

02 Jun


I love seeing these reminders. Thank you so much :)
If you're interested in helping to shape our community in a positive way, here's a fun fact! Bystander intervention is the most effective method for dissolving a situation with a bully. However, that doesn't mean to start insulting and berating them. Comments like "Hey, we don't do that here," or "They're clearly new, and yelling at them isn't going to help." can be really helpful! (It's better to address the behavior, not the person.) Then, engage with the person who's getting bullied in a positive way. You might root them on, give them gentle feedback on how to improve their gameplay, or even just ask them how their day is going.
Hope this helps :) And thanks again for looking out for our newest recruits!


That hand in the foreground is just ...chef's kiss Well done OP! And thanks for showing our agents and game some love :)


Hey there fam! Something you might consider is that different people want alt game modes for different reasons. In our research, we found a TON. Here are just a few:
- More casual, less intense gameplay
- Lesser time commitment
- More opportunities for creative outplay
- One-for-all style allowing for solo play
- Zero abilities, only gunplay
Spike Rush meets some of these needs, but not all of them. It sounds like it wasn't your jam, and that kinda blows. But hopefully you'll find something that suits you better in the future :)


Thanks so much fam :) We wanted the Battle Pass to be just that: insane player value, especially for the players who invest so much time in our game. And it makes me really happy to know that it feels exactly that way for you :)


Originally posted by llamaeatgiraffe

I may just not understand the economics of it all but can someone explain to me why it isn’t possible to just balance the pricing to where they may make less off of whales but widen the circle enough to where more buyers make up for it and even it out?

There’s just no way it is reasonable to constantly monetize games to only appeal to <1% of the games population by making your prices so insanely inflated. What about a $10 price tag or something that ropes in waaay more buyers but reduces dependency on whales?

It’s bizarre to me that the most profitable and satisfying monetization scheme for your playerbase is one that excludes a MASSIVE portion of them.

These numbers that such a small percentage of people spend money on F2P games have to be skewed by their insane financial models that most sane people can’t justify participation in.

I wish the battle pass model was the norm in F2P, as long as the grind is reasonable for working people.

Hey there fam! I know it's common thing for people to assume higher prices means only whales will buy the skins...but that's actually not the case! The research we've done on League shows us that players generally prefer to save up money to buy a really good skin, rather than buy a few cheap, lower-quality skins. This is supported by the fact that players basically stopped buying tiers below League's Epic Tier (1350), thus explaining why 750s and 975s are so rarely available now.
That said, we do want accessible pricing -- so we also have the 875 tier skins (about $8.75 before the VP bundling discount) like Rush, Luxe, and Galleria.
For players who really need the lowest cost options, we have the Battle Pass (which, when completed, grants 11 gun skins), the Character Contracts (which are 100% free, never expire, and grant a free sidearm skin on completion), and a few other things in the works :) Remember, this is just Day 1!
Hope this helps :)


we love you all so much <3 <3 <3 /sob/

30 May


Originally posted by SecretDeftones

I love you..literally
They should've listened to me on Aphelios UI, but it was too late.

we love you too fam <3

29 May


Originally posted by SecretDeftones

Survey? I didn't get any survey.
I would like to point the menu; isn't really good.
I couldn't see my rank, if i'm locked, the progress, what i have or not but the rest of the game was INCREDIBLE.
It's just menu UI...that's all.

Not everyone got a survey. For each survey, we need a few hundred (in extreme cases, a few thousand) responses to get a picture of what players are feeling. With hundreds of thousands of folks in the beta, some folks didn't get randomly selected.

And I'm actually one of the devs who's identified changes we need to make to the menu! So those will be coming :) Thanks for the feedback on that!

28 May


Originally posted by ProgRocktopus

On a personal note, I really appreciate everyone who took the time to play the beta, report bugs, write up feedback, read the stuff we wrote, make community content, or otherwise did work trying to make the game better for everyone. Your contributions matter.

It's been a humbling, constructive, and fun experience working together with you all. Here's to launching this thing and keeping the collaboration going!

And a huge thank you, as well, to the players who filled out our surveys!! You're helping us to make better decisions about gameplay, characters, competitive, pricing, skins...everything, really.
So thanks, fam -fistbump-

27 May


Originally posted by ThinkingSentry

Inb4 you make Jett refill her ult if she gets a kill\* with it as it's technically knives... Oh, wait.

