
Valorant Dev Tracker

14 Jul


Originally posted by Adam95x

Serious: it happens everytime I launch the game (the hud missing not sure about the flashes) I think I know how to recreate. What email do I send it to?

You can DM me and I'll forward it to the relevant team. I know they've been trying to pinpoint this for a while.


Originally posted by vecter

woah WHAT

I wish you had the network indicator up then to see if you had any packet loss. unlikely though ...


I think the bots use different tech than players do for rewinding- looks like there's possibly an issue with the bot hitbox getting desynced. Thanks for the report and video!


Originally posted by cornmealius

Can you let him know that my brother and I have been referring to his pet as “God Cat”? And that we, as grown ass men, have way too many conversations revolving around God Cat? Cuz God Cat owns?

He definitely has moments where he seems ancient and wise. They really come thru in the spray.


Originally posted by Tec_43

How dare you not deliver any pics of Mance? Smh


Originally posted by SmockIsNotDead

And where is the Cat Tax?


Originally posted by Riot_Preeti

Oh my god. No joke this spray is based off of a cat named Mance, who belongs to a guy on our team. He is going to lose his mind when he sees this Mance fanart!

Idk what you're talking about, that's just a generic cat. I don't see any resemblance to mance :)

Srsly tho OP I saw this yesterday and it made me very happy, that painting is awesome, whenever you are ready to commission them for (edit: accept commissions from? Idk how to English, I just beep boop on computers) people I will be first in line!


Originally posted by OverStyled

It may actually be the best reward from the pass.

Other than the gun skins, I really like the salt spray.


Originally posted by cornmealius

Can you let him know that my brother and I have been referring to his pet as “God Cat”? And that we, as grown ass men, have way too many conversations revolving around God Cat? Cuz God Cat owns?

That’s pretty funny! I will tell him! I also linked him this post last night so hopefully he reads this.


Originally posted by SmockIsNotDead

And where is the Cat Tax?

What is cat tax? Tell me more!


Originally posted by Tec_43

How dare you not deliver any pics of Mance? Smh

Only Kyle can provide pics of Mance.


Originally posted by dangmclovin

I've managed to narrow down the problem. I believe its Riot Vanguard. I've uninstalled and reinstalled numerous times, changed folder path,etc to test different riots games. Interestingly, when I cleaned my disc drive of all Riots games, and only installed Runeterra and League. The client became responsive and I could log in and ONLY play League and Runeterra. Installing Valorant along with riot vanguard made the client timeout for me.

I've managed to narrow down the problem. I believe its Riot Vanguard.

It is not a Vanguard issue. It is an issue with the login screen. See my other reply:


Hello, we have just rolled back a change which we believe caused the issue. If you rerun the game shortcut you should no longer run into the timeout and should be able to launch the game. Let us know if that is not the case. Really sorry about that.

> i've heard that gigabyte programs (I don't have any installed) make it do that so I decided, "Ok I'll delete all my overclocking stuff"

You can probably install it back. This issue was entirely on our end. Removing any programs or restarting would have had no effect.


Originally posted by epicguest321

Not gonna lie, I was expecting a salt shaker.

Slightly disappointed that the salt isn’t his favorite

Not the chicken from closed beta?


Oh my god. No joke this spray is based off of a cat named Mance, who belongs to a guy on our team. He is going to lose his mind when he sees this Mance fanart!


yea, sorry about that! The stats are changed gameplay wise, just forgot to update the tooltips. Will be fixed in the next patch!

13 Jul


Originally posted by MarkieMew

Was the fix ever implemented? I had the coin with the “B” on it assigned to the classic at some point but now it has a lock icon over it when I try to apply it, and the same thing has happened to my friend who also completed the closed beta rewards.

Oh that's super weird. Can you send a ticket to player support?


Originally posted by Karenzi

You: bought the new elderflame knife!

Me: but, it costs 50$.

You: it looks pretty sick in my opinion.

Me: I don’t think the knife is anything special.

You: I have an idea.

Riot: too late, thanks for the 50$.


Originally posted by epicguest321

I find it crazy how rito was working on this game for a couple of YEARS before they announced the launch. They had the dragon concept in 2018(?!), before anybody knew about a Project A.

yep! it was a tough secret to keep! weapons had generally been in a decent spot since 2017ish. we refined our art style and such throughout the years and had to revisit some executions but we generally got started working on and exploring skins in 2018.

we had a lot of learning to go through before we could get to the point of delivering what we we considered high enough quality. safe to say a we also through out a lot of things since then too


This change was unintended - we were cleaning up some other things in the files and made a mistake here. We'll be reverting this to the previous behavior. No word on exactly when we'll be doing that (if we'll do a new deploy or have to wait until the next patch) - but we'll fix this.

(Significant nerf is a bit of an overstatement, but I get what y'all are saying)