the truth but positioned negatively sticks around - which is one of the things bad actors and trolls thrive on. The whole “omg you’re on the board” thing is like… so? I volunteer time and give money to a charity and yet people position that like somehow it’s self-dealing.
And he fined himself ten grand for account sharing and elo boosting and then gave it all to a charity that he was on the board of. Which, of course, turned out to be some kind of weird ass cult.
Riot Games is a whimsical place.
Why is it weird to give money to a charity I dedicate time to? https://www.cityyear.org/los-angeles/