

07 Jul

Hey Sour Cherry. As it stands, the Discord and Reddit are all community run, so we don't really have any insight into how the community chooses to run these channels.
Hey Ray, I definitely understand where you're coming from. The general idea right now is just to make it so that the game with hackers essentially "never happened", and your idea that it is a little overarching is completely understood. Thank you for your feedback!

04 Jul

    UbiShoreman on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
Correct, we are currently experiencing issues with BitDefender, which has been reported back to the team! Currently, the solution is to whitelist the program through BitDefenders advanced settings.
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You can also check out the R6 Discord[discordapp.com] to connect with the community!
Originally Posted by Sgt Astor
SInce the release she's been unplayable for the majority of players due to extremely high skill-requiring sniper rifle. Now she's finally got a viable SMG with a sight I've started playing her a lot, but her sniper rifle remains unusable. 5x zoom is too much for SIege. Most kills are being made at 10-15 meters range. Kali also struggles with her "Thatcher alternative" role. She can't deny Bandit tricking, therefore she is much less valuable than Thatcher.. So here are some obvious solutions to make Kali more valuable:
• 5x zoom should be changed to 3x, 12x - to 6x at max. This will make the snie=per rifle usable inside the building.
Hey Astor! I f... Read more
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Here is some info [support.ubisoft.com] about what the different version of Siege have to offer!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Hawkeye:
Originally posted by UbiShoreman:
Yep! Either that or whitelisting it through the program.

hello I whitelisted the RainbowSix.exe on BitDefender but still doesn't work...

You can open a support ticket hre![support.ubisoft.com]
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Rushing_Panzer:
Originally posted by UbiShoreman: Hey Panzer, are you using BitDefender?
As a matter of fact, yes. Should I try turning it off?

Yep! Either that or whitelisting it through the program.
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Panzer, are you using BitDefender?
Correct, we are currently experiencing issues with BitDefender, which has been reported back to the team! Currently, the solution is to whitelist the program through BitDefenders advanced settings.
We are aware of the different issues that people have used, and are definitely looking into it!
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
A reminder that we addressed sound issues in our status report [www.ubisoft.com] and followed up about those plans here. [www.ubisoft.com]

We definitely understand that the sound issues are frustrating, and, as mentioned, are working on repackaging our sound.
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Juno! Definitely annoying. About what time did you log on? If it's a popular time of the evening sometimes the servers can get a little fussy.
A reminder that you can also go to our online portal to report these folks, which will give you a more in-depth means of reporting!

I do however definitely understand the call for a more in-depth in-game reporting system, and appreciate the feedback there.
Originally Posted by isNOTyourFRIEND
I could see Montagne wearing an old Knights outfit because he does protect people. or for some fun and games, they could give two operators Elites. oryx a bull Elite and Montagne a bull wrestler Elite. Olay!
I absolutely love that idea.
Unfortunately though, necro-ing old threads is against forum rules so I do have to close this one out.
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by WafflePress:
Originally posted by programer23: you have to disable the protection features under the protection tab on the left.
that was what allowed me to play the game again.
can you be more descriptive? what did you do EXACTLY?

... Read more
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by WafflePress:
Originally posted by UbiShoreman: Hey Keli, are you using Bitdefender?
i am, is there going to be a patch to fix this? ive gone thru everything and allowed every program relating to siege and uplay complete access and nothing has changed

Hey Waffle, the issue has been reported to the team, and it's being looked into!
Originally Posted by Nak_0
Hello Ubisoft,
I was wondering if you had any plans for buffing Glaz as he has had the worst attacker pickrate and performance for almost about a year.

As a fan of snipers I gravitated towards Glaz as soon as I first got siege. I have stuck with him for a while but recently he has just not felt good when compared to almost every other attacker in the game. I would like to start out by stating that Ubisoft's nerf to Glaz's ability to see through smoke was completely justified. His ability to rush smoke made him very annoying to play against and as one sided as a match of favela on 3f.

The main problem with Glaz in my eyes is that despite being the OG sniper of siege he has had, for the longest time, one of the worst DMRs in t...
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    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Keli, are you using Bitdefender?
    UbiShoreman on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Haven't heard of that one before to be honest. Is this with Vulkan or Dx11? Also are your drivers all the way up to date?