

25 Sep


Originally posted by klensley

WAT? Barret's vest was awesome for a Tactician seeker/turret build.

Before the nerf, Barrett's was the bee's knees for sure.

25 Aug


Originally posted by LubzinNJ

The fact Hamish is posting this is extremely disturbing....loot isn't being fixed fellas

How do you figure? I just want a better DTE roll :D

That doesn't mean there aren't changes coming (I just don't know what they are yet)

24 Aug


Ooooo! Thanks for the tip. Headed out to the shops. BRB.

01 Aug


By difficulty spike, I thought you meant 1.3.


23 Jul


Originally posted by Airjarhead

I think it's great that you commented Hamish, but I have to ask...

As soon as we have more info on these topics ,we'll talk about them with the devs responsible for them :)

Can you please explain this? What more do you need to know about loot/RNG?. It's TERRIBLE. Getting a good chest piece is 10 times more rare than getting The Stone of Jordan from Diablo 2. What more do you need to know?

I just mean that I'm only the messenger so that information needs to be collated into something digestible. Recognising the issue, which we publicly have, isn't nearly as important as communicating our plans to address it. Once we have clear points to get out to you, we'll be telling you all about it.

Also, 3xSoJ 4 ZOD?


I think it's a great point that loot changes could help everyone but it's also worth noting that the folks on the production side that would be assigned to these 2 potential focuses would be on different teams. It doesn't necessarily mean that we're locked into such a binary decision.

As soon as we have more info on these topics, we'll talk about them with the devs responsible for them :)

03 Jul


Originally posted by BropolloCreed

I'd love this.

Although I'd completely avoid the DZ in that case. Nothing like having all your work and effort taken away by some opportunistic noob with riot foam and a shotgun.

Imagine the tension though!

02 Jul

15 Jun


Happy birthday! Hope you had a good one <3

12 Jun


Joke's on you. I'm not at E3 although this is probably exactly what Chris and Yannick are up to.

06 Jun


Originally posted by Fragzilla360

"Can we talk about the buff to the Tac 50?"

My eyes lit up and my penis moved a little bit when Hamish asked that.

Graphic. Very graphic.

29 May


Originally posted by D-v-us-D

So far it's a bunch patting of backs for jobs well done and a bunch of nothing about nothing.

I'm pretty sure I told Drew to talk about everything they did wrong; in my eyes at least that's not very self congratulatory.


Originally posted by Battlekid18

Massive has been one of the most communicative developers i've seen, especially for a AAA studio. And yet people are saying that they don't listen to any feedback and are tonedeaf to everything because a certain issue didn't get addressed for long enough. I'm honestly getting pretty tired of it. They're working on it, just because they can't have a fix for every issue in the game in a day doesn't mean they're not doing something about said issues.

There's a reason we call it "State of the Game" and not "Here's All The Fixes You've Ever Dreamed Of Going Live Right Now Report".

I appreciate that people have frustrations with aspects of the game and I read these threads through that lens. As I've always said, I love the critical feedback since it's certainly better than apathy. We'll keep putting out as much information as we can on a weekly basis. It's kind of that simple.

23 May


Originally posted by firebane

Call it what you want.. FPS.. third person.. they all suffer on a console compared to PC for several various reasons.

Yeah, I actually made the same snaffoo from memory and then clarified that I meant "shooter" rather than FPS. At it's core, it's an issue with a difference of inputs and it's certainly not a new thing for The Division. The game has always been harder on console (unless for some reason you find a controller easier than a M/KB) but I do think this conversation is a good one to have. Apologies to u/theoldwolfps4 if my delivery seemed insensitive, that's the last thing I wanted.

For the sake of conversation, here's some musings I think that'd be good to go over:

  • Why is it that now (given that this is the way it has always been in The Division 1&2) that the difficulty difference between PC and Console is such a hot topic?
  • ...
Read more

16 May


Originally posted by syowr

aaaaannnnddd now for a deafening round of silence from you and everyone else involved in this decision as the solo players all take your multiple f**ks given and stop playing...

No reason to grind for gear builds to be able to run content I won't be allowed to see outside of a youtube video about it. I was planning to drop a few bucks on the apparel event too I'll save it for a different game though.

I definitely don't think silence is the way to go here; I'd like to think you and the rest of the community know me better than that. I'll do my best to give you all of the information as it happens. Let's be clear, there is nothing stopping you from experiencing this content. Does the lack of matchmaking make this a little more of a burden for you? That's a fair thing you could say yes to.

tl;dr - keep talking, silence sucks.


Originally posted by marniconuke

Keep in mind i'm still playing with randoms. You are just making finding them a lot harder

That's a really constructive, good point.

15 May


Originally posted by thuggothic

There was 0 f**ks given by either one of them about it

I give multiple f*cks. That's why I came here to see what folks like you are saying.

10 May


Originally posted by fazdaspaz

You joke but people love that sort of shit.

Have you seen the hype around the Dota2 patch notes days? People watch 9 hour analysis streams. We love it.

Of course, Merlini and Purge and the go-to for me. What level is your TI9 Compendium though? #highfive

08 May


Originally posted by ZephiieB

True. But you got those higher big wigs who see burning $. At least we get them at all. SOTG is a rare gem most companies don't do and it adds such qol to the community.

Don't tempt me. Next stream will be 3 hours of patch notes.