During the PC/Mac and Stadia server maintenance on September 7, we are pushing a grant for all players who were affected by the Tales of Tribute ranked match issue that surfaced after Update 35 launch. Qualifying players will receive rewards comparable to what you would have earned for your rank. Gold will be granted in place of Tribute Tokens.
[*] The rewards by rank we will be granting are as follows:
[*] Rubedite Rank: 6k Gold, 25x Transmutation Crystals
[*] Voidsteel Rank: 5k Gold, 20x Transmutation Crystals
[*] Quicksilver Rank: 4k Gold, 15x Transmutation Crystals
These rewards will automatically appear in your gold and Transmute Crystals currency after the maintenance on September 7. Please note that we are unable to grant furnishing trophies, and we encourage everyone to play in the new ranked Tales of Tribute season to earn those rewards.
Thank you for your patience!