
Unturned Dev Tracker

20 Jan


If this is a custom/modded map, this may be from conflicting mods. Or perhaps the modded map you're playing on includes content that has since been broken.

11 Jan

27 Dec


If you create a custom spawn table asset, you can use the properties for Roots to assign it to another spawntable (such as one already used by a map).

26 Dec


Originally posted by Dreamdement

hi, it doesnt work for me, i selected the landscape hole as I want the underground complex, but no spawns at all, what is wrong, dont you know?

Holes are not a volume. You paint them like other materials.

22 Dec


Sorry for the trouble! Looking at the code I wonder: Is it a LAN server with the +LANServer launch option?

19 Dec


Set virus infect threshold to 0, and damage ticks to a very large number (like 10000). You could set use ticks to a very large number (like 10000) as well, but this is redundant when the infect threshold is 0.

This will disable immunity depleting over time when immunity is already low, and when immunity is 0 you'll be damaged very slowly.

Immunity will still deplete when inside a deadzone without a gasmask, but you shouldn't die as quickly.

02 Dec


Pretty ID list. :)

Steam Guides support HTML tables. You could add some, with info about the guns, if you wanted the ID list to double as a stats guide.

12 Nov


It's awesome that you're still progressing on this!

10 Nov

05 Nov


It sounds like you're looking at guides for creating a server, but what you want/need to do is create a custom map.

If you are already creating a custom map, "Adamantium Ore" is not a vanilla feature. You need to either install a mod that has that, or you need to mod the game and create this yourself.

04 Nov


Originally posted by Themidnightchiller

I don’t think I downloaded any mods minus the Dango map

Have you checked their ID list? https://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/discussion/1850228333/1626286205697617591/

My assumption is that it's the "44012 - EagleStrike".


If this is your screenshot, you can probably find the IDs on the Steam Workshop page for whatever mod those items are from.

03 Nov


Originally posted by danaby2

itd be cool if literally all recipes didnt show up when u searched smth

Maps can disable vanilla recipes pretty easily, but there's a lot of mods and plugins that make content acquirable on any map (including vanilla or curated content on other curated maps).

Whenever a map disables a recipe, players get confused and ask about that, too. The knowledge/expectations from one map doesn't really transfer over to others that well anymore.

IMO, the readability of the crafting list could be improved, but what players are more likely to see first (regarding UI) would be changes to the server list.


Originally posted by abstinenceiskey69

so weird… i have no mods installed

You can view the mods you have installed either from the Steam Workshop, or from the in-game menu showing your mod list.


Like another commenter mentioned, these are recipes from two different mods.

01 Nov


None of the items in this screenshot are vanilla/official. What mods are you using? It's likely listed in the I'd lists for one of those mods.

24 Oct

06 Oct


Are you sure you've configured the server info the the same server that you're actually hosting? E.g. – is the server name that you've set (brentennickunturned) appearing properly, or is it wrong too?

09 Sep


Originally posted by Sensitive-Smell6041

does not have a plugin for made this?

I'm sure there's probably a third-party plugin or framework that has commands that let you do that. But it'd be a lot simpler if you just enabled cheat commands instead.