
Valorant Dev Tracker

09 Jul


Originally posted by Riot_Preeti

Oh hi! Thank you! :) The knife and the Op are my favorite!

I don't actually know how we find people for these labs. I can ask how we do it. :)

I can! The very short answer is we use data analytics and surveys to identify groups of players we're interested in testing with, and then send out email invites to ask them to come playtest with us.

Obviously things are a bit different now with quarantine in the US, but we're still running tests, discussion groups, etc. with players in the same way, just remotely. If you're interested in this sort of thing, check the email you have associated with Valorant periodically - you may find a survey or email there that asks about your availability to playtest on a given date!


Originally posted by freshleebaked

Hey just curious if there will eventually be something implemented to stop stacks 3 - 4 stacks from getting people restricted by reporting them. Will people who consistently report for no reason or just getting angry at people for playing poorly as a 3 - 4 stack have their reports not automatically trigger chat restrictions if there are enough false reports that they make?

A single game with only reports from a stack of players won't generally restrict players. Most restrictions are over a course of games unless the person hit the hate speech/racist word auto restrictions.


Originally posted by Going_Hell

I'm a big fan of skins in League of Legends! Glad you guys also carry that determination in VALORANT.

Thank you! This is so nice of you to say. League has set an incredibly high bar for us. Their cosmetics team is incredibly talented!


Originally posted by Riidesu

Is it available once the patch's done or do we have to wait for a specific time?

I don't think we've stated the time yet, but the countdown timer should be accurate.


Originally posted by musicallacisum

in the original gunbuddy previews a lot of them had their own custom hangers

Were those scrapped?

I think it was all the agent gunbuddies

yeah we did scrap those. they were made before our alpha/beta period and before we had a few things nailed down. at one point you only had the option to choose the buddy as a full package, so if you wanted that Sova owl buddy charm hanging from your Viper Shorty, itd be a weird mismatch because it pulled the mount from Sova's too.

we wanted to redesign the system to be a bit more modular and allow us to keep mounts on guns that it made sense for, but change the charms based off your choice. the old designs also were this weird fishing pole shape to pull the buddy as far away from the gun as possible, because we have a lot of clipping issues.

some of those issues are still present today. we cant actually run a physics sim to make sure the buddies never intersect with the gun because that'd be an unnecessary performance toll, so we set limitations on them to make sure that they cant go too far back past the mount. thats also why they dont have nice jiggly physics - ...

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Originally posted by valerioc99

If you kill someone with that skin, it’s free

The number of times I have died picking up that yellow Prime Vandal...


Originally posted by Selfcannibal

Are you allowed to say if these will require additional radianite to upgrade?

I can't say anything else til the patch drops. :(


Originally posted by vQubik

How can one participate in These labs? Also really Nice Work on the skins, the knife Looks really Nice in the teaser

Oh hi! Thank you! :) The knife and the Op are my favorite!

I don't actually know how we find people for these labs. I can ask how we do it. :)


Originally posted by PolarKC

This is a fantastic write up, thanks for taking the time to put your thought process out on paper! I personally think this new set is super cool and an indicator that your creative team is doing something fresh.

Take this with a grain of salt, but I think the problem some players have with this set is that the skins do not feel like "guns" because guns are mechanical in nature, and these skins feel organic. If the skins were "mechanical dragons" that moved mechanically, still spit fire, had metal wings, etc it would have been more universally accepted I believe. BUT WHO KNOWS! That's the beauty of art. Not everyone likes everything ;) and that's the fun of it. Keep it up, I love what you guys are doing with the game and the aesthetic.

Totally understandable - its certainly a disconnect from the typical mechanical functioning weapon to now being a creature, but you're right its something that is just for a specific set of people. we want to make sure everyone can get something to express themselves and their likes. over time as we have more and more guns, buddies, sprays and cards, we'll reach that point where we've released enough that we at least have something for everyone. we'll get there :)


Originally posted by ChaosDefrost15

What an input. I really appreciate you're going over that game breaking fix. I'm pretty sure hit reg being completely broken with shots not registering every round, every other game is nothing to worry about.

