

14 Oct


Originally posted by TheWorldisFullofWar

A long awaited social feature


Players have asked for clans, clubs or guilds since pretty much day 1 of beta. Even if it's not what many folks on the subreddit want, it has been a top ask for a long time


Originally posted by pokachipokachi

/u/draggles can we have a list of banned words/topics in the subreddit please? i'm trying to write a comment but it's getting autodeleted and not showing up, i thought i got shadowbanned for a second. (you can see it in my profile, it's the last comment before this. If you click on "permalink" you can see it doesn't show up)

I don't run the subreddit in any form - you'll have to ping the mods!

11 Oct


Originally posted by sakaloko

No f**king way, I asked the brazilian rioters MULTIPLE times and 100% of the times they said it wouldn't be available anymore. I smell shit

Likely just a miscommunication - that wasn't super circulated information across Riot, so sorry we misled you there


Personally I think Queso has the edge on Tribe just because of the breadth of pros in EU vs NA, but I just hope they have fun c:


This was always in the plan, and we've actually mentioned a few times that we'd be doing this, but that was back in the Alpha when it was first mentioned so on us for not resurfacing. Pls don't reviewbomb to try and get what you want :(

09 Oct


Originally posted by Whats_Up4444

This is more like an announcement of a preview of the patch notes.

This is Kojima's world, we just live in it.

07 Oct


Originally posted by TalkingPixels

Unrelated question: I got a name in WR that I dont want to get taken away but want a letter capitalized but afraid to submit a ticket lol. Its nothing bad but is it possible to get it capitalized without changing it? Cant do it via account settings

I know we honour this for League PC, but I don't know if we do so for Wild Rift. Worst case is they say no! Feel free to try!


Originally posted by DevastaTheSeeker

It's all good. Game development is hard. Just take the last part I said into consideration more than anything. If you aren't able to replace it right away might as well extend it till you do

Yeah - I actually chased that around a week before the pass was due to expire. We worked through a bunch of possible solutions for it (unfortunately it's not as easy as it would be in games where we can just adjust a config in the background, it turns out, and would have required a bunch of dev work and a patch) - Given that the 2.5 patch was around the corner the team opted to not fix it this time, but they're aware of it in case something similar happens again. The upshot is that we did grant 10 extra levels to everyone partway through for an unrelated thing, so hopefully people got what they wanted in the end anyway. I realise it feels like a bit of a ghost town when the pass isn't live tho lol


Yep, that was something we said which didn't happen this time around due to the patch delay. I take responsibility for it, and I'm sorry

06 Oct


I know yet another delay sucks. It really sucks for us too. Fingers crossed this is the last delay! Hope y'all enjoy the patch preview when it lands, we worked hard on this one.


Originally posted by LieuVijay

X.0 or 2.X releases are always the ones that bring big/major changes as compared to the tiny 2.4x changes.

And they probably had to update/fix quite a few stuff. And bring possibly bring new features etc

It's pretty much this - the "major" patches are the ones that require a full new build of the game, reapproval by the app stores, full development cycle and so on, so they have a lot more that can go wrong (vs the "lettered" patches which are normally just balance/content/bugfixes)


Originally posted by Whats_Up4444

Unrelated, how was your reaction to sora in smash?

Favorite kh game?

To be super blunt I was quite tired (7am when it was announced) but when the Simple and Clean orchestral music started i literally had tears rolling down my cheeks lol. lots of memories of this series

favourite game is prob KH1 just for the nostalgia, but i am close to Chain of Memories purely for the time I put into it lol


Originally posted by KatashiWR

Mind compensating us with a patch preview release date at least?

ya, we'll be revealing the schedule for everything later this week! (i realise this is an announcement of an announcement of an announcement. pls forgive)


I don't know if it'll "redeem" anything. There's just a lot of stuff to write about. I hope you enjoy it all!

05 Oct


Originally posted by spiritxiv

u/draggles Care to elaborate?

we have a few things coming!


Originally posted by LieuVijay

Look up official WR’s Twitter to keep up. (Though personally we shouldn’t be doing this. Twitter is a dumb platform)

Follow the 1) main Wildrift Twitter 2) Alan deathstare guy - Project manager or something 3) draggles - comms guy 4) events lady 5) Matchmaking guy - who got flamed very hard (fk you flamers) 6) Jonathan chao - forgot his role.

And drop some niceties once in a while. They might not be perfect but people tend to want to do their best. Flaming and hounding them doesn’t work. Ever felt tired AF and have your boss be nice to you and make you want to give your 110%? We are their bosses.


yeah we push a lot of stuff to twitter because we don't have a ton of easy ways of talking to players in game. the event was left up for a couple of days after so people could take in garen's amazing pose but it wasn't meant to be a long-lived thing! i think we should do those events more often imo, they seem like fun little repeatable things

30 Sep


Originally posted by BaronVKarma

The devs had already said they will never implement Berserk Greaves or Sorcerer Shoes because it would pigeonhole every mage and marksman to taking those boots. To promote build diversity, the stats are already given to all characters.

Adding teleport as a spell wouldn’t work with the faster paced games and would also lessen skill expression. Wild rift minion waves are much easier to manage and because of that most baron laner a can comfortably survive lane with minimal trade offs and would have no drawbacks to taking teleport.

Tier lists are terrible and encourage players to use one character all the time because they’re “S-tier” whilst ignoring the opponent’s composition. Not worth complaining about since every decent media creator for wild rift should offer more than tier lists.

And what do you mean by “drake hp and kill gold changes needed”? Be specific

I believe the team initially didn't make teleport a summoner spell because in WR it's more of a reactive choice against (or in support of) splitpushing or rotations.


i find jungle to be the most rewarding role just because of how much influence i feel i have over the game.

related: did you ever just set up games like fifa or tekken and watch two (teams of) bots play to see who wins? that's kind of how i feel about my lanes when i'm jungling, but i can step in like a god and fix things. plus, objective fights are all on me, and if i'm playing like lee or khazix, i have to focus on getting rid of carries. i am NOT a jungle main in league PC but i feel great playing it in WR

26 Sep


we should add these to the loading screen tips

22 Sep


Originally posted by UncleTaco916

I’m glad you got to release that reddit grudge

a hero of our time