:D Surprise!
:D Surprise!
What if I told her a story about how I found a trove of Guthix's deepest and darkest secrets, and found out that Guthix had thrown her entire homeworld under the bus in order to save another world with a higher population? Perhaps that makes me the monster u/darkhearted_raven always knew we all are, deep down...
Just wondering, if I breed a shiny and the collector takes it and converts it to unchecked does it still count towards my breeding log?
No, it will not have the shiny trait included. You'll need to breed normally for the collection log.
I’ve left a breeding pair in the pen for over a week and have never gotten the collector to hold anything for me. It’s definitely broken
Please send a bug report with as much data as possible using the in-game reporting system.
But wouldn't that end up with you breeding 2 animals that aren't unchecked before you start getting unchecked ones each time? Do babysitters take beans every time an animal would have grown? Can i keep 2 adolescents in the pen to just breed my main pair at the normal rate, collecting them all unchecked?
Collectors only take the ones they would store. If you have 2 slots free normally then those will breed as normal.
Mod Raven,
How does all this work with not updating pof by going there? If i were to leave rabbits in for a week with collector and not log in for the whole week, would i then log in to find the collector has a pile of uncheck rabbits or would i only have the ones in pen?
You should have all of the ones it would have given you. So it should account for the whole time. If that is not happening, include that in a bug report as it helps us narrow down where the problem lies.
There's no advantage to having "two breeding pairs" breeding will only occur for one pair each time.
I did not know that. What if you have a crystal (female), azure (male, virile), and crimson (male) chinchompa? Is it possible to get any of the 3 breeds, or does it always select the best 2 options for breeding (crystal and azure)?
It will look for a male and female pair and breed those. The pair is randomised each time so it slightly alters the range of offspring, but it doesn't increase the rate at which it happens. It doesn't take best breeding chances into account though, so you actually reduce your probability of offspring in this scenario. It's generally better to remove excess animals and focus on a preferred breeding pair.
Note: There's no advantage to having "two breeding pairs" breeding will only occur for one pair each time. The additional slots were always intended for progeny, so you're just denying yourself 2-3 trait offspring.
I've had a look over the code and I cannot see anywhere where anything could be going wrong. It should function as expected, however breeding happens on the following conditions:
Ooh nice, great work!
Would adding new animals really be easy? You'd have to add more drops to certain loot tables, and have new things like potions or cooking recipes that use the animal parts. It seems like it'd be more complicated than "bam, now you can raise rats!"
Note I used the term "relatively easy" ;)
From a pure input PoV it's not too tough. The code is designed to be relatively easy for a dev to plug into. The balancing and reward space, that's trickier, but not impossibly so. It's a good place for when adding new recipes into the game creating value for them. For example the cheesecake quest coming out will offer new uses for the flavoured cow milk only available on the farm.
It's not a snap of the fingers, but in the grand scheme of the game it's pretty straightforward to add a new animal now.
regarding POF, will we get more animals? id love to breed gemstone/metal dragons, maybe it could be a reason to get 120 farming.
Potentially. More animals are not part of this update though. It was designed so that adding more animals in future is comparatively easy though.
If you put animals into the storm barn I assume they won't advance age right?
They won't. Storm barn storage is just storage. Like the bank they won't age, or breed, or get sick etc.
Read moreDoes "splashing" exist?
Not in the sense that people can train Magic like that anymore.
Does Prayer Flicking exist? If it does, is it required for anything PvM-related?
It can, but not like it used to. Except at Jad.
How's the community?
Runescape players are the same everywhere. Find pockets of good socializing in FCs or Clans.
Are there any plans to remove the Java client?
No, but they won't support it forever. (similar for me, and that's what I was told when they helped out this past update)
Does the Pest Control minigame still exist? And if so, is it popular?
Yes. Minigames have a spotlight that boost popularity when they are in the spotlight, but are otherwise not "booming".
Compared to OSRS and RS before EoC, do all the iconic quests still exist with ...
The devs are always stalking reddit too.
I don't know what you mean.
It's pretty obvious to me that farmed items from trees/seeds need to actually be used for POF. For instance, using coconuts, herbs, or even the logs to maintain the pens, or to hire the new farmhands coming soon.
Even something like using farmed products to feed special animals or unlock specific traits, etc. would be a nice way to incentivize usage and help maintain prices.
Not sure I agree with beans being the sole currency of POF when it's clearly taking taking a toll on the overall value of farming...
Thoughts, /u/darkhearted_raven?
Disclaimer: This response is based on ideas running around my head and in no way constitutes a promise or plan for future content.
It's certainly the sort of thing that's in my head for a future player owned farm addition. I'd like to see more specific uses for seeds and plants from other farming content.
I'm not sure I would require you to repair pens, as that would add a frustration element to the content, but I could certainly see things being used for temporary improvements in pens (give your chinchompas a pond to stare at, etc).
One thing I'd like to do is come up with a way of adding in new traits/features that exist only based on what you feed the animal. This was something we wanted to do for launch, but there were too many issues to resolve in the time we had so we had to rethink. E.g if you give your cow only sweetcorn, then they develop some sort of feature such as a chance to provide a new milk source etc.
In addition to this I would ...
Read moreToday was my birthday and my Mom made me this piece of art out of individual strands of yarn that she stuck to the canvas with glue! She knows my favorite skill is Firemaking and my name essentially means "Fire" in my language so it was a super cool present and I wanted to share! :D
Your mother is awesome and so is her artwork.
Bwhahahahaha! I was just about to make the same Post.
You really should get a Respect reward when making Masterwork, even if you don't get alot of Experience./u/darkhearted_raven Who would we ask about this?
One of the mining and smithing team is a good shout, try Mod Jack. /u/JagexJack
Could I ask that, are there any specific mechanics that require specific abilities (stuns) in that case? Or freedom to avoid or clear an instant kill (like vorago bleed)?
I'm not going to discuss mechanics before hand, I think we'd rather players learn them and discuss them with one another so they get a sense of discovery.
But will it be doable in legacy mode? _^
Honestly we've not designed it around Legacy mode, no. We'll largely not be considering Legacy mode with end tier combat designs anymore as it limits what the battle is capable of too much.
I don't think that anybody inside of the company actually knows what it does.
I know.
No I am not telling.
I really hope The Ambassador is doable with Ranged like Black Stone Dragon or Araxxi. I wouldn't mind a slight difficult increase as long as it's consistently doable with the Ranged Weapons they're offering as rewards.
The dungeon can be fought with ranged weapons, but this time around we've made a concerted effort to make the dungeon melee friendly as well, so expect to need to get up close and personal sometimes.