19 Aug



Greetings Freelancers,

We hope you enjoyed being able to acquire a boatload of javelin Gear pieces from the Week 2 War Chests. In this week’s Community Cortex, I’m going to walk through some of the Cataclysm changes you can expect this week, as well as highlight the leaderboard champions from Week 2 on each platform. (Per usual, the Leaderboards will be updated in this post once we’ve been able to verify they’re all final.) Let’s jump in…

Cataclysm “Echoes of Reality” Changes:

“Castle Kelrik” Event  - We added Diana’s Landing last week, and now you’ll have access to the 5th arena before going to challenge Vara. The Castl...

Read more External link →

17 Aug

13 Aug


Originally posted by SWAT_Omega

Hey make sure to tell the team good job on the update.

Will do. Cheers.


Originally posted by Blackparrot89

Just dropping by, Cataclysm is fun! Be sure to tell the team.

I will, indeed!


Cheers for the detailed notes. We appreciate your feedback on Anthem and other BioWare titles and taking the time to write down all your thoughts. Also, I just want to say congratulations on being Cancer free. To me, that's the best part of this story.

Thanks again.


One thing you should try if you have been experience issues is using the Repair Game tool in Origin:

  1. Select My Game Library in Origin.
  2. Right-click on the game tile.
  3. Select Repair Game.

I'm also assuming (could be incorrectly) that you're playing on PC. This has resolved a lot of people's issues on PC. If you're not playing on PC or this doesn't help you, please do reach out to our help.ea.com advisors to look into this.


Holy smokes, that's a lot of Crystals.

06 Aug


Looks like you figured it out, but War Chests from the season store are random. If you'd like to get a melee item for a specific javelin you can complete the daily challenge.

29 Jul


Originally posted by UNTDrew

FYI -- As much as I know everyone is excited about it, this is not the 1.3.0 (Cataclysm) update and purely for scheduled server maintenance.

*braces for downvotes*


FYI -- As much as I know everyone is excited about it, this is not the 1.3.0 (Cataclysm) update and purely for scheduled server maintenance.

27 Jul


Originally posted by OnePotatoeChip

Bro, this would explain so much. I've got two shield inscriptions on my Elemental Rage of 40% and 70%, two more on an Emergency Power of 95% and 75% and a 40% on my Wind Wall. But I still felt like enemies were taking my shield off like it was nothing. Someone get BioWare in here and see if we can get some info, 'cause that shit's bananas.

Edit: Not to mention my five Storm-specific components, three of which are Legendary, and the extra 30% shield I'd usually go for with my consumables.

Edit2: u/untdrew Sorry to disturb, but is this facts or no?

I can look into it with the team.

25 Jul


Originally posted by TheCruelHand

Yeah I got booted with a “the serve was shut down” notice but there was no timer about a server shutting down.

The Freeplay thing is an issue the team has been working on. I know they've pushed out a couple of server side fixes that have helped some, but they're still working on improving it. Basically, we are aware of the problem and they're working on it. Thanks for your patience.

24 Jul


Hey there. Are you getting kicked from Freeplay, by chance?

23 Jul


Originally posted by Greaterdivinity

Except this doesn't seem to have to do with disconnects, but rather hard-crashes on PC. So I'm not sure what a post addressing disconnects in freeplay has to do with a PC player seeing frequent crashes.

The posts are appreciated...but they would probably be appreciated more if it looked like there was a modicum of effort behind them.

Shoot, you're right. I was trying to respond quickly to a couple of threads addressing the freeplay issue and didn't read this one thoroughly. Edited now.

22 Jul


Edit: My apologies for the wrong link.

For something like this, we would need you to submit a ticket with our customer support team at EA Help. They'll be able to talk to you directly and figure out what might be causing this for you.


The team is aware that some players have been experiencing more kicks from Freeplay recently than usual. The team has been working on this over the weekend to find a resolution to what is causing it.

I will update as soon as I have new information. Thank you for your patience.


Originally posted by Cocatox

any news on a fix for this bug?

because you cant play when you get kicked every 5 mins in freeplay and there are players coming back to get f**ked again by the connection issuses so they will never come back again.

No new updates as of yet. I know the team worked over the weekend to understand why it’s happening and I will update as soon as I have more information.

Sorry for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience.

21 Jul


Originally posted by Quasimiyao

Much appreciated. Besides one ctd it's been the same every time in my case, and what seems to be the most common one. Getting kicked to the news screen with the message "The server has shut down". It happened consistently from around 11am GMT which is when I started playing and continued being like that until last time I was online about 24 hours later. Just in freeplay sessions with the new events active, and I had either started or gotten close to an event every time. Only difference was that in the beginning I could only stay on for 4 max 5 minutes, and by the end of those 24 hours I was up to 20 minutes a few times, rarely less than 10. Curious if its gonna be even longer online before kick when I log on in a few..

Playing on PC, from Europe (Norway)

Thank you for the extra context. To my understanding, the increased reports of this are only in Freeplay, but let us (or EAHelp) know if there is anything unique on your end.

Like I said, the team is looking into this.

20 Jul


We are aware that some players have been experiencing more kicks from Freeplay recently. The team is looking into this and what might be causing it.