- George_Black;d-56308
Why do you like combat pets?
Why don't you like them?
What are the benefits to the game?
What negatives do they bring?
- forsh;d-56270
Really looking forward to it.
- NiKr
There're no different types of servers for Ashes https://ashesofcreation.wiki/Server_types
And afaik it's industry standard to have "low/mid/high population" indicators during the server choice stage of login.
The only way for you to "pick the right server" is to get involved with the game's community before release and see what's their plan for servers is. There'll be community-designated RP servers, streamer servers "pve" servers and "pvp" servers, but Intrepid have nothing to do with that.
https://ashesofcreation.wiki/Races ^^ the Wiki is really helpful, and often updated after dev streams etc\o/ --- Tough choice. Feel like I have to play a Vek named Veknar lol
- Artharion
I'm happy that after a year, my desire of walking NPCs came true looking at the Village Showcase :).
- Liniker
Hi! I will leave a link for an official video by Intrepid that explains how the system works, and a link for the wiki which is updated, there is a lot more to it and its a little different from what you are asking ^^
- NiKr
I'm fairly sure it's just this
The caravansary is right outside of the village walls, so it's obvious that the node's footprint is bigger than what the walls indicate.
@Vaknar could you post the image mentioned in the thread? plsThere ya go, friend! <3 β