25 May


Originally posted by sky_blu

I'd love confirmation that this is a bug

it's a bug

21 May


Originally posted by Foxtrot56

regardless of if it's what the devs want

You probably don't care about 99% of what the devs want which is log a nicer logging library, a refactor of the analytics libraries, on overhaul of the UI for their map editing tools. Making Phoenix f**k isn't on that list.

Making Phoenix f*ck isn't on that list.

I wouldn't phrase it that way, but it depends whose list you're reviewing.

11 May


just a bug leftover from some earlier jett prototyping

(no future impact here)

10 May


Originally posted by Rabger_

Yeah! I mean Skye's doggo gets caught. Her seekers don't but that's also her ultimate ability. It just seems like an unintentional nerf to an Agent who is already suffering from a low power level relative to the other sentinels.

This is probably a bug. I'll bring it up this week

05 May


Originally posted by ZeeMan7807

I know you're probably not looking for some random player's thoughts on how to nerf an agent, but on the off chance that you read this - regardless of whatever other nerfs you apply, I feel that a TP cooldown nerf is absolutely imperative; he's able to use it potentially 7 times a round, gets very little punishment for setting up on the wrong site, and just generally results in very few direct counterplay options.

While I'm not sure what the exact numbers should be, a general flat increase to the cooldown seems like it would be a good idea, something around 30-40 seconds. Maybe it would be reasonable to keep it to 20-30 if the TP is recalled without being used; the anchors being broken should likewise have a 10 or more second penalty though.

Alongside this, it feels like an incredibly reasonable change to make it so that recalling TPs after the TP has been used or an anchor has been broken results in the cooldown resetting if the new cooldown would be larger than ...

Read more

Anyway, sorry for the long comment, and sorry for backseating your balancing.

nah I don't mind I have pretty thick skin and your post was pretty well written out - the TP tuning is definitely a bit funky & this is reasonable analysis from your end :)


Originally posted by _JackalEST

"But it seems like the Devs don't care" Huh? Dont care about what? They're actively changing an agent to make the game more balanced. Not caring would be letting characters stagnate and the game to devolve into an unhealthy state without updating accordingly.

Also, there's a difference between taking feedback into account and proceeding as-planned vs ignoring feedback. Guarantee you're not seeing everything they are.

Also, there's a difference between taking feedback into account and proceeding as-planned vs ignoring feedback. Guarantee you're not seeing everything they are.

Appreciate the callout here. I'll always be a proponent of having changes posted earlier/on PBE, even when players disagree with the direction. I've spent a decent amount of time coming up with reaction plans post-4.09 for Chamber if necessary and have a few different possible directions lined up for our testing if the changes don't end up working out in a healthy manner.

03 May


Originally posted by I_Screw_Squirrels

This might seem like a loaded question, but after the community's response, does the plan to nerf Chamber still involve taking away one of his trips?

Yes, the plan is still to remove one of the traps for 4.09. We'll still be monitoring how he performs on Defense to make sure he's still a powerful defensive agent, and will adjust if necessary in the future.

We believe there are many ways sentinels can control and defend space, whether it is through the use of reactive slow abilities like Sage, flank watching gadgets like Cypher or defensively oriented movement abilities and weapons like Chamber. We specifically wanted to keep the unique parts of Chamber strong (as the high-tech weapons-guy, he's probably supposed to be uniquely powerful with his Headhunter and Tour De Force) while sharpening Chamber's weaknesses compared to the other trap-oriented Sentinels.

25 Apr


Originally posted by Senior_Lake_6900

Meanwhile riot dev's might just delay the ability greying out by 12 seconds. I understand what you are saying, but this could easily be a bug and hotfixed. You never know.

this is intended behavior

21 Apr


Originally posted by threwmylifeaway12

Anyone know if you can activate this ability while scoped in with the OP or not?

You can.

08 Mar


Originally posted by JR_Shoegazer

/u/penguinVALORANT might be able to answer this.

This question is a little bit outside of my wheelhouse unfortunately. I'd recommend asking RiotNu on twitter or any engineer!


Originally posted by BrokenAshes

From the article, it seems it came out with patch 4.03

Correct, no settings need to be changed

28 Feb

14 Dec


Originally posted by rhogerheide

Is there a public roadmap of observing features currently being considered/developed? Observing and back end stuff is my favorite to keep tabs on

No, there's nothing public facing other than what gets posted in those ask riot blogs - I will say I'm excited for the stuff we're working on in 2022, but saying anything more than that is probably an overreach for my position.

13 Dec


Originally posted by Bussymachus

Observing was sketchy in some games and there's really no need for more than 3 casting duos (you know which ones).

As long as the pro players keep getting better at the game and the game gets more and more deep, observing with current tools only gets harder and harder. We'll continue to chip away at features to make the lives of our wonderfully talented observers & broadcast talent easier.

29 Nov


Originally posted by boof404

if you done mind me asking, is there a specific reason as to why the lan client isnt public?

Not my place to speak unfortunately


Originally posted by mikeWonster

Riot doesn’t even use a LAN client for their own tourneys lol the players just have sub-10 ping

This is incorrect.

17 Nov


Originally posted by MageKayden

Probably just a visual bug if anything or a network issue

It's a separate issue that is being patched out.

16 Nov


Originally posted by j3abutnutterjabber

It is something like this.

If anyone experiences this bug very regularly, please turn on your packet loss graphs - suspicion is that it's network-conditions related but either way having clips confirming or denying that would be helpful if I forwarded them to the Characters team

10 Oct


Hey, thanks for the post. We have a few of these things on our backlog for fixes but I will take a look once I'm back at work tomorrow.

21 Sep


Originally posted by 1individuals

I think altering the way it looks is better. I prefer to have the line visible there ESPECIALLY as a spectator, because I might not be looking at the map for whatever reason before viper places the wall. Ifyou remove it on death there is a situation where sometimes I'd wonder, "where did the viper play this round/shoot her wall from?" or "that was an interesting wall placement.", and if she's dead I wouldn't be able to get that information for myself.

Yeah it's possible that fully removing it would have downsides and it would be better to take a different tactic - but I would rely on our visual designers/UX people for the actual tactic as I'm not trained or experienced in that field.