Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

17 Nov

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

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Hello again Rejects!

We are finally closing in on the start of the pre-order beta period and the lead-up to the final launch of Warhammer 40,000: Darktide.

Many of you have been with us on this journey – whether participating in the technical test, closed beta, or just by consistently engaging and providing feedback in the community. For that, we are thankful. Darktide will be a better game because of your help.


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    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Generalised bugs, and other issues that you wish to report but do not require our support on, are to be posted here.

Technical issues, including (but not limited to) crashes, errors, problems launching Darktide and other issues that require our support are to be posted in Technical Support instead.

Feedback on your performance in Darktide is to be posted ...

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Hi @dbasce,

We’ve checked your account in the backend and you appear to have all of the expected illusions.

As for the Briar Javelin illusions, these are unlocked as part of the Sister of the Thorn Cosmetic Upgrade DLC, which you do not currently own.

If you believe that illusions are still missing for you though, then please let us know the specific names of the illusions and I can get a Backend Developer to take another look at these specifically.

16 Nov


Hi @dbasce,

Which illusions do you believe are missing?


Hi @rat,

I recommend checking out potential solutions here:

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15 Nov


@G00DY, fixed for you :slight_smile:


Thanks for the report! This crash is on our radar - we’re on it!


Glad you were able to resolve the issue! :slight_smile:


Are you able to contact your ISP about this issue? Be sure to reference our server address if you do: https://5107.playfabapi.com/

14 Nov


Hi @Luu92,

I’ve manually unlocked the amulet for you, which you should see when you next restart Vermintide 2 :slight_smile:


Seems to have been a temporary backend issue. To confirm - has this resolved now?


@backendConnectionErr, glad you were able to resolve this! :slight_smile:


Seems to have been a temporary backend issue. To confirm - has this resolved now?


The error shown in your logs indicate your GPU is crashing.

I recommend running through solutions for this here:

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Hi @CheeseyCheddar,

The error indicates that the crashes are GPU-related.

I recommend checking out potential solutions for this here:

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Glad you were able to find the cause and resolve things! :slight_smile:


Hi @sozetsu,

Unfortunately the data within your logs is cut off.

If you run into another crash again, can you please provide a new crash report?

Apologies for any inconvenience!


@Shadow051, usually negative shillings balances will occur if DLC becomes desynced in the backend with your account - or, if DLC is refunded and removed from an account.

Any shillings included as part of the DLC are then deducted from the balance, which can cause negative values.

Usually, restarting Vermintide 2 a few times will correct any temporarily desynced DLC. It’s worth also checking that you have all of your DLC enabled in Steam.

  1. Open Steam and go to Library
  2. Scroll down to Vermintide 2
  3. Right-click and select ‘Properties’
  4. Select the ‘DLC’ tab
  5. Ensure that all DLC are enabled and display a tick

If this doesn’t work, then please provide me with your Steam profile URL and I’ll take a look.


This should be resolved in our upcoming hotfix. Sorry for the inconvenience!


It appears you’re running into a Deadlock type crash. Unforunately, these are quite tricky to pinpoint the causes of.

I recommend running through our general crash solutions, and seeing if there is any improvement:

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