

17 May


Originally posted by BobDaBilda

Obviously they've replied directly, and you've got your answer, but I'll also point out that they're already following your advice, before you gave it.

Notice that lately, they haven't talked about something unless it's a "small", or "small to medium" sized project, that's nearly complete, or in QA. They also seem to have changed QA Policies internally (from what, and to what? I don't know, but they've definitely released with less weird, but obvious bugs recently).

Everything else they've said over the last, I dunno, 3-6 months, maybe longer? has been "We're excited for a new bit of content that 'team name' is working on", or "New projects are incoming, and they're awesome". Things along those lines. Occasionally they'll be a tad more specific, and say "a new quest", but not give anything more direct than that.

They've (Shauny has, I guess I could say) gotten better at avoiding asking questions on streams that just plain can't be answered. If he sees one ...

Read more

This is a really good comment that captures a lot of what we're trying to do right now. I couldn't have put it any better myself.

16 May

14 May


Originally posted by kevineke1996

sliskes endgame gave me a medium lamp wish you normally get for a replay. just remembered that thout i should let you know that. also i never got the accept quest screen because it imediatly started with that battle . maybe this helps

Thanks, yeah we're on this. It's a fiddly fix for a really stupid slip up (curse you copy and paste) but we've got a fix incoming.


Originally posted by GodsAreTired

Of course it was raven



Originally posted by Las7imelord

See I'm wondering that, was it a memory of what unfolded OR, did we take control of Sliske and kill Guthix all along? I mean we have gone into the past before.

I really have a feeling Sliske isn't dead and he will be some sort of end game for the Elder God's, I don't know why but Guthix knew it all had to happen for a reason.

Also does this mean the elder god's can revive Guthix? I mean they created life, they have the power right? Can Guthix come back for a 7th age? I mean if we defeat the elder god's or can some how reason with them (Serens idea), surely as a good will gesture they can give us back some peace? Maybe if the elder god's don't play ball and we can get him back, maybe he can block them out and lock all god's in, securing Gilenor.

So many questions, so many hopes.

Just want Guthix back tbf lol.

As written, it's just a memory of the past. A broken piece of time being shown again. A recording, nothing more. You didn't kill Guthix... well in a way you sort of did, but hey...


Originally posted by Las7imelord

This is the worst thing you could ever do Jagex Why would you do this, explain yourselves.......

You can make more P2W items, you can have my credit card details for all spins, shelve bank rework but this.... this is just the worst thing ever :'(




Thanks for spotting, I'll get that fixed.

17 Apr


I love the depiction of ravensworn. :D

12 Apr


Hey guys,

I have flagged this to the support team and it looks like a filter thing got overzealous.

We have shot that filter. This should not happen again and we've shown all the other filters what will happen should they try this again. We expect them to behave.

If you submit an appeal the ban should get overturned.

We apologise for the inconvenience.

= Raven =

Edit: Quick edit for clarity of what will get overturned in an appeal.

05 Apr


Originally posted by usualowl

Is this it or there is something more? Cuz im out of ideas.

There is always something more. But there's no special title or anything for the ravensworn farm animals, the achievements were just a bit of fun.

There will always be more ravensworn content turning up as long as I'm devving a project. ;)

04 Apr


You have done well. I am proud of you.

08 Mar


Originally posted by BradlePhotos

How many pints can I supply you to hear some cool Runescape things? (not necessarily upcoming, but just so much lore)

I don't drink. :P


An interesting read.

There are some good assumptions here and some wrong assumptions as well.

I'd say more but that would give too much away. But I'm pleased to see you spotted some things. ;)

05 Mar


Originally posted by Disheartend

I thought osborn was lead.

He's lead designer, I'm a lead developer, different roles. ;)


Originally posted by TaerinaRS

Love your style, u/darkhearted_raven.

Am I worthy of a .gif response o.O?

edit: da heck downvotes I'm literally not being sarcastic, I genuinely thing the guy has a nice voice

It's ok, I know you're being sincere. <3

01 Mar


Originally posted by Disheartend

I've been a lead for about 4 years now... ;)

wait what?

Yeah.... it's not a new thing. :P