

05 Jun





I'd argue that MTG Arena IS fun... The time it isn't fun is when you lose, especially losing to something that you don't think you should lose to (RDW, Control, "netdecks", "tournament decks", etc). That's what the majority of the posts are about.
Personally I do find Arena fun for the most part. I've never had an issue with loosing myself. You win game/ you loose games. The enjoyment I get myself is from PLAYING the game. I find that most of these posts are from frustrated people, who aren't getting to actually play the game. I've been playing long enough and i understand this will happen. Sometimes a person just has to vent their frustration. If you don't vent out, it bottles up. This is where rage quits happens the most IMO. Entering into a game where you can't ac...
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I'd argue that MTG Arena IS fun... The time it isn't fun is when you lose, especially losing to something that you don't think you should lose to (RDW, Control, "netdecks", "tournament decks", etc). That's what the majority of the posts are about.
Personally I do find Arena fun for the most part. I've never had an issue with loosing myself. You win game/ you loose games. The enjoyment I get myself is from PLAYING the game. I find that most of these posts are from frustrated people, who aren't getting to actually play the game. I've been playing long enough and i understand this will happen. Sometimes a person just has to vent their frustration. If you don't vent out, it bottles up. This is where rage quits happens the most IMO. Entering into a game where you can't actually play the game is rough. Table top you can say "hey, no control decks", on here you can't.

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Seriously, the shuffler threads got amalgamated into the mega thread that most of us ignore. Surely it's about time the pointless complaining threads had the same treatment.
For real
Complaints are feedback, the provider should be mindful of the users experience of their service, in my humble opinion.

Complaints can be feedback, and we take feedback seriously.



Its frankly absurde for you to advocate otherwise, you are basically saying that if someone designs a game then they have to make it fun for everyone and every playstyle out there. That frankly is impossible to do.
This is a pretty gross misinterpretation of what I said. Let's try an analogy then to make it a little more clear. Let's use Super Smash Bros. I don't particularly like Fox, no items, Final Destination. What you're saying is I should just suck it up and learn to like that, instead of allowing me the option to play with all the items and characters and stages. That's what we're arguing about here. People are asking for a way to play fun, casual games, and all they're getting in response by the community is stuff like "lol no, the game was meant to be played 1v1 Final Destination nub, git gud." Could Nintendo have put out a game that was nothing but Final Destination? Sur...
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Why? why can't I post what I like and dislike about the game? Why is it such a big deal to say what I dislike when playing the game? When I play PvP FPS shooters I go on the games' forums and say I don't like playing against snipers, some players agree others disagree and all share their experience about it, some do offer tips others tell their side of palying it but here when you say you dislike some play style it's like your offending the village elders and should be shun from the community, I don't get it. If you think there's too many thread about it go ahead merge them, but don't tell ppl to stop posting their opinions, thought musing, feelings about the game.

I said "stahp" because you're trolling. Your post is still up, yeah? Chill.


We're aware of it and working on a fix!

  1. Netdecking isn't a crime. Quit acting like it's the end of the world haha.
  2. They're practicing? I'm not going to take a deck into ranked that I'm not comfortable piloting.


It is totally frustrating! I don't doubt that people are roping. I'd love for their to be an in-game reporting system too. This is what we have right now, though, so please use it. Don't shoot the messenger.
I think it needs to be communicated to the management, and the programming team, just how urgent it really is to have an in-game report function that automatically saves/flags the server-side record of the game, for review by the moderation team.

That really should have been something that was in place and functional before the Open Beta began.

Honestly, there should also have been an in-game feature to report BUGS, that would do the same: flag/save a record of that game specifically, for review by the programmers.

Seriously, that's fundamental online-multiplayer game design 101 stuff.

And it has been communicated. HOWEVER, there are a m...

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I will ask tomorrow morning.




Report them! We do take action, you just don't see it happen. ALSO, when you report them with details/game logs, that is more data for us. We love data. Help us help you pls.
do you know how tedious your reporting system is? especially if I have to report a player every other game? Having to leave the game and open a website? Fill out a form, search through my files and upload logs? Can't you have a report button in-match and review the data server side?

I know these players are roping because I can see them highlighting cards just before they start letting the timers run out. They know they're losing so they rope hoping I'd get impatient and concede instead. People are using your lo...
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04 Jun



Seriously, the shuffler threads got amalgamated into the mega thread that most of us ignore. Surely it's about time the pointless complaining threads had the same treatment.

For real


You'll be able to purchase them via the store at a later date. :slightly_smiling_face:





Just because your deck doesn't have answers to a certain archetype doesn't mean said archetype is a "no skill" deck. Instead of making a "i hate this deck they always win" post, instead ask "Hey all, what cards should I put in my deck to combat ____?"

wanting to improve > being salty
Wow! Can we give a shout out to this person for being awesome!
I mean, don't get me wrong, I am SUPER salty when it comes to control decks hahaha. I totally get it... I just don't see the need for every five forum posts to be "I hate ____ deck" without it being an actual constructive discussion. There is zero need to put others down for liking a specific archetype.
(I play the same two decks every day. Neither of those decks handle control well. I have acc...
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Just because your deck doesn't have answers to a certain archetype doesn't mean said archetype is a "no skill" deck. Instead of making a "i hate this deck they always win" post, instead ask "Hey all, what cards should I put in my deck to combat ____?"

wanting to improve > being salty
Wow! Can we give a shout out to this person for being awesome!

I mean, don't get me wrong, I am SUPER salty when it comes to control decks hahaha. I totally get it... I just don't see the need for every five forum posts to be "I hate ____ deck" without it being an actual constructive discussion. There is zero need to put others down for liking a specific archetype.

(I play the same two decks every day. Neither of those decks handle control well. I have accepted that and am too lazy to get gud.)


Just because your deck doesn't have answers to a certain archetype doesn't mean said archetype is a "no skill" deck. Instead of making a "i hate this deck they always win" post, instead ask "Hey all, what cards should I put in my deck to combat ____?"

wanting to improve > being salty




What's strange is that they haven't implemented a rating system for your opponent. You +1 or -1 them after a game. And you accumulate a rating over time.

Obviously, it's going to get abused and people are going to get -1'd just for the deck they play or whatever, but that's going to be relatively consistent across the player population. Whereas players consistently -1'd for roping are going to have much worse ratings than average, and that's an easy target for the devs to look into as those players get reported.

It's so simple.
I bet you're wrong. I'm sure that hard control and nexus players will have a worse rating than ropers. No one likes this, besides who plays.

^ This. People would NOT use a system like that as it was intended, and that's a lot of extra work for our support team.


Report them! We do take action, you just don't see it happen. ALSO, when you report them with details/game logs, that is more data for us. We love data. Help us help you pls.

03 Jun


Great question! After a bit of thinking I'm sure I could Land on a choice.


@Pimp Master J:

What's going on here?