

11 Nov


I'm contacting Daybreak Ops team to investigate now. Hopefully this is something that can quickly be resolved. Will be posting updates on twitter.

14 Oct


Pretty much the exact same response we all had the first time seeing it. Lol

06 Oct


Our UI/UX Lead Designer and I are discussing right now.

He noticed that the current Korean font in PS2 is not commonly used, which might be the cause. We're considering changing fonts to see if it reduces or eliminates the crash you're encountering. Hope to have more details soon on how quickly this can be done.

05 Oct


Apologies for showing up late to respond to this thread, but I'd like to clarify some of the assumptions and interpretations of u/wrel comments being posted.

First, since the inception of the Rogue Planet Games studio/team, there has been absolutely ZERO interference or influence from "higher ups" outside of the studio to force our hand in making ANY decisions. If anything, Daybreak and their exec team has been supportive in every way possible. Whether its through approving new hire positions, increasing our budget to further promote or support the game in a meaningful way, etc. For better or worse, Planetside 2 is in our control creatively.

Regarding u/wrel's specific statement above, I agree with...

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01 Oct


UPDATE - 550pm (Pacific)

The following changes have just been published to Live servers:

  • Fixed a bug with Chinese and Russian languages were displaying boxes in the Implant and Outfit menus.
  • Changed the key bind name from “Open War Effort Page” to “Open Mission Page”
  • Added misc missing ambient audio.
  • Fixed an issue where removing the key bind for Missions default key (i) would show in the HUD as “null”
  • The Old War helmet and armor icons should now display properly.

Good morning Auraxis,

The QA team has completed their verification process and servers are now unlocked. As usual, the Rogue Planet Games team will be monitoring all social channels (reddit, twitter and official PS2 forums) for server stability, feedback, etc throughout the day and publishing hotfixes as necessary. So please reply if you encounter any bugs or just have any general feedback on the Shattered Warpgate update.


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Originally posted by Warm-Evidence

Could you address whether or not you guys have plans for improved graphics? If you look at some of the older pictures of this game, things looked much better. I’m just asking for a response, even if its “no plan”.

Without going into any details, I'll just leave these right here - https://www.daybreakgames.com/careers?department=engineering_and_core_tech&job=4833682002


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Originally posted by lambusado

Hope it is for chapter.

I like your negotiating style, son.


Originally posted by Erilson


2750 certs. Damn son.

By the way, is this for each chapter, or the entire campaign?

Esamir: Northern area of the eastern river should now have a kill plane.

Fixed on the day reported, nice!

The entire 3 chapter campaign. Active members will have it included at no Cert cost.


Hey everyone,

The following changes have been published to PTS. The server has been updated and is now unlocked. If you encounter any major issues, please let us know.

  • Fixed an issue where Bastion terminal were missing their faction colors.
  • Outfits: Fixed a longstanding issue on Live where the player BR would appear incorrect on Outfit Applications after the outfit leader, logs off and back in with applications pending.
  • Tutorial UI: Fixed a bug when clicking the “Exit Tutorial” button in the "ESC" menu it will take you to the world map. If you exit that screen and bring up the "ESC" menu again the "Exit Tutorial" button would be gone. Forever.
  • Misc Campaign UI polish and aesthetic improvements.
  • We’ve incorporated the final Campaign opt-in costs:
    • BR 1-10 = 100 Certs
    • BR 11-20 = 250 Certs
    • BR 21-30 = 500 Certs
    • BR 31-40 = 750 Certs
    • BR 41-50 = 1250...
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30 Sep


The publish to PTS is now underway and the following issues have been resolved. We expect to publish at least one final build to PTS tomorrow (Wed) in advance of the Thursday morning Live publish, which will include final translations and a few minor outstanding bug fixes. As usual, please reply with any new issues you encounter with the new build.

Thank you.

