

31 Aug


Originally posted by w1ckedzocki

Can we get someone from riot answering why this happens again?

There is so much silence around the patches and the patch notes it’s annoying


Seems like the patch got reverted right now. Got another update (around 25mb) and I have the old charge blade values again

Sure, I can take a stab at it. There was a release making some behind-the-scenes adjustments to normal game matchmaking that mistakenly pushed the balance patch out early. It is very unfortunate that it happened twice in a row, I totally agree. As it happened around 1-2am LA time, it required the EU and Southeast Asia teams to wake up and notify the engineers to roll the patch back.

Patch notes are scheduled to come out at a specific time every two weeks. We do this because we support around 20 languages in WR, and don't want to give any specific language early access. Earlier on in WR's development, we got a bunch of feedback that the notes were too early before and ended up confusing players, so we pushed them to be closer to the release timing (around 7pm LA time). Sometimes, articles do slip out early, almost entirely down to human error.

Minor patches (2.4a, 2.4b) tend to come out roughly the same time every two weeks, and the patch notes come shortly beforeh...

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24 Aug


we're fixing this. i get the feeling someone did an oopsie paste or something here. you know like when you type your password into a thing and then you're like "huh why didn't that show up" and then you realise it actually went to discord

20 Aug


Originally posted by PankoKing

That's very true, though there are a lot of random Rioters that do random things. I would say follow Draggles, but they can be pretty spotty.

Might be worth making a collective list of the Rioters and what they do, with their permission of course.

spotty? bruh

13 Aug


some of y'all are clairvoyants

12 Aug


Originally posted by Fakecabriolet342

*Southern Noxus*

Procceeds to show Immortal bastion anyway. Idk rito atleast get your f**king GEROGRAPHY STRAIGHT CUZ IMMORTAL BASTION IS NOT IN A FKING SOUTHERN NOXUS FFS

I actually asked about this too in production - it's not the Immortal Bastion; this is a local garrison tower. It's way too small to be the Immortal Bastion.

14 Jul


turning off the announcer was a gamechanger for tilt for me lol

30 Jun


based on the comments here - recommend watching on a phone!

29 Jun


a 1v9 like no other. incredible

02 Jun


Originally posted by Mikaelstrom

They are using Wildrift 3d model to make cinematic which is looks good.

well spotted :)

22 May


the nexus going to 1hp stressed me out lol

20 May


Originally posted by loyalshnuffy

Some of their communications seem a bit off. The bit I dislike most is having to go to twitter to find out any new info through the rioters etc that seem to leak things or discuss important things on their personal pages. Seems like they could post smaller and more frequently on their actual website instead

let me know an example of who does this - i know i've tweeted stuff like "article coming soon" but i do not enjoy when folks on the team announce new information via their personal socials; we've made a conscious effort to try and make sure it only comes from the main accounts


agreed! we want to do this. just finding development resources above other (arguably more important) projects

18 May


Originally posted by KaptainSoda

guys they are adding new rune!! if you notice irelia is using it. to the new players who don't know bone plating it works after taking a damage from an enemy champ for 1.5 secs, the next 3 spells or attacks you recieve from the same enemy champ deal 30-60 (based on lvl) less damage. you can see on the sneak peek it procs the moment miss fortune attack irelia.

= btw it has 45 secs cool down (pc version) before you can use it again, since they will add it in wild rift maybe they will reduce the cooldown like between 20 - 30 secs.

we can't sneak anything past you, can we

10 Mar


Originally posted by YEETpoliceman

Alright, thanks for the answer

i'd also wanna add that these articles (the "Real Talk" ones, anyway) will likely just be casual check-in updates (like League PC's "Quick Gameplay Thoughts") as opposed to big feature announcements which you'll usually see on YouTube, in dev diaries, on the website, etc


Originally posted by YEETpoliceman

I wish they could say more about RoleQ etc..

Im so sad that i got nothing from this real talk tbh

i worked with alan to write this, and i feel you. we wanted to just acknowledge a lot of the pain y'all had been feeling (finally, right?) so we'd have something to refer back to to hold us accountable. unfortunately, we don't have much hard data to share quite yet - we're really invested in making these spaces better, so just want to echo a thank you from the team for pushing us on them.

21 Feb


... i gotta make some edits

06 Feb


Originally posted by aron11195

riot ben forbes is already asking about it on twitter 3 days ago. they want info on what devices ur using

^ this! please send reports to support-wildrift.riotgames.com so we can collect more info!

04 Feb


Hey all, we've seen this report a lot. Can you make sure to send a ticket to support-wildrift.riotgames.com with details about your phone model and what issues you're seeing and specifically when? That's where we're collecting a lot of info on this issue. Thank you!


You can actually see the missions that'll be available (and their rewards) with Lunar Lovers over here!

14 Jan


We talked about this a few weeks ago! Have a read of the /dev: Balancing Wild Rift article. This may be applicable:

HOW OFTEN WILL WE BALANCE? Major balance patches will hit roughly every two weeks on a fixed day of the week so you’ll always know when to expect them. However, as we’re still figuring out our development timelines, the initial patching frequency after Wild Rift heads into Regional Open Beta may be less rhythmic. Our primary focus right now is making sure the game is shipped at a high quality to as many players as possible.

We want to avoid situations where we have to adjust something m...

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