

15 Jun


Originally posted by DatShokotan

Cool thanks for giving a response.

When I encountered the bug for helwyr I did actually move him around quite a bit to no amount of success. The mob kept passing by. I defended south gate with him in my second run so I didn’t test for the issue a second time. He was being a bad boy.

The immortal Tok Haar - I have a theory that maybe you can test. Can a wonky internet connection or some hiccup in computer hardware cause it to miss the check that’s supposed to kill things that reach 0HP? The Tok Haar in that particular scenario dropped to 0HP and continued to hit the barricade for 75% alone (the barricade was taking damage with no other sources nearby). And then he mysteriously vanished. During this time he was completely uninteractable.

I can attempt to replicate this and submit a report ingame later.

Our calculations are done serverside so it won't be anything to do with your connection, so please don't stress about your setup. It'll be a weird glitch in the death code, possibly in combination with some other process. Worth considering things like abilities used, any items you've activated, or potions you're using. I'm doing some digging today, see if I can find it out.

You lose nothing other than time if the event fails, so if you're encountering this problem just home tele and restart and hopefully it won't happen the second time around.


There's no code that prevents Helwyr attacking to the north, he should be able to. However, sometimes his hunt system gets a little confused. If he's being stubborn you can normally fix it by moving him a little bit, just send him a little on to the grass. He'll still hit the same range, but he might behave a little more.

I'll obviously take a look and see if I can make him behave, but if they stop working you can fix it by moving them about a bit.

Not sure how tokhaar are turning immortal, that is particularly weird and not one that cropped up in testing. As always please submit a bug report with as much information as possible and it'll help us track it down.

21 Apr


Just so you're aware I am working on this as we speak. Currently trying to unravel why it's not unlocking, but I'm adding a check to Seren (at the council chamber) after the quest so, if you don't have it unlocked, simply speaking to her will resolve it. Keep an eye on the patch notes for when this fix goes live.

26 Feb


Originally posted by fennric

Mmmm. Gotta love everything that comes back to haunt after each iteration of the lore.

Like the fact that -- at the beginning -- your character walks into that lab and immediately mistakes Vicendithas for Kerapac. Ah yes.



This is amazing!


Originally posted by [deleted]

I'd like to know what "somtehing else" truly means in XT's context. Because if he's no Elder God and no Anti-Elder God... Then what? Malice itself? The Dark Matter?

The only parallel i can draw about him has nothing to do with Runescape, like at all, but hear me out:

SPOILERS Obviously

There's a game called Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon. There, the main story revolves around a "malice" that turned pokémon into savages. This malice then corrupts the "Tree of Life" which come to think of it is very very similar to the Heart of Gielinor.


By corrupting the main source of life, the dark matter would corrupt all living beings, and therefore plunge the entire universe into chaos. Dark Matter can also turn every pokemon into... yeah you guessed it. STONES!

I don't know if this is just a casuality, or if the ...

Read more

I've never heard of that game and it's not something that any of the lore council have ever raised in regards to the story. Sorry, this is a reference dead end here and any similarities are entirely coincidental.

25 Feb


Hey guys, I'm looking into this now. Hopefully it's something very simple as I expect I know where the weirdness has occurred.

23 Feb


Originally posted by Rarycaris

Is there any notable post-quest dialogue? None of the characters I've tried had much to say :(

No, we've decided to focus less on PQD (which a relative handful of people engage with) and use that time on core content instead (e.g the time that would have been spent on PQD was spend on the core dialogue in the quest)


Originally posted by GamerSylv

Anyone got an issue in recent quests with Gods treating you weird? I've always been pro-Saradomin in my choices, but in today's quest he's treating me like an assohle, as if I helped Zamorak in BoL. When there was the issue that resulted in Jagex placing a lot of people at the end of Endgame did it change our "canon" choices? I've never actually replayed Endgame and therefore never changed them mysef.


No changes have been made to any Endgame related choices with this quest update. Make sure you hadn't started a new playthrough and changed your choices.

22 Feb


Originally posted by Im_Phteven

When can we expect the next one? I need more lore.

Haha give us a bit of time. ;)

But you won't be short on lore this year.


Originally posted by Keve321

Just finished the Quest, and oooohman - this is the juiciest lore quest in ages. I absolutely loved it, it tied into other storylines in a great way, and has got me wayyy beyond excited for this upcoming year.

You're killing it with the lore and quests lately, great job everyone <3

Glad you enjoyed it. :)


Originally posted by San4311

Well there is a reason teachers/professors advise to use a different font when re-reading your work ;)

Sadly we don't have that option when reading it in game. ;)


Originally posted by ThtGuyTho

Agreed, although it perfectly reflected the feelings of the characters through the gameplay, so that's pretty neat.

That was the intention. :)


I have read this line something like a thousand times and only now can I see the missing e.... *Screams*

18 Feb


Originally posted by dandelion-dreams

I second this!!

I third this!

18 Jan


Originally posted by Fadman_Loki

Ah, the D&D dungeon master approach. Just go with whatever the players say that sounds coolest, and say it was the plan all along :P

In fairness I've always said this bit of lore was inspired by players. ;)

Now as a DM, yeah I do that all the time, but my players still think I've got master documents with every interaction in them. If you're reading this my D&D lot, it's definitely true, honest. I do not make stuff up on the fly, no sireeeee.....


Originally posted by Concordia_chaos

Yes, it happened quite often when i did my Title Hunt.

My character does indeed speak for me sometimes lmao.

Edit: these are some lines my character said:

  • Perfect Landing.

  • Life is Pain.

  • Geronimo.

  • I meant to do that.

Your best bet would be to ask people if they remember any more quotes or try asking /u/Darkhearted_raven or /u/Jagexorion if they know the lines :p

Definitely not an easter egg based on me struggling to find the right animations for the scene. Some of the previous animations were... substantially more broken... and it led to these little bits of dialogue. They're pretty rare to be fair.

08 Jan


Originally posted by Maximus_Gugu

Ripper Demons' lore is PERFECT

I must give some of the credit there to the players. As there was a discussion on the forums/reddit at the time of creating the lore where players were discussing the concept art and how they wondered if it could be something creepy like the demon actually being the bandages. It was delightfully spooky, so I worked it into the rest of the lore we had and wrote some spoopy journal entries about them.

08 Dec


Originally posted by Drakirth

The animations with the new boss are incredible - big props to everybody who worked on it. Also, the voice acting throughout the fight was amazing, I love the way Rakshas voice is so bass-y and overwhelmingly fills your headphones (u/darkhearted_raven , did you voice The Keeper AND Raksha? :P).

The lore implications that short mini quest had is incredibly intriguing too, I can’t wait for the future!

Haha I cannot claim credit for the voice overs, neither are me. We got some amazing voice actors in to do the roles.

14 Oct


Originally posted by the_Real_Romak

Is it not possible to simply create a server where players are maxed and cannot interact with the live game? I have no clue how hard that would be but surely it's possible to lock some accounts to a specific server, sort of like a sandbox mode?

Edit: to clarify, the accounts start like regular accounts, only difference is they're already maxed

An alternative game mode is a big investment and currently the number of people that seem to be interested in something like this is too low to be viable. It's more than just flipping a switch I'm afraid. I don't work with the server side of things, so I can't go into any specifics, but it's more complicated an issue than you might think.