
Valorant Dev Tracker

05 Jun


Originally posted by AchievingAtaraxia

Update: My friend sent me his GameUserSettings file and it still did the exact same thing, stretched to an unrealistic resolution.

It seems like it's a bug in the game itself, I hope it gets fixed next patch.

EDIT: What do I need to change in the GameUserSettings file to force the game to open fullscreen windowed?

I don't recall exactly, but I believe it should be



Originally posted by caiordgs

And when is Brazil?

Same as NA. bad news is now it looks like NA/LATAM/Brazil will be Monday before it's fixed. Sorry friend.


Originally posted by Garbleish

Encountering the same problem in SEA. 40-50 Ping when playing solo but 100-180 when in a party. We all live in the same city but have different ISPs.

The enemy team usually has drastically lower average ping than our party as well.

Which ISPs are the people you're playing with on?


Originally posted by deliciousjudas915

We all live in the same country, but different cities. Would that have made a difference?

Only if there's weird routing from one of the internet service providers the player is using and how they connect to our servers.

What ISP is the higher ping one using? I can chat with our riot direct team to see if there's anything in our realm of control we can adjust.


Originally posted by UniqueUsermane

Yeah we not last! Take this NA!

Didnt think about applying the change when the server are quieter, u mean like during a single day or theres some day of the week particularly less active than the others? Of course i didnt think it was favoritism, even tho in my expierence on LoL i felt like we had much more server related problems than NA, but for one im not in NA so i cant really know beside what NA redditors tells us, and even if true its probably related to something i cant know, like how each server is deal with bla bla bla.

Btw big thanks for the reply, any spoiler for when EU is gonna be at its quietest so i can unlock my 2nd agent? ;)

Edit: i kist read the other replies on the thread, im hopeful for the next 24 hours but dont overwork too hard guys, i could wait even 48h if needed!

So it'll be applied at the quietest moment AFTER we confirm the fix is good (not waiting for a particular day). So if everything goes as expected today, we should be able to apply it so that tomorrow morning things are working for you.


Originally posted by walker128

I’m on EUW. I’m getting new unlocks fine now, but stuff from before still hasn’t unlocked for me. Hopefully soon!

EU up next!


Originally posted by UniqueUsermane

Standing on what riot said on twitter some servers had this fixed today, while if you are in EU you have to wait some days.

Not complaining cause im used to it but its not a surprise eu comes last in a riot game.

Well, not in this situation. For the retroactive fix NA is last, EU is up next. This isn't anything to do with favouritism, we need to apply the change when the server is at it's quietest.

also I come from EU myself :)


Originally posted by [deleted]


EU is up next, NA last (this is because we need to apply the change when the server is at it's quietest time). We're hoping within in the next 24 hours and the team is working hard to achieve this.


Originally posted by SimplyFrankie

Just tested. Once again 100% reproducible by being tabbed out while loading into the match.

Edit: While I'm at it. Bound key for team push to talk gets unbound on relaunch and crosshair color keeps resetting to white.

Heyo! Yes I saw your reply. We're looking further into it, but we won't have a fix for the next patch.


Originally posted by AchievingAtaraxia

I reinstalled Valorant onto a different drive, deleted all traces of Valorant from the PC before I did and it still does the same thing :/

Can you make sure that your graphics drivers are up to date?

If your monitor has drivers (uncommon), can you also check that your monitor's drivers are up to date?

Can you try unplugging one of your monitors and seeing if it works?

Does it go into this stretched fullscreen on both of your monitors?


Heya friends, thanks for the report and sorry for the death! We just tracked this bug down and have a fix in for upcoming patch 1.02.

When you lift up the orb channeling key at the exact moment that you finish picking it up, the bug could cause the server to get stuck thinking that you were still holding the key down (more likely in poor networking conditions). When that happens, the next time you come across an interactable (another orb, planting the bomb, etc), you'd automatically start using it. We've only seen the auto-plant issue impact players who map their Use Orb and Use Spike buttons to the same key, causing both to get stuck down when this occurs.

Until that patch drops, the easiest way to prevent this from happening is to either tap the interact key again after picking up an orb (to guarantee that the client and server get back in sync), or to hold the key a moment longer after finishing the orb grab. Alternatively, if you split these keybinds to diff...

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Are the players you're playing with located in the same country? When we matchmake we take ping of all parties into account and try to get the closest average server connection.

Custom games may default to the party leader's closest server.


Originally posted by Trans1978

I am not; originally I had unlocked the second agent unlock but it wouldn’t let me use it (tuesday). After restarting however it was fixed, but I didn’t read previous threads so I was unaware about the situation.

Alright cool! Glad to hear it got resolved for you!


Originally posted by Trans1978

Sorry to bother, but for clarification, has Retroactive reward granting been granted in Asia/Pacific/etc. and NA/EU is next, or is it fixed going forwards for those regions?

The retroactive granting has been done for Asia/Pacific & EU/NA is next. All regions should be fixed for going forwards since Tuesday.

Are you still having problems unlocking new content?


Originally posted by chiijpn

One of the 170mb patches sorted it for me. Yesterday I think, I missed levels 1-9, but got level 10 yesterday and the reward worked.

I think u/NoplantsDance a RIOT mentioned the fix was soon to drop RE getting new drops but getting your 'missed' drops would take longer for them to fix

Yep we got Korea & Asia/Pacific/Oce resolved late yesterday. Next up EU & NA.


Upcoming patch has a little tooltip that points it out after you complete the tutorial. Should help.


Originally posted by CaptainJackWagons

Damn you for making the Galeria skins!

Lol why?