(edit: added the "ll" in kill because I forgot it like a dumbass)

LOL clever. Love it.


Originally posted by abszr

Lol, I guess it would be a bit too OP giving 3. Whatever happens, something needs to be changed to buff the reward of knifing. It's way too unrewarding right now, especially considering how hard knife kills are compared to CS:GO (not that this game is CS:GO, but you probably know what I mean).

Totally know what you mean. Another poster had a good point, too -- that right now, since there's no benefit to knifing someone, it's purely BM. If you get knifed, you're like, "Damn, what a troll." If there's a reward, even the person who's killed can be like, "Yeah that was a little troll, but I can see why they did it." All good points IMO


Originally posted by aeneia

shame of getting embarrassed

I'm with you there; I was just riffing off the language used by OP. I'm not nearly good enough at the game to allow myself to be humiliated lol.
And I agree that a reward would feel really good. But personally, I'd prefer something that adds to my experience, instead of detracts from a unique kill banner or extra combat points or something. That's what I meant by rewards versus penalties.
Just my two cents though :)

Another poster recommended giving the killer extra ult points, and that would make me happy too =D


Originally posted by zeroingenuity

In a competitive environment as things are now, knives are high risk/no reward. Using a knife is STRICTLY a BM display. Adding a high reward means there's a justification for actually attempting it that is NOT just to BM. If a player can say "that knife kill was some bullshit but I can understand why he did it" then he isn't saying "that kill was bullshit and there was no reason for it."

I really like this line of thinking. You're totally right. With no rewards for knifing, there's no reason to do it unless you're just BMing.
By adding a reward for knifing, I think it actually improves the experience for all players, even the one who gets killed.


Originally posted by abszr

How about 3? 2 Doesn't even seem enough to justify the risk of knifing.



Originally posted by SpyX370

What about two ult charges instead of 1?

This idea, I like! Reward the player who did it, rather than penalize the player who got killed. And it benefits their team, too :)


Originally posted by ItsUnloadedNow

I don't really think knife kills are "humiliating". If they are you're probably taking the game too seriously. When I get knifed I see it as a high level expression of skill by an enemy, especially if the teams are pretty even. And since knife kills are so hard to get it should be rewarded in some way or another, whether it's this orb idea or extra cash.

shame of getting embarrassed

I'm with you there; I was just riffing off the language used by OP. I'm not nearly good enough at the game to allow myself to be humiliated lol.
And I agree that a reward would feel really good. But personally, I'd prefer something that adds to my experience, instead of detracts from a unique kill banner or extra combat points or something. That's what I meant by rewards versus penalties.
Just my two cents though :)


Hmm... While I do love the idea of providing a reward for knife kills (since they're WAY harder to obtain), do you think it's fair to equate rewarding one person with penalizing another? "I feel rewarded by not only humiliating, but debilitating another player" doesn't seem like it would translate for everybody.

12 May


Originally posted by BubbleCast

Glad to see this insane Transparancy, I've been playing League, and gotta say, there were moments when the devs did manage to make my game experience bad as an ADC main, but they always listened to everything the community wanted, and thus we have season 10 where everything does feel nice.

I have high hopes with you on Valorant, especially with what I see from the current feedback in Beta, keep it up :D

:< thank you fam. We'll do you proud!!


Originally posted by riotriviera

This is there because the player could have requested for 2 parties, joined the third one, and in the queue for 3 mins, then party 1 invited them. This would mean they will automatically get pulled out of their current party and instead join party 1. It definitely could be improved, but it's not very straightforward ...

well said Rivi. I agree that the fix isn't super easy, but it's definitely a QOL thing we can look at!


Originally posted by Sxcred

Thanks for the response :)
It's hard to visualize the logistics behind games and all the people involved in making things work. It's not as simple as adding in some code to change something like a lot of us would like it do be.

0.50 seems like a great step forward, can't wait to see what you all have in store!

Love to hear this, fam :) And yeah! It's a super involved process that requires a lot of moving pieces to be aligned. I'm so happy you're happy with the patch, and we can't wait to deliver more epic sh!t =D