

23 Jul


Originally posted by Sebastiaan_RS

Breeding outside is the main issue for being self sufficient since it's no cost, but being a fake ironman and letting your animals grow to sell, you almost never hit your quota already except for the large pens. These changes only reinforce this.

On top of nerfing the 'main complaint' you're also implementing a 30% xp nerf to base xp, linking xp to happiness and health, which is a problem of its own, AND you're making it expensive as all hell to feed them.

This is nerf on top of nerf on top of nerf and the only direct "buff" we get is some random "lul shiny traits are twice as effective now" which does not weigh up to the decrease in rate and chance at all.

It's worth noting (not mentioned in the news post) that the changes to the way food works also increases the rate at which animal health and happiness increases since the two are linked. So it's actually easier to get healthy happier animals if you keep the food stocked.


Originally posted by Sangheilioz

Honestly, tying the exp gained to health/happiness is the only real change they needed. If that's still not enough, then just cut down the total exp you can gain.

I could see maybe cutting the breeding chance outside the breeding pen by 1/3 or 1/2, but 5x is way too harsh for an expensive upgrade, and extending breed times is just stupid.

So the numbers are in a testing phase at the moment (hence the bold) so subject to change.

We're playing it internally to see how it feels and whether it is too harsh. But we wanted to give you guys a good heads up before we make any changes so we can gather your feedback and adjust as needed.

So far 5x seems like it might be a little too far, so I've noted that feedback and am going to raise dropping it to 3x so it's a little less harsh.

Again, since there has been some confusion, this will ONLY affect the non-breeding pen. The breeding pen has not changed at all.


Originally posted by Sebastiaan_RS

NGL, I think a lot of this is extremely harsh.

5* breeding rate AND chance down, that's insane, combined with the stacking of happiness and health for experience + already a base rate nerf AND food cost, this is an insanely harsh nerf.

I get POF was OP, but bloody hell, this is overdoing it a bit.

5* breeding rate AND chance down

To clarify this is only in the non-breeding pens. The breeding pen is unaffected.

This decision is based on repeated player feedback that breeding outside of the pens was the main issue. This adjustment allows the pens to be useful for completing breeding logs and adding a neat bonus to the pens, but prevents the issue repeatedly raised of animal overabundance.

As a trade off we have doubled the effectiveness of shiny boosting traits and increased the hereditary nature of traits so it should be easier to engineer the animals you want.

09 Jul



Originally posted by Las7imelord

Oh wow, thanks for letting us know, killed the fun thinking it was you though lol.

Btw you are still not forgiven for making us kill Guthix :,(

I regret nothing.



Originally posted by Las7imelord

I cannot claim any credit for these, I believe this is the work of /u/JagexErator

08 Jul


Originally posted by ModernGamerDS

I'm 99.9% sure that I'm using the NXT Client. I also made a report the moment I saw the door because I knew something was up lol.

Investigating now, it appears something odd has happened with an engine update. The good news is that if you load it in java, you should be able to just walk through the doors that should not be there. Hopefully we'll have an NXT fix soon, but that should at least let you complete the quest.


Definitely should not be a door there. Are you using the NXT client or java? We've got someone investigating this right now, but I thought I'd ask.

Obviously please submit an ingame bug report as it gives us a bit more data which we can use to track down the issue.

01 Jul


Originally posted by mporubca


From the programmatic standpoint what's the difference between repeatable quest and one-time quest?

Isn't is good practice to make things modular?

So, some of this is due to how the existing systems work, which I won't go into.

If we're creating a quest from scratch, then it's an increase of workload but it's something we can factor in. Dev wise, not too bad, but you are effectively doubling and sometimes tripling the QA load because they need to test it repeatedly in various scenarios. So there's a definite cost there that we need to factor in. Basically we need to choose whether to make it replayable, or whether we add in an extra action moment (or several) into the quest (i.e a puzzle, boss, interaction section etc) or a more interesting reward. Generally players are more interested in the first time feeling great than replaying existing.

However, if we're converting lower level quests that effectively requires us to rewrite the backbone of the quest and we need to do so finding a way that allows for existing players to keep their save states AND allow players currently doing the quest to not get disr...

Read more

27 Jun


Originally posted by WhySoFishy

This has been requested for years but Jagex really has been quiet about it. IMO RS has probably the worst player models out of any modern MMO these days. Honestly, even the HD era (08-12) player models were better.

We have replied multiple times about this. It's definitely something we would really like to do, but updating all the player models is a MASSIVE undertaking.

We're talking reworking every single piece of player kit, every single player animation and retesting the entire game. It's a tremendous job that would lock us out of content for a really long time.

It's definitely something we're looking at and definitely something we want to do, but it's not a simple thing.

20 Jun


A very interesting adaptation of races. I'm intrigued at the direction you took the ilujanka, I personally had them a bit more druidy, but the paladin approach works perfectly as well.

13 Jun


Originally posted by jorgelucasds

/u/jagexrowley /u/darkhearted_raven it took Jagex years to realize Hunter xp was broken and needed adjusting. Please dont take years to see how broken and bad to the game PoF is in its currently form. Its never too late to fix it.

We are discussing these XP rates right now. If there is a development we will let you know, but we are definitely aware of the situation and are investigating.

12 Jun


Originally posted by RuneScaper-1

I see, and yeah I of course know it's a big deal haha, we're talking about changing how EVERY player looks like.

For now; what do you think of introducing like certain outfits, masks, etc that change how the player looks like? I don't mean like a face paint or such, I'm saying something like how the beach outfits make the male body get a 6-pack. What if you make an outfit that gives the player that new model? Without making every player change into it.

We would need to align any anims with that, which again is a phenomenal amount of work. There are texture tricks we could do, sure, but it would be creating work for the sake of it and create weird situations where one person stands next to another with completely different face graphic styles, which would be super weird.

It's better to do it all in one go rather than try and hack a way around it which would just create a mess for future additions to the game.


Originally posted by RuneScaper-1

Awww please think of doing that one day though, it looks amazing. We've been stuck with the current one for a long time now and we only have choices for hairstyles and colors, skin tones, and one male and female face/body.

Sadly a rework of the player character is an enormous undertaking that would use up a lot of resources for a LONG time. We are constantly looking into it, but it's just not feasible at this point in time.


Originally posted by Will_Redd_It

What's the character design on the lady? Have they always used that, or it it a hint towards a new player model?

It looks designed and not like the typical concept art.

That's a high poly sculpt. We use these before we create the low poly versions as it helps to create the best look possible. This is not an indication of new player models as we are not currently working on a player model rework (though it is something we are constantly investigating).

11 Jun


Glorious work there!

06 Jun


Originally posted by yoranpower

Should give then some free LAW RUNES for that comment.

We should both be BARRED from lawyer jokes.


I guess neither of them had any.... OBJECTION!!!!


I'll see myself out.

05 Jun


Originally posted by abandonplanetearth

Not OP but last weekend I did Carnillean Rising and I really appreciated the voice acting, it adds such a fun layer to the experience. Questing is my favorite thing about RS... thanks to the team for delivering a consistent and enjoyable questing experience even 15 years later.



Try some of the recent quests with audio on. The audio team have done some AMAZING stuff lately.

If you've got the combat skills give the elite dungeons a try as well, the music there is fantastic.

24 May


Originally posted by zenyl

Players: Wooho, we can get Guthix back!

Mod Raven: Muhahaha... No. [Kills another beloved character]

<3 It's like you know me! :D