
Valorant Dev Tracker

10 Jul


Originally posted by DinkleDoge

Vandal- dragon
Judge- chonky dragon
op- long dragon
Frenzy- smol dragon

omg. u/oniram177 you called the Judge "the chonky dragon" too???


Originally posted by 2ndnamewtf

I know you get a message if you report a cheater and that cheater gets banned letting you know your actions helped. But do you also get one if you have a super toxic teammate over voice comms that they got chat banned or mic banned? (If the latter is even a thing I’ve been working too much to keep up) because I had a player last night that just started talking shit to me right when we entered agent select and was like that the whole game. And he was in a 4 stack with the rest of my team so I know I’m the only one that reported him. Thank god for the mute button but every time I unmuted him he was talking shit to me. I hope this game doesn’t become a toxic cesspool

Currently, the implementation is specifically on the cheats side. We do want to improve the feedback for players on toxicity reports in the future, and this is one of the things that's been discussed as a potential solution.


Originally posted by augburto

I admit they definitely don't look as bad as the trailer made it seem. The grabbing of the ammo from the dragons is really cool. Idk if I'll get em though.

The operator sound with the dragon groaning actually lasts a decent amount of time after the shot -- might masks footsteps.

We duck the cosmetic audio so that if there's another sound you SHOULD hear (like footsteps), the cosmetic skin audio gets lowered to prioritize the footsteps audio. No pay to lose! :)


Originally posted by deathspate

I like how you can visibly see the dragon "breathing" in these skins, really makes them feel alive all the time instead of alive only during reloading, good touch.

Thank you! Our animator is super talented and he added those idle anims!


Originally posted by Covid-19_Official

I'm friends with a riot employee who formerly did support, even just working support he got thousands of RP (and the other day mentioned he got a ton of valorant points and bought skins with them) for free from work. Is this different between different people?

It depends on the game. We don't get any stipend for VALORANT.


Originally posted by Rohbo

Yea, that's the lie Riot tells for LoL too.

What's the lie? Is your assertion that completely innocent players are getting chat restricted after a game or two of reports from premades?

09 Jul


Originally posted by DidHeJustSayThat_

I've been wanting to ask a question directed to riot personnel, hopefully to understand what to do in a said situation:

When i started the game in the public beta, i was not doing great, in fact, i was doing terrible, mostly due to me being new to tactical shooters. A teammate starts voice/chat flaming and i decide to text "Mutted" and proceed to mute him. About a round or two later, another teammate of mine says in all chat to please report me for flaming and intentionally inting, which confused me a lot because i had not interacted with anyone apart from the mute comment. This is where my doubts come in, many friends queue up together frequently, but i myself play alone, if i find myself in a situation again where the whole premade squad decides to report me for invalid reasons: me actually being bad rather than inting, what can i do?

I'm not the only one who has encountered this situation, many of my friends have too, in which a 4 man team flames and asks the oth...

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It's very unlikely you would get a ban from that. If you're getting harassed by folks in the game (especially if it's causing you to mute them), using the report function yourself for those players is a good idea. It's likely it's not the only match they're that way. Cumulative reports are what trigger restrictions--patterns of behavior. Text chat is accessible in reports we get, so we would see it in review.

Sorry you're running into those types of players! It's not an easy game to learn and get better at, and those types of players don't help. Glad you're enjoying the game!


Originally posted by JohnBrownWasGood

Imagine banning people for standing up for themselves

We don't. We add restrictions (chat, etc) to accounts that have a pattern over multiple games of exhibiting negative chat behavior. Standing up for yourself doesn't have to include responding to toxic players with equal levels of toxicity or negativity. We want to catch those toxic players, it's important not to stoop to their level.


Originally posted by Ryguzlol

Hope you respond to this. I've been chat banned twice already and both games are DIRECTLY after games with a 4 stack where I was "baiting" and "not playing with the team"

I hope what you are saying is true, but from my experience it does not seem like it. Also, just feedback in general, getting chat restricted hurts my team more than it hurts me. I solo queued yesterday into another 4 stack and they proceeded to flame me for "not having a mic" even though I do, but I am just voice chat and chat banned so I can't say anything.

The system is clearly broken from what it seems.

It's hard to say. While those being the games where the reports potentially triggered it, it's unlikely you received a chat restriction 2 times from literally one game each...the system does not typically work that way.

Getting chat restricted can impact tactical callouts, it's true. The majority of players getting chat restricted are probably not utilizing chat in the most positive and constructive way, so I would wager it helps other players in most cases. With any tech and with nuance of human interaction, there are definitely narrow scenarios where a completely innocent person gets a's just rare.


Originally posted by [deleted]


we did mention it - the thought there is that the buddy and mount are independent. it does mean that if you have a chroma there's a bit of a disconnect, but its no different than if you were to put say the breach buddy on your sovereign gun. we felt that the chroma upgrade was something that should apply purely to the gun itself, rather than affect the charm attached to it


Originally posted by soulflaregm

I like the OP dragon gently sticks the clip in

All the other dragons angrily rip it from your hand and shove it in

we played around with the idea of making a different version where he's an elderly sage dragon and carries a spellbook and had harry potter-shaped glasses :P


Originally posted by freshleebaked

yeah... i get baited hard sometimes :(

Especially in the heat of the moment, it's hard to not want to respond to someone who's out of line. I know they also want that muting them's been my best option. Avoid giving them the satisfaction that they got to me by just calling out tactical stuff and not hearing them back.


Originally posted by soulflaregm

I like the OP dragon gently sticks the clip in

All the other dragons angrily rip it from your hand and shove it in

He's wise and elderly, and thus more patient. That's why he gives a nice little puff of smoke from his snout to say "thank you." :)


Originally posted by XingXManGuy

Do Rioters not get skins free?

No, we spend our own money! :)


Originally posted by freshleebaked

I feel like i'm not the only one who's had an unlucky run of running into 3 - 4 stacks who are very toxic and report if they don't like how you play. I'm glad it's not one just one game but there's still a good chance that these types of players can get someone restricted in this way. I'm guessing there's nothing to lower the priority of peoples reports at the moment then if they're false reporting?

I'm sure there are cases where players do get unlucky running into a toxic combo of players when solo queuing. Unless that player's getting baited into saying stuff that would trigger a chat ban, just being reported by a group in a couple games over a decent period of time won't result in restrictions.


Originally posted by guin717

To be a little more clear, I had played 2 or 3 games of unrated earlier with a mouse I had just gotten as a gift. The DPI buttons are located behind the scroll wheel and I kept hitting them while trying to change weapons. I then minimized Valorant to open the mouse's software and turn off the buttons. I then went into a ranked game with my buddies and I was banned on round 3 or 4.

I don't think there's any way for your mouse buttons or your mouse software to cause you to get banned.


Originally posted by freshleebaked

Hey just curious if there will eventually be something implemented to stop stacks 3 - 4 stacks from getting people restricted by reporting them. Will people who consistently report for no reason or just getting angry at people for playing poorly as a 3 - 4 stack have their reports not automatically trigger chat restrictions if there are enough false reports that they make?

At least for cheating there is no way for a player to be banned from reports alone there always needs to be some additional evidence.


Originally posted by guin717

Hey RiotArkem,

If I were able to provide video of Vanguard banning me for non-cheating software, would you be willing to take a look?

This seems very unlikely, Vanguard doesn't ban people for non-cheating software and opening a piece software doesn't generally immediately ban you, there's usually at least a small delay. It's more likely that a previous detection for cheating was being applied to your account.

Feel free to send in a ticket with the video and it'll be reviewed.