Oh wait. I forgot it's all just crouching animation issues, the fact it also happens when enemy stands still not moving is just standing animation issues and when same happens when they run its running animation issue. Not at all hit reg issue for so many people

I understand the pain. you feel it, i feel it, everyone does. the unfortunate circumstance is that for the engineers and folks working on those types of issues, they dont have the luxury I do of changing a color to make someone happy. that sort of fix takes a lot of time, effort, and debugging but rest assured it is a priority.


Originally posted by tmdbn

Hey are you able to let us know a rough estimate of how much these will cost?. Thank you and I understand if you cannot!

I can because my boy Joe Lee tweeted it out yesterday:


Originally posted by AGCOmega

It’s nice to see they actually got high elo players opinions on the skins.

Always! Whenever the high elo folks had concerns, we made sure to listen. Some of them were hesitant at first, but we made changes to ensure we satisfied them. Even if it's not their personal style (maybe they like scifi or more clean skins), they at least told us the skins didn't ruin the game for them.

We also ran research labs with real players to test the skins out. We care so much about this kind of stuff, so we wanted to be really thoughtful and deliberate about how far we pushed the skins from a gameplay standpoint. Labs also helps us see cool behaviors, like melee spamming. We all do the same thing when we play, but it was cool to see players do it too, so we amped up the effects on the melee a little more to make it even more satisfying. ;)


As far as I know there is no way to get a permanent game ban from weight of reports alone. My guess is that this is a cheating ban.

If you message me your brother's account ID I can take a look but it is unlikely that me investigating will lead to the account being unbanned.


this is easily doable - we actually brought this up last week as a note that we put the effort to change buddy mounts for higher tier skins, but things like grid, avalanche, etc tend to get ignored because we arent making custom mounts for them to begin with. we can absolutely adjust this in the future


Originally posted by sweenygg

It was discussed and replied by riot. They said that they had lots of conversation about this thing and decided to go with current system because some people would want to play their own skin.

But yeah I think it should be the way you said. Or maybe there should be a box on buy menu that you mark if you want to keep your own loadout when you request weapon.

We'll make it an option eventually, yea, so requests can go either way. Unfortunately, there are higher priorities so it may be a bit before we get to it.


Oh I’m jealous! Congrats! I’m still on level 7.


Originally posted by Altombre

These gun skins actually take quite a long time to get made, and the team was making weapon design changes internally all the way up until the release of our Friends and Family test build shortly before Closed Beta. At the time we made the call to make a lot of these skins, the Phantom was definitely more of a second fiddle niche weapon defined by its silencer and more controllable spray, with the Vandal being the default premiere rifle. The Phantom's since been buffed up to be similar in power levels to the Vandal, but the skin representation calls trail behind that due to development time.

It's definitely not some big brain marketing scheme like the posts below imply... the game's just constantly evolving, and it takes much longer to concept out and then develop an entire skin line than it does to tweak weapon numbers in development. We're not intentionally withholding all the dope Phantom skins we've got locked away, these things just take awhile to make!

Damn. +1 to everything this guy said!


Originally posted by Faintlich

Something that looks interesting but in a more subtle way. I don't need the skin to move and scream at me how unique it is.

I know it's heresy to bring up CS here, but something akin to like an Empress AK, a really unique design that doesn't have to change the entire gun.

As an example: all my favorite skins in Valorant so far are the ones in the battle pass.

that totally makes sense. and no worries - its fine to compare to CS when it comes to skin quality or preferences, the main differentiation there that we have to learn and understand from is what do players like because of taste, and what do they like because of rarity or exclusivity.

we currently have buckets of skin categories that we use to figure out what to make next, and ill give you a little example of what sorts of things go through our minds when coming up with a skin idea.

Generally when thinking about skins we always think about what "genre" or "bucket" can we put something into. A lot of "CS Style" skins where you get a pretty wrapper or painting on your gun, we'd typically consider fitting into an Artistic bucket. There could be some potential spillover into other categories though.

Say we look at doing a techy looking skin thats got like scifi paneling and such and its purely just a texture wrapper on the base gun - something looked like distri...

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Originally posted by Saikuni

alright! thank you very much. i already had the bug happen once today but i'll test it out again and send you the logs should it happen again! take care

Gotcha! Yeah the patch isn't out yet so you'll definitely see no change yet

08 Jul


Originally posted by _dovescry

anime girls on the vandal

no love for the phantom? :P