

20 Sep

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the post!

Well, that was expected - her popularity shouldn't be as high as comparatively easier to obtain Thunderer.

And if we're talking about opinion - do you think that Ohio secondaries help you with damage, or are they more of a "pressure factor", allowing you to put enemies in a disadvantageous position?

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Also, depending on your playstyle, you may want to get IFHE, to be able to do more direct damage to cruisers (otherwise those ships demand stricter posisioning, to be able to do enough damage with AP you'd have to flank).

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes, luck takes a big part in getting it, but allow me to disagree to "isn't that difficult to achieve".
It's extremely difficult, and even one per several thousand battles is quite good.

Well done, sir!

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ark Royal has a twist - her bombers and torpedo bombers are older than on others T6 carrier - they have hit points and they are slower to their classmates, which is compensated for by the large size of the squadrons and their quicker recovery.

Her bombs also have less penetration, but there are more of them.
So, while she has some notable UK CV features like proper ellipse sizes and level-bombing, going though the line would give you better feel for higher tiered CV.

Also, Kaga, T8 premium, has similar twist - worse planes, but more, much more of them. But of course she's deifferent from Ark Royal - Japanese attack planes have different attach pattern, and other nations use dive bombing instead of level bombing.

Also, IJN researcheable CV's are currently the only ones available using armor penetrating bombs. (They work essentially like AP shells hitting from above and can citadel heavily armored ships)

19 Sep

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you. We're aware that Azur lane sound still have some problems, and this should be fixed in the next big update.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Stell Division II is now also being distributed through WGC.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

There are several codes in circulation right now, so, maybe.
If you've seen only one - you can look for more, though.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Commanders! On September 19th, Update will be released to correct issues with sounds in the game.
Due to the installation of the Update, the server will be unavailable from 3:00 AM PT / 6:00 AM ET to 4:00 AM PT / 7:00 AM ET.

Sound changes

With update 0.8.8 we improved most of the sound environment in the game. Unfortunately, not everything went smoothly, and with the change a few bugs crept in. In we will fix these sound bugs so that you can enjoy the roar of the guns again.

List of fixes:

Fixed an error that caused the message about the destruction of a ship to be repeated if a unique commander is assigned to the player's ship;

Fixed a bug that caused incorrect functioning of the sound settings.

Fixed an error that caused the engine start sound to playback after closing the tactical map;


Read more

18 Sep

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

That was a case I had in mind, but Koenig is a more extreme example.
Btw, I have to warn you that Gamemodels aren't always true.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

The size of those sections can be small to be a viable target, and to get citadels from that strip the angle has to quite high, so the most damage will come from superstructure.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for noticing, we'll add operations to be available for credits and exp missions. Stay tuned!

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

It's not a typo, it's count of battles on NA server. Still lower than your, though.
But please look at different ships bows - you'll be surprised how many battleships are there with bows stronger than 32mm, which is especially prominent in WW1 ships.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

For example, theoretically, I can get Koenig, point my bow at you, and do more damage to you, with HE, while your AP would at most damage my superstructure. ( Of course, Koenig can't normally meet even Musashi, but I can't pass the chance to talk about her 150-mm bow.Other german/russian/french BB can meet her, though).

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

And that overmatch barrier is crossed only for 32mm, while there are plenty of ships with stronger bows/sterns/decks/casemates.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you've had Enterprise and it was gone without any compensation - you should've contacted tech support half a year ago, and don't tell that in a thread about Thunderer. You can still do it, though.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

To get the most accurate T10 BB as of Right now. And there is always a situtational choice - what you think is better., since there is no such BB that can just use AP and forget about anything.

With Conq's hull those 457 mm were a very rare sight, since 12 419 mm guns are much better fitting for super-heal, while being more in-line with the whole current British BB line being more inclined towards HE spam and a lot of guns.
So, we decided to make those guns really viable, and to achieve that we needed to separate those ships, with each one getting unique characteristics. Of course, previous owners recieved their FreeExp and credits compensation, which is always done in similar situations, but Thunderer is not "Just torn-off 18-inch Conqueror", those ships do play quite differently and Thunderer is more fitting for that playstyle.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

Haven't found any supercontainers with 100 flags in your logs for today and yesterday.
When have you recieved that container? What flags were there? Also, better move this conversation to PM.

    Umbaretz on Forums - Thread - Direct

There's no closer ship class in historical progression closer to Des Moines than Baltimore. Well, Maybe Oregon city was, but they're very similar anyway. Since the main gameplay difference is in RPM possible with their guns.

To be viable T9 Baltimore RPB had to be very unrealistically buffed. And well, historically Buffalo was an alternate version of increasing RPM - just adding more guns could've worked as well.

While Thunderer is indeed based on Conqueror's model, those are quite different ships in terms of game balance, as @LittleWhiteMouse pointed at this review.
Also, about Alsace - turned out she was overperforming, and that was the reason we nerfed her, since leaving that as is wouldn't be any good. Of course, Bourgogne is stronger, she's a tier higher than OP, but those aren't related matters - Alsace is quite good and unique right now as a T9.