Reading through all this feedback. Thanks to those of you who have taken the time to write it out in detail and contextualize your experiences so far with the PTS. It's appreciated.
Reading through all this feedback. Thanks to those of you who have taken the time to write it out in detail and contextualize your experiences so far with the PTS. It's appreciated.
I do. And the people on my friendlist as well. I even got some coming back online to check 1.2 out. How come this thread does not get the Bioware reply flag? Have you to set that or does a bot do this and he does not know you yet?
Hmm. Not sure. Would have to ask a Mod on that one.
Love it.
Uhhhmmm... I don't think they did anything to graphics, but I'm glad you're enjoying the update!
Man, I really need to grab this wrap. Looks great on your Ranger!
Did you get a chance to catch up with Brenton on this? I’m also very interested in how luck works.
So.... now you kinda know why I didn't answer this. Luck is basically going away with the Cataclysm update (as Ben mentioned on stream yesterday).
Sorry for the late response, btw.
It's getting close to the end of May... you guys are being honest with us right?
I ended the Story.
Yep it did Work from some of the suggestions
Good to hear. I am trying to track down additional details, so if you could provide the mission, story, chapter, etc. that would be helpful. Either way, glad it's working again for you.
Hey there /u/RainbowTeaman -- Can I get some more information from you?
if you like Jesse so much, WHy dONt U maRRy HIm tHeN????
Umm... Is this a bad time to mention i'M nOt jEsSe?
if it was not for the devtracker or the ATG_Bot i could not even find your comments in this thread because of how worked up the community is.
Should those of us that actually look for updates on the games besides going to this subreddit for the drama book the end of May as the date where we might get some updates on what you are working on?
Not being sarcastic here because i know that if you are ever going to fix your game you have a lot of work ahead of you that will take quite some time to implement.
As Ben & Chad stated in the post a couple weeks back (, we plan to give an update on the Cataclysm in May. I can't give you an exact date... yet.
I am officially jealous.
Have you informed them that it's not just the titan in hor but pretty much all apex mobs ?
They're looking into all reported instances.
Actualizar el grifo de botín
Crap.. your language patch bug makes my English into Spanish now too
Aún no tenemos nada nuevo que compartir sobre el botín.
Well, what people mean is that you use so few words that it's hard to know what you mean. You say that the team is looking into it, but surely the team knows whether this was an intended stealth nerf or a bug? Since they know that, you can share that.
If you would use more words, and write in a normal talkative and friendly tone, the response would be much better.
Just an earnest advice from a tired freelancer.
Fair question. This is not an intended change, no.
Could you ask permission to share with us the Anthem team's current top three priorities?
For example:
- Stability improvements / bug fixes
- Gameplay / Gameflow adjustments
- New content (strongholds, events, missions, items etc)
- Loot (tweaks, adjustments, additions, system changes? system redesign?)
That would help me adjust my expectations for the short term / long term etc.
Thank you!
I don't think we'd want to go into this much detail right now, but I am still happy to share your request with the team. Thanks for the constructive feedback.
Savage! Nice. That legit made me lol. Have a good one man.
Crap. I'm gonna need new business cards now too...
If you’re not gonna say anything useful, don’t talk at all. This isn’t communication with fans, this is”cool, but don’t care”
I absolutely care. I'll give updates as soon as I have them.
Damn this dude sounds like he really hates his job now.
I love it, actually. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Petition to change his "Community Manager" flair to "Information Sharer". Or maybe just "Copy Paster From The Devs".
Hang on, just updating my Email sig.