

09 Apr


Thanks for calling this out, fam :)

Even game developers with the most comprehensive player behavior systems aren't NEARLY as effective at shaping the community as the players themselves.

We've all gotta look out for each other <3


Hey fam! We are looking into this. I promise. It's on a list of to-dos that are "quality of life" changes, as opposed to "core to gameplay" changes.

07 Apr


Originally posted by ZedsBreadBaby

Always neat to hear these origin stories :)

I remember that moment when someone explained to me that they misheard "New Hall" as U-Hall, assuming it was called it because of its U shape.

And externally I was like, "Haha that's so funny!"

...but internally I was like "Wait it's not U-Haul? Like the truck? O___O"


Originally posted by Cadenza_

Does your name mean 9 in Greek or am I crazy

They do sound the same! εννέα is pronounced like "ennéa," which is super close. My name comes from the Latin epic "The Aeneid," similar to the Greek "The Odyssey."


Originally posted by chrRiscs

Maybe change heaven to window i think its more accurate.

Throughout the most recent dev history, people use both "Heaven" and "Window." I imagine it'll continue to be known as both :)


Originally posted by ZedsBreadBaby

Re: "u-haul":

It was supposed to be named "New Hall" by the devs but was mis-heard between a couple of streamers who mistakenly named it "U-hall" since it's shaped like a 'U'.

U-Haul is a company that lets you rent delivery trucks. I suggest changing to "U-Hall"

mis-heard between a couple of streamers who mistakenly named it "U-hall" since it's shaped like a 'U'.

It was mistakenly heard as "U-Hall/U-Haul" LONG before streamers ever heard it ;)

06 Apr


Originally posted by ThisIsElron

Hey, I genuinely really appreciate this! I'll definitely check these out, and keep your words in the back of my mind as I continue growing within this career.

Have a nice day :)

You too :) Best of luck!


Originally posted by ThisIsElron

Hey, agency side market researcher here :D Do you have any tips on making it into the research industry within gaming?

Hey there! I can't speak to the whole industry, but I can speak to my experience at Riot :) I think the most important things you can do are to demonstrate (1) you have most of the skills that they need, and you're open to learning the rest; (2) you're open to both giving and receiving feedback, and (3) you've got a growth mindset, with a strong desire to learn and improve.

For the first, I'd recommend watching the different vods we have of talks at different conferences. Steve Mack has an outstanding talk at the Game UX Summit 2016 about our embed model. I'd also recommend you read Lean UX by Jeff Gothelf.

Hope this helps <3


Originally posted by Alt_Mayday

The fact that you actually talk to people on Reddit already makes you 10 times more likable than most other developer studios I know of.

Interacting with the community is a big deal that many of them don't seem to be aware of.

we <3 you too, fam =D


Originally posted by Mojiboji




Originally posted by molenzwiebel

They've been verified.

AWWWW LOOKIT ME NOW! Thanks molenz :)


Originally posted by [deleted]


It takes some time to get all that set up. I just chatted with one of our comms folks this morning to get me set up with it.


Originally posted by gruxlike

Is Riv on valorant team?

Esports casters fall under a different team than game teams. (So people like Dash, Phreak, and Riv aren't on the League team).

I'm guessing blate recognized my name. I'm a VALORANT dev, but I also happen to be Riv's fiance.

07 Feb


Thanks for putting this together, Celianna! If you enjoy doing this kind of thing, I'd totally recommend you get some stat classes and research under your belt. Imagine all the cool things you can show us when you can do correlations! Moderating effects! MULTILEVEL MODELS!

Sincerely, a researcher who gets very nerdy about her work <3

13 Nov

09 Oct


Originally posted by Spideraxe30

Will we ever get a survey on how long we think Riv's beard should be

From Riot, no. From me? Maybe. Probably. Be warned, though. I might skew that data based on my own preferences XD.


Originally posted by AJediKnight

That makes perfect sense then. I didn't realize there were that many sets. Thank you for answering!

My pleasure! Thanks for engaging and wanting to know more :) fistbump


Originally posted by Larriet

I just wanted to say I really enjoy the surveys amd always look forward to them when I get selected! For the most part, I find them thorough enough and well-written, although for certain surveys it's hard when most of my purchases are limited to my small pool of champions (not buying Passes isn't because of low value, etc.) Thanks for your hard work!

Thank you so much :). We really appreciate you taking them! There are a TON of people who just click out of the prompt, and I can't blame them. Not everyone has time to go through a survey. So it means a lot when people do take the time :)


Originally posted by ThuggInUggs

Another reason other than honesty check can be to avoid miscategorizing people with smurfs / multiple accounts. If someone gets a survey on their smurf that is registered with a different email, it could be misleading as to their actual behavior as a player in league.

Say they have never purchased a skin on their smurf but have a ton of skins on their main, their behavioral profile is very different from someone who truly has never bought a skin :)

@thugginuggs in for the nami support