
Valorant Dev Tracker

07 Jul


Originally posted by SelloutRealBig

hey just letting you know the plant/defuse mission doesn't always work in spikerush. I played 4 games and only 1 of the many plant/defuses counted towards the challenge.

Right now there are currently two identical missions in rotation that you have a 50/50 chance of getting the correct one when this named missions is there. One is functioning fine and the other is completely broken. We'll be removing the broken state mission with the next update. I apologize for the inconvenience

06 Jul


Originally posted by vecter

Ty, looking into it. From these gifs here it looks like there isn't a hitreg bug- but it IS super confusing that the hit impacts and tracers (which are delayed) can appear over the head when a player crouches, making it look like it should have been a head shot when it was actually a body shot. No bug here that I can see, but definitely a good candidate for some QoL changes to make this less confusing


Originally posted by xlmaelstrom

is there a point with tagging them? They don't care it seems, no statement after hundreds of posts..

Tagging is helpful- I check each of these posts! Definitely not ignoring you guys, I was just on vacation.


Few folks on the team were talking about this recently, too. We're going to look into freezing the map until you close it. Not sure when it'll land though.

05 Jul


Despite what the text says, one of these two missions requires YOU to plant or defuse.

This will be fixed in the next patch, by removing the mission that was incorrectly labeled and also frustrating to complete.

04 Jul

03 Jul


Originally posted by jlonso

The crosshair placement, map awareness.


IKR? That crosshair placement was better than some adults.