05 Nov



Welcome back, Freelancers,

They say these long dark nights bring us together during this season. It’s not just about needing the light anymore—anyone can set up a torch or turn on a light. No, it’s about the people, Freelancer. The people you fight for, and the people we live with every day.

Stories get shared around the fires of Fort Tarsis during this time. One of them was shared last week. This week’s story isn’t really a happy tale—most aren’t even sure how it ends—but it’s a reminder:

Freelancers are heroes to the people of Bastion, but when a hero doe...

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29 Oct


Originally posted by mauriciogonvi

Mass effect armors when?




Welcome Freelancers,

Apologies for the delay on this one, but I figured better late than never!

As the season of darkness continues on, shrouds of fog dance with kindled embers across Bastion. Are you partaking in any of the festivities, or do you prefer to venture out into the wilds and taken on the threats that lie beyond our walls?

Perhaps you saw, ...

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22 Oct


Originally posted by excaliburps

Is there a patch for this or just a server-side update?

Server side update, similar to the Cataclysm weekly updates. You won’t need to download a patch or anything.

21 Oct



Happy Season of Skulls, Freelancers!

Though this is the first time all of you are partaking in the festivities of Bastion, the Season of Skulls is a time-honored tradition.

When darkness gathers across the lands, the wayfaring peoples of Bastion kindle torches, braziers, and bonfires to bring back the light. When painful memories cling to us about those who fell before their time, memories of joy, friendship, and camaraderie arise to take their place. When despair tries to take us and we feel more alone than ever, humanity comes together to cherish one another. It is a time of darkness and terrors, yes, but also a time of hope, remembrance, and light.

The world around us isn’t safe. That’s nev...

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04 Oct


Hi there. Our support team would like to look into what might be causing this for you.

If you don't mind, please reach out to us at https://help.ea.com/en/anthem/anthem.

25 Sep


Originally posted by CelticMadness

Thanks for keeping Echoes around a bit longer. Are the events going to rotate or change at all? Or is that still up in the air?


More events might open up later, but no promises right now. It’s not meant to be the full Cataclysm.

24 Sep


Greetings, Freelancers.

Many of you may have noticed that the Cataclysm content is… well… not totally gone. Technically, the Cataclysm event has officially ended, as planned. However, the team decided to leave some of the elements for you to play until the next content release. With that in mind, here’s what we’ve decided to leave open until the next seasonal update:

  • The Echoes of Reality portion of the Cataclysm will remain open for you to enjoy
  • You will still retain and earn Crystals in the EoR runs

With that said, we know we have some various UI bugs we did not anticipate. The team is working to resolve these. Here are the details you should know:

  • We’ll bring back the Seasonal Store later this week, so you can spend the remaining Crystals you have, while you continue to earn them in the content still in the live game.
  • Second (and this one is important), your Crystals will not carry over...
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23 Sep


Updated with the top scores from Week 5-6. Congrats on the high scores! I wasn't sure if 20M would be reached, but at least 2 squads actually achieved it (both on PC).

Runner-up at 20,393,562 were:

  • Nevasoul
  • Elementarian
  • ElFishPreslyy
  • TheNewDisease

High there - Do you mind reporting this to our support team so they can look into your account to see what the problem might be?



We're still here. :)

Announcements will come when they're ready to show, but the team is still working on things.

16 Sep


Originally posted by 3dom

It took only six hours of F5 button mashing to see this post!




Welcome to the 7th and final week of the Cataclysm! I’ll keep this intro short, but let’s have a look at what you can expect this week in the Echoes of Reality, Freeplay and Seasonal Store.

Cataclysm “Echoes of Reality” Changes:

  • Arenas - The last event was added to the Cataclysm in Week 5, so you won’t need to learn any new ones this time. Now, it’s all about maximizing your runs and scores.
  • Inversions - You’ll have a couple of new wrinkles to contend with on Inversions this week:
    • Broken Magazine: Weapons have no spare ammo, but enemies drop ammo more often....
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12 Sep


Hey there, sorry you're having issues. Please reach out to help.ea.com or @EAHelp on Twitter for technical support.

11 Sep


Originally posted by Patm8930

Hi UNTDdrew, on the new update 1.4.1 that just got live.. just so u know.. melee dmg and combo dmg aint bck to where it was before 1.4.

Can u let us know why is that pls?

Thank u

Our team has been made aware and is looking into it. Thank you.

10 Sep


This is cool of you to share. Congrats on the high score!


Originally posted by Geek70

It’s not? The guns were back in the vault last night, though. Damn

That is where it's a little confusing. That part was a server side fix, while the rest requires a patch. So you are correct; that part is already in.


Originally posted by boven69

Patch 1.4.1 is not live as far as I can tell.

It's not live yet, no.


FYI, this was published a bit early this time, but the hope is to have this patch out tomorrow.