

12 May


Originally posted by oneironautic-records

All it takes is one rogue dev to be bored/frustrated with what they're working on currently and decide to do that instead. xd

Lol! I can see how it seems that way...but checking in changes to our game is actually a super involved process! If people just went in and changed things all willy nilly, our builds would be broken like...all the time lol.


Originally posted by BearsRdangerous24

another QoL change to consider is that when a player is invited to join a party AND has requested to join that same party, they should just automatically be added. It seems unnecessary to have the additional interaction when both the inviter and invitee have already agreed

Oooh yeah, I'd have to agree with you there lol


Originally posted by Sxcred

So interesting how large companies work, does the social team handle all social aspects of the game including the in-game friends list system/UI?

Currently, social is mixed in with a team that handles lots of things! I'm sure it'll shift around once we formally launch and our needs get more robust. But typically, we like to organize into teams that are focused on the player experience. For example, we have a STORE team. That team is made up of engineers, UX folks, rev strat, producers, etc., who all work in the same space (store). Members of this team can also work on other teams, depending on their responsibilities. I've found that this helps us to create one cohesive experience for players. :)


Hey fam! Just wanted to let you know this was seen, and I'll escalate it to the social team.
Just a heads up, I doubt we'd be able to fix it anytime soon (since we're hard at work on game-critical fixes!), but we can at least put it on their radar <3

11 Apr


At one point in development there was a bug where the knife became FREAKING ENORMOUS.

I super secretly hope it comes back. ><


Originally posted by TSMVillain

riv is so good! I didn’t expect it considering hes not high rank in league but I guess its a different skill

oh totally. FPS games are how he got into esports. He's been waiting for this moment for a loooong time lol.


...have you found the other bears?





...any of y'all watch Rivington's stream last night?
This was literally us.



Originally posted by TTV-Friffle

No problem! Glad I could make your night!

I...might have a commission request. Paid, of course. It's a bit silly, but it would mean a lot. May I DM you?


Originally posted by TTV-Friffle

u/aeneia I heard that you like Sova, so I made you a Sova graphic! Enjoy!

This INSTANTLY became my background. That's so unbelievably kind of you. Thank you so much Friffle <3 Really. (I also just had two really high performing games and this freaking made my night. Thank you. Thank you thank you thank you <3 <3 <3)


Originally posted by MoePork

Hello, I made this animated wallpaper for Viper and posted this thread:

Links to the video files / stills / and the Wallpaper Engine steam workshop are in that thread as well. The video posted in the thread is just the promotional version of it, all the links go to
ones without all the audio fluff and socials. Hope you enjoy!

ahh, that shoulder sway. You nailed that swagger =D. That's my favorite part about her


Originally posted by TTV-Friffle

Nice to meet you too!

creeped and followed and reposted on Twitter. I hope that's okay!


Originally posted by Zydness

I'll leave the ones i did this morning

Valorant 1

Valorant 2

Valorant 3

I shall call these..."the get rekt squad"

Thank you so much for sharing :)


Originally posted by ZenofyMedia

Who's your favourite agent, and what are your favourite colours? 👀

Me? :)
My favorite agent to play is Sova. But I have a serious love of Viper. She's just got so much swagger.
My favorite colors are...colorful lol. It's hard for me to pick one. I do have favorite color combinations, though! Purple-blue-fuchsia... yellow-green-blue... dark pink-orange-yellow ... I love how those colors look together =D


Originally posted by TTV-Friffle

I got much positive feedback from my Colorful Jett image that I made, which you can find here: Because of this, I made a second image, this time of Sage: Hope you guys enjoy it as much as you did the first one!



Originally posted by TTV-Friffle

Just for you ;) . I was planning on making more anyway. And WOW! First time talking to a dev, this is cool!

Thank you so much! That makes me happy :) And nice to meet you!

10 Apr


Originally posted by TTV-Friffle

I made this yesterday

Hope you guys like it.


Can...can you make more? Of the other agents?


  • SFW only please!
  • Don't forget to credit yourself and link your art pages, if you have any!
  • I'd love to retweet some of my favorites; please let me know if you're not comfortable with that!
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