05 Sep


Hello Freelancers,

Thank you for all your feedback over the last couple of days following the release of our 1.4.0 Patch. As many of you have discovered and communicated to us, we have a few issues the team is addressing ASAP (listed below). The good news is, we did not intentionally “stealth nerf” anything. The less good news is, fixing these bugs will require a patch, which the team is feverishly working on now. We’ll have full details in our Patch notes, but here are some of the bigger ones...

  • Some damage formulas  from Gear & Weapons are not functioning as intended.
  • Some Support items are not functioning as intended.
  • Jarra’s Wrath is, well… “kinda” OP (yeah, we know)

Finally, since we know this may have put a slight damper on this update for many of you, we have decided to extend Week 5 of the Cataclysm an extra week. You’ll now be able to play with all the current Inversions and...

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04 Sep


Friendly reminder :)

If you have a bug or issue to report, please do so HERE.

If you have some feedback on the latest Patch or Update, you can also share it with us HERE.

... Read more

03 Sep


Since there are a lot of understandable questions about it, I don't have details to share on 1.4.0 yet, other than the fact that this is a Patch and we'll have notes on it tomorrow. :)



Greetings once again Freelancers,

Welcome to Week 5 of the Cataclysm. I hope you all enjoyed the new weapons added last week to the War Chests and experimenting with various combinations to maximize your DPS and various builds. Or, maybe you just liked shooting Wyverns in the face with lighting bolts… that’s cool too.

This week, we are not taking away the Weapon War Chests… or the Melee War Chests… And we’re adding back in all the other previous War Chests (Gear and Support) plus adding 4 brand new War Chests, detailed below. We think this will give you the freedom to spend Crystals however you want. We ...

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28 Aug


Updated with Week 3 scores. :)

26 Aug


Originally posted by Jaydude2001

Well then it shouldn't be a matchmade activity, it should be like a Destiny raid where you have to gather your own group. It's too complicated to be done with randoms.

You always have the option to still do that though. We haven't removed the option to form your own group.


Originally posted by Biggy_DX

Hey Drew. I can't remember if it was you or another dev who mentioned something about wanting to not let the Cataclysm content go to waste after the event ends. Does the team have plans (or ideas) for it once this event is over?

I cannot share future plans for Anthem, but the team is committed to it; same as always.


Originally posted by jroades267

Can someone please tell us if we'll have an upcoming week with all warchests? Or are we just screwed on gear if we missed out? /u/UNTDrew really need some answers on this man.

I cannot comment about future updates, but I'll have another Cortext next Monday.


Originally posted by 3dom

Pulse Accelerators, Volt Casters and Blade Slingers (all with three additional MW/LEG variants) are available in ... loot drops.

In loot drops?

No. That was a mistake. I have corrected. Sorry about that.


Originally posted by Terlet20

"teamwork is key and utilising communication with your squadmates will help optimize your time"... so skip this one then?

No more than usual. I try to emphasize this more for people who aren't accustomed to the Cataclysm. It's not meant to solo.


NOTE: I made a mistake originally on the new weapons coming in drops. It's been corrected in the notes, but the new weapons are only obtainable from War Chests (which you can purchase with Crystals or earn by completing the Daily Challenges, as usual). One way it's different than previous Daily Challenges though, is that the weapons are not javelin specific.

Sorry for the confusion.



Hello again Freelancers,

I saw many of you sharing your screenshots and video clips of all Legendary javelins, following the addition of Masterwork and Legendary Support items in the Week 3 War Chests (which were previously unavailable at all). In this Community Cortex, I’m going to walk through some of the Cataclysm changes you can look forward to this week, including some new additions that many of you have been asking about. So let's get to it…

Cataclysm “Echoes of Reality” Changes:

  • “Crucible of Astrid” Event  - This week we add the next arena to the Cataclysm, which you will want to finish before going to...
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23 Aug

20 Aug


Originally posted by mordind

You didn’t address the war chest issues....dups and most hard earned rights to open chest results in only items for javelins you don’t play. Could you please address that?

Your statement is inaccurate. Items from War Chests are random. They do not grant "only items for javelins you don’t play." They can grant for any of the javelins. With them being random, yes, you also have the odds of getting a duplicate (although, I would be surprised if you also got duplicate inscription rolls in all slots).


Originally posted by davidmako

Thanks for clarifying. But I need to say that I really HATE this decision. I applauded it last week to keep the melee chest (and I understand the reason for that) but I have made quiet a few new gaming acquaintances over the last weekend and they haven't had nearly as much chance to get the gear pieces. Please, reconsider or bring them back for the final week of the event.

And I would really appreciate a way to bulk craft major crystals/sigils/deconstruct all or multiple items on mission end screen. Cheers

I hear you. Thanks for the feedback.


Originally posted by BaobabOFFCL

Thaaanks man!!!

This has been the most fun ive had playing


Glad to hear it. :)

19 Aug


Originally posted by Painmak3r

But why is melee staying?

I don't like this, we've had an extra week for melee, why not at least one for gear?

Reason: Players returning to the game would have had really weak Melee Weapons if they missed those. We're leaving this one in since it's a brand new weapon slot.

(This was based on PTS feedback, as well.)


Originally posted by itsmehonest

Awesome. Loving it so far! Just wanted to check as well - completed the challenge which unlocks the blueprint for new weapons ...I'm assuming those won't be available to make until the weapon chest is out? :)

New weapons are not in yet. That is correct. We will obviously let you all know when they are.


Just so it's "Crystal" clear: Gear War Chests are leaving tomorrow. Get 'em while they're hot (i.e. If you need Gear).