  • Support Duty: Updated mission description text to make it more clear that objectives need to be completed in the Shattered Warpgate region.
  • Mani Processing Plant control point can now be captured.
  • Mao Tech Plant now has a Colossus terminal.
  • Fixed a bug with the ASP menu screen displaying boxes instead of the proper characters when CN/RU languages are selected.
  • Recover Lost Intel: Adjustments made to NPC respawn times.
  • Final Campaign Chapter dates are in.
  • Misc mission tuning, text and progression bug fixes.
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29 Sep


Hey everyone,

PTS is back up and unlocked with the new build. Please respond with any issues that you see with the update - we will likely publish another build tomorrow afternoon with round of fixes/tuning that are currently in progress.

Also, if you have the time to spare, we are in need of players willing to run through the campaigns with newly created characters after this publish. We understand this might not be possible for most, but if you're able, we would appreciate responding with any issues you encounter.

Thank you again for your help


Below is a list of the issues/changes made in the build:

  • Numerous fixes for campaign progression issues.
  • Buried Beneath the Snow Mission:
    • Added better waypoint/description telling players where to drop off the vehicle after they've neutralized one.
    • Neutralizer Device overload now ends after 5 minutes or after the reclaimed vehicle is destroyed or turn...
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26 Sep


UPDATE - 730PM (Pacific)

We're preparing to publish some changes that address an issue where some characters will have the Campaign expire and unable to continue progress. Unfortunately the fix requires resetting all current campaign progress on PTS. Please reply if you encounter any issues once you login again after the update.

Hey everyone,

Thanks to all that have checked out the latest PTS build - we received some good feedback and bug reports. The team is continuing to comb through feedback and bug reports over the weekend and we plan to continue publishing a fixes to PTS throughout the weekend.

PTS has just been updated with the following fixes:

  • Missions: Insulation is now available when Bio Analysis and Kite and Key are completed.
  • Missions: Fixed an issue with front Line spawns not having objectives, resulting in not being able to accept.
  • Players should now be able to complete the Bio Analysis mission. **N...
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25 Sep


Originally posted by Noname_FTW

This is a joke and 100% serious at the same time. I legit waited >5 years to be able to make this post :P. I thought about this reminder a few times over the years but I totally forgot when it would come.

Are you going to do it ?

I mean, I think I need to. Right? I can't ask for another 5 year extension.

24 Sep


Originally posted by a_sites

The PC-specific maintenance is complete. However, the Daybreak group that manages login auth and the other central services for ALL Daybreak games is running longer than expected. There was also a miscommunication that the impact their maintenance was going to have on our PC/PS4 Live servers, which is why our downtime notification didn't include the bit about logins being impacted outside of our planned maintenance window.

And yes, I believe I am throwing them right under the bus.

u/jgolenbo and I are going to follow up with them after their maintenance is complete to ensure that easily avoidable scenarios like this don't happen again.

I'm sorry for the disruption.

btw, they just finished their maintenance and all PC/PS4 servers are unlocked.


Originally posted by Psyco_vada

Well, at least you guys got your shit together, but shit happens.

Either way, do you prefer a fury battle bus (for the memes) or a bulldog?

At first glance I read that as "Furry" battle bus and was a bit concerned at where this thread was headed...


The PC-specific maintenance is complete. However, the Daybreak group that manages login auth and the other central services for ALL Daybreak games is running longer than expected. There was also a miscommunication that the impact their maintenance was going to have on our PC/PS4 Live servers, which is why our downtime notification didn't include the bit about logins being impacted outside of our planned maintenance window.

And yes, I believe I am throwing them right under the bus.

u/jgolenbo and I are going to follow up with them after their maintenance is complete to ensure that easily avoidable scenarios like this don't happen again.

I'm sorry for the disruption.

21 Sep


Originally posted by ToasterSurfer

PS:Apex_Legends confirmed bois!!!!!!!!!!!

Definitely not.


Testing some stuff. Nothing to see here.