

13 Jun


Originally posted by DVakarian98

I can't talk to Caelyn or Annette because I'm halfway through the Heartstealer quest. Anyone know what I can do or do I have to finish the quest first?

You'll have to finish the quest first I'm afraid. It won't take long and the event hangs around til the end of June, so you have plenty of time. :)


Originally posted by Gargumptuous

The pride event means the world to some of us, thanks for adding it in! :D

I've only just started it, but so far it appears to be really well written and beautiful.


08 Feb


Originally posted by stumptrumpandisis1

if truth is subjective that means guthix is still alive, hell yeah

He lives on inside all of us.
Which is to say he's dead. Like a doornail.

07 Feb


Originally posted by Fadman_Loki

u/darkhearted_raven can you confirm this is true? If not, can you make it true?

I confirm nothing. I deny nothing. Truth is subjective.


Originally posted by Fadman_Loki

We still have Mod Raven, he's great


Jack, Rowley, Stu are still here and will always push for quests alongside me. We've also got Mod Shrike in as our newest lore council member and she's an avid quest lover too, so don't worry quests will be fought for by all of us.

11 Jan


Deliciousness is power! Nutrition is strength! Eggs? Eggs are a great source of both. Have no fear BRASSICA PRIME IS HERE!!!!

10 Jan


Originally posted by Sprx10

First, long time since I've seen you here on reddit Raven, killed a lot of important characters lately or planning to kill some soon?

Second, why does the even have a lore inconsistency regarding Het being dead when he hasnt been killed off in any quest by now?

The screenshot of Mod Jack (i think it was him) saying its a 2nd Het strongly goes against the lore as only Tumeken can make a new Het, and Tumeken is legit dead at this point (if we ignore the karid-ib diamond), and really just comes across as a retcon for JMods not knowing the lore and wanting to justify the "Het is dead" comments.

Second, why does the even have a lore inconsistency regarding Het being dead when he hasnt been killed off in any quest by now?

We've discussed this section and decided to retcon it, the text about Het "passing" was intended to be mysterious rather than definitive but wasn't read in the way intended. After discussing it the Lore Council have decided that it's better to remove this confusion from the game rather than try and resolve it via discord discussions.

So that text will be adjusted shortly.


Originally posted by Jd3vil

Why not?

Each task takes something like 5 minutes, which is easily done when you dip in each day. If you save them all up to the end that's 14 tasks in one go, which is a bigger undertaking.

Ultimately it's the same reward, so play how you play, but I personally would spread them out.


Originally posted by Not-so-chatty2022

How does the community bar work on the big chest? I don't understand the information on it. why is it only 15% while I am 40%

Because the community as a whole has only made 15% progress.

It's a community event which means you are rewarded based on how the community does as a whole and your personal contribution. Ultimately your rewards are capped by the lowest of the two scores.

On the plus side week 2 sees a boost in community contributions, as well as some skilling changes that should make certain activities more compelling, so we should see that contribution increase.

07 Jan


Originally posted by the01li3

Sorry, does this mean it doesnt really do much?

I was presuming it was code left over from guardians gift that someone forgot to remove the box from, but then it has an interaction in that it gives you a dialog box just saying what completing the mission does, and turns off after completion of said mission, so im kinda lost on its purpose.

The interface just needs to list the daily tasks, we left the interaction button because it can't hurt and some people might want to see that little bit of info (i.e they haven't interacted with any tasks) from the message box.


Originally posted by Sayonee99

So I can wait till the last day and do em all in one go? That's brilliant then. Ty.

I don't recommend it, but yes.


Originally posted by raydrik

Not sure but maybe if you missed some tasks, then selecting would allow the task items to spawn in the oasis? Like selecting “Check for survivors” will spawn the survivors around the oasis. Not sure because I haven’t missed any days yet but I would imagine having several tasks pile up and automatically spawn in the oasis without selecting them could look hectic closer to the end of the two week period.

You can only "miss" tasks if you try to do them after the event has ended. Tasks are only unlocked each day, you can complete multiple tasks on one day if you have them unlocked.


Originally posted by _Manks

Around that time there was a zombie attack in JHQ as well, glad to see mostly everyone recovered from it.

Some say French is still rolling over car bonnets.

Can confirm.


Originally posted by AssHat_

God I love you


06 Jan


About eleven years ago we did a Halloween event where some Jmods became "zombie lords" and players had to come and fight them in clan wars.

Surprising no one, I was one of the zombie lords and it was certainly an experience. Most of my battle strategy consisted of typing jmod cheats repeatedly into the console to try and survive the MASSIVE onslaught of attacks from players.

We also pre-empted this by turning up on random worlds and PKing players when they could do nothing to harm us BWAHAHAHAHAHA. :D

Was good times.


Originally posted by whitfin

Has anyone mentioned the default skybox and the fog? It doesn’t look like an oasis, more a desert. Is this intentional? It looks so bright on all the promo pictures.

Yes this is intentional. Wait til next week. ;)

Currently you're dealing with the post-disaster area.

05 Jan


Originally posted by Jagex_Stu

I only love this.

I judge you.


Originally posted by PiccoloCapable

Thanks for the clarification! Hi Raven! Happy New Year! Hope we see/hear more from you this year

I'm always around, you can generally find me on the discord every once in a while. Unsurprisingly I favour the lore chats. :D


Originally posted by awsd-7

Any changes? Charge cost, buff duration, boost strength?

Yes, it's a boost. Wont cost you more, but the benefit is stronger.


I hate this.
I also love this.