

26 Feb


Originally posted by Ylar_

Please do more surprise stuff like this in future if you get the chance! :D it’s always awesome to see

I'm looking at the opinions now as to whether it's worth doing more secret stuff like this currently. Honestly at the moment it doesn't seem like the value in secrecy is worth it, but I enjoyed keeping it secret so might do more stuff like that just for that reason. :D


Originally posted by nosi40

The tortle part was cruel. I spent about 30 minutes hunting tortles cause I thought you needed to actually hunt them to get the message.

I put weird indigestion messages on the tortle and there was no hunting requirement on the quest....


Originally posted by -Samaster

Had me howling with laughter. My sides ache and I keep chuckling to myself when I remember some of my favourite lines.

Thank you and everyone who worked on it, it was FANTASTIC!

Glad you enjoyed it. :)


A good chunk of this quest was written in my free time, sometimes when I was quite tired and going a bit strange.

You can tell when those bits were...

25 Feb


Originally posted by GodsAreTired

The experiment absolutely paid off, this was the best quest since Children of Mah. Felt like an old style quest like While Guthix Sleeps, where we get to gallivant around the world tying bits and pieces together and doing what Runescape story does best - mixing the awesome and the absurd. Where else do we get to stop an undying monster AND save a seagull marriage at the same time? You outdid yourself Raven.



Originally posted by JTallented

I know a big part of the community doesn’t care for quests anymore, but when I started playing back in 04/05 questing was my favourite part of the game, and it still is now! Thank you and to Cano and Desert for trying new things and putting your own free time into still creating fun enjoyable content.



As others have said, just go talk to Bryll. But please send a bug report anyway, it should be a bit clearer than that.


Originally posted by Xenon_Ray

literally got blueballed so hard before being able to do ed3 thats really annoying

You don't need to do the quest to do ED3...


Originally posted by Atlach_Nacha

I did try group mode; didn't go so well...
Maybe with whole lot of Deathtouched darts I could've shot at it, unless that's been prevented

Group story mode should be pretty easy with the right group. Deathtouched darts are not prevented though.

I think part of the problem though is that you're telling yourself you can't do it. You can. If you managed Endgame, you can definitely manage storymode dungeons. Just stop telling yourself you can't as you can be very persuasive to yourself. I believe in you.


Originally posted by CoolSarn

yeah i can do sliskes endgame and stuff but I cannot do elite dungeons, I'm here in story mode killing a boss that heals all the time.

I know Im suppose to go down and kill the blobs but sometimes I cant get all of them. Didn't think I'd ever have to touch this content for anything.

Don't forget that you can bring some friends along if you're really stuck (or use deathtouched darts as well). It's a tough fight but doable.

I'm sure there are plenty of good people here who'd be happy to help you through the dungeons if you really can't do them.


Originally posted by Atlach_Nacha

Even in story mode I can't complete the first elite dungeon...
... I've never done a elite dungeon and I guess im never getting quest cape back either.

Same here, this quest might have permanently cost me my Quest Cape...
Thanks u/darkhearted_raven

You can do story mode with a group. It's 90% damage reduction and easier than a lot of existing bosses with that included.

I suspect it's the "It's a boss" mental wall blocking you, but if you can do existing quest content, you can do this. ;)


Originally posted by Atlach_Nacha

Do you need to visit any of the Elite Dungeons during the quest?

Yes. But any mode works, including story and group story.


Originally posted by Death_101010

Do you recommend to do the quest before doing ED1 & 2 if you're in the position of having not done them yet?

Personally, yes, but it's not vital.


Originally posted by Death_101010

You would personally do what?

The quest first.


Originally posted by dragoslayr7

ive already thrown it down the well

Maybe check the required items again....


Originally posted by Thus_RS

Thank you! Very important, is it recommended I do this quest first or ED3 first for the full story experience?

I would personally.


Originally posted by dragoslayr7

up the heated metallic object how does one make it brittle is it within the dungeon still?

Look around. ;)


Story mode counts. You can also work with a team.


Originally posted by toyboy51

This is amazing. THere is nothing I love more than questing, although I'm starting to like PVM too, especially the EDs. Now there is both a new ED and a new quest, amazing.

(Was just about to start complaining about the lack of quests)



Originally posted by Jolakot

Raven you spoil us.


This was a bit of an experiment in quest creation. We had a couple of new devs (mod Cano and Mod Desert) who worked on this and a good chunk was done in my free time. So hopefully you enjoy it.