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- JayGeL44
Hey! This was my first time sitting in and participating in an office hour! Not sure how they normally are ran but I just some first timer feedback.
You can try a more structured approach to facilitate community discussions. Have the office hour facilitator give permission to each participant to start speaking and keep track of time. Have everyone talk for 2-3 minutes in a round-table fashion. (example: "JayGeL44 you have the floor for 2 minutes, I'll keep track of the time." and let everyone say their piece.)
Then at the end of the question allow 5 or so minutes for an open forum discussion on the topic. This time can be used for participants to feed off each others inputs and the facilitator can lead this portion to a degree by bringing up note worthy points made in the individual comments. This would allow for both collective brainstorming and elaborating on points that are of particular interest to the developme...
- NiKr
I haven't touched office hours before, so this might be a silly question. Can we just listen in on the discussion or do we have to talk if we join in?
- FlowGotThe
Will this discussion be uploaded on youtube or wherever ?
- Jox
Awesome, Cant wait to learn more about the bosses :grin:
- JustVine
- Vaknar
- JustVine
Speaking for my group today at least for now. 80 - 90 minutes
So, would you go over if your group was looking for something important and specific, or perhaps under if the competition in the dungeon is tough? Just curious to hear more from you and your group! <3
Ok well I think you know who my 'leader' is by now. If she doesn't pass through soon I'll summon her for you. I think she was taking a break for a bit.
- NiKr
L2 style. Literally as long as possible. All my time in the dungeons. It should be the main source of content in the game and take up as much time as possible.
- Neurath
Well, there is official time I.e. 90 mins max and then there is quality time I.e. 12 hours max.
Quality time can be for skins for transmog and other juicy tidbits. Generally across the night rather than peak times.
- JustVine
Speaking for my group today at least for now. 80 - 90 minutes