07 May


Originally posted by LordNorros

If you could just try to be on our side a bit more maybe it wouldn't be such a tough crowd.

Imo, you're less a community manager and more just a spokesperson. Isn't there supposed to be a difference?

I'm merely providing the information for those who want to hear it. If the rest want to to reply me with criticism or sarcastic memes, you're clearly free to do so. Jesse and I are still going to continue to share information as we have it to share.


Originally posted by yippiekayyayyy

Where do I file a report? Because when I try to navigatge through the website I could either find the answer on Answers HQ or give you guys a call..

I cant find any answers on Answers HQ and I dont have the time to sit with the support on the phone trying to find the problem..

Here's the exact link for Anthem on EA Help: https://help.ea.com/en/anthem/anthem/


The team is looking into this. That's the only update I have to share right now. We'll provide more when we have it.

06 May


Originally posted by Logtastic

Found this reply when reviewing Dev activity...
Yes. PS4 myself and my brother have massive connectivity issues. Talking to NPCs in Fort Tarsis, loading to missions, loading mission end results, rarely mid mission, but it still happens.

Thanks for the heads up. We are trying to track down these for specific players at help.ea.com.

Reporting there will help us track down specifics on your account.


Originally posted by yippiekayyayyy

I still have this problems since day 1 of 1.0.3 update. Its been over a month since I last played Anthem..

I keep getting

" Error retrieving Anthen live service data.

ErrorCode:0x60583f6aba10fddf-0-S "

Hey there. Sorry to hear that. Do you mind helping us track down your issue by filing a report with us at help.ea.com?


Sorry for the late response. I was out last week.

I'll see if I can get some definitive answers on this. I think it was Brenon who made some comments about it in the past, but I'm not 100% sure.

25 Apr


Hey there. I will look into this, but can you give me some more information? What console, etc?

Would also help us to identify the issue you're having if we can get a report on help.ea.com, if you don't mind.


Originally posted by [deleted]


We read both subreddits.


Thanks for this. All solid feedback.


I genuinely LOL'd at this one.


FYI -- This is just the starting point for this list. We know some of you have other things you're running into. We will update as we can verify things.

As always, we'd love your reports to be submitted here, so we can track: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Bug-Reports/bd-p/anthem-bug-reports-en


24 Apr


Is anyone still experiencing this after downloading the latest Update (1.1.0) released on April 23rd?

22 Apr


Originally posted by Greaterdivinity

Thanks for copy pasting the tweets here...

Any chance of high level details of the "various other game improvements and fixes"? Knowing that you'll want to save the meat and potatoes for the stream, it would be nice to get some idea of what else is coming beyond a new stronghold.

We aren't saving for the stream. The details will be in the notes tomorrow.


As I stated on Twitter...

Our next game update (1.1.0) will be released tomorrow with the new Stronghold and various other game improvements and fixes. We will detail all of that out in our patch notes tomorrow, as well as give an update on the 90-Day calendar.

You'll need to download the client update after the servers come back online following the scheduled maintenance. Be sure to follow EAHelp for updates on that.

If you're doing the math, this means you'll actually have a chance to try out the update before our livestream, which I believe is a first!

EDIT: Jesse tells...

Read more External link →

20 Apr


This video is full of false information, it’s misleading and just doesn’t make any sense.

As for Anthem specifically (as I know you all have a lot of questions), we’re still planning to stream on Tuesday. More news then.

13 Apr


This does put a smile on my face.

10 Apr


Originally posted by Rick_Griiiiimes

This must be why the devs are so silent. They're still dismantling epics.

The devs are working on the game, actually.


Originally posted by darealjackbauer

Same. I'm also not a fan of littering. Seeing stuff left behind upsets me. Gotta pick up after myself.

I mean... nothing wrong with at least collecting for the materials, IMO.


Originally posted by muffindonor

Heya, any news to share before/about the next livestream?

Yup. Soon(TM)