

31 May

30 May


Originally posted by RogueIceberg

Sexual orientation should not be a trait, it should have a different section instead

I've seen this thought a few times, though, so I figured it was worth explaining why it works the way it does.

A major goal in UI design is to reduce noise. You don't want to repeat the same information if the player can easily deduce that information. Otherwise you're forcing the player to read words that don't carry information, which increases cognitive load for no benefit.

For example, every character in RimWorld is somewhere on the spectrum of industriousness. Some are lazy, some are typical, and some are hard-working. However, since the vast majority of characters are of average industriousness, we reduce noise by omitting this information. When the player sees nothing about industriousness, an average level in this trait is implied. Players understand this ~100% of the time.

It's the game UI version of Strunk and White's classic writing advice: "Omit needless words."

The same goes for the other traits in the game - psychopathy, move speed, nat...

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29 May

28 May

27 May

26 May

24 May

23 May


Originally posted by ----buster----

I had a look at the way WeatherOverlay creates its material, which is the MatLoader class, which requires a "path" parameter. It then appends this path to "Materials/" and casts an Object created by Resources.Load(appended_path) to a Material.

I guess my question is now, where is the "Materials/"? Is it an actual folder, or is this just a pseudo-folder system that Unity uses?

Anyways, I'll try looking at the original assets with some sort of program like you said, thanks for the suggestion.

Edit0: couldn't seem to find any legit ways to look into Unity assets.

Edit1: also just noticed that the "moveSpeedMultiplier" in WeatherDefs doesn't seem to have any effect. Is this deprecated? Edit2: I'm stupid, it does work

Materials/ is in the unity assets. I think there is software that can browse unity asset packs.