Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

02 Nov

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ah, so this thread was started before we announced this, but when we announced the QoL update, we also announced that we were working on mainlining mods into the game, so that’s why there’s been a sort of “freeze” in sanctioning.

There came a situation where updates would break mods, and the overhead to prep those mods and ensure they could remain sanctioned each patch was quite high. In addition, mods are reliant on their creators to update them, and if a creator decides not to update, it leaves those players using the mod in a bit of a sticky spot, so we changed track and decided to integrate a lot of sanctioned mod features into the base game. Sanctioned mods that have been “grandfathered” in still need to meet certain standards when modders update them so they don’t break the game, but we do keep tabs on those and sanction and unsanction them accordingly.

There are instances where we are still sanctioning mods, but they are not currently the norm.


No problem! Glad to hear that! :grin:

01 Nov


Perfect, in which case you should be able to resolve the issue by deleting your save data :slight_smile:

No progress will be lost as you play in Online mode, though please note you will lose your options settings, and will need to configure them again.


Hi @Jake,

Do you play in Online mode or Offline mode?

Potentially, the issue could be due to something being wrong with your save file.


@Trurlich, this should be fixed for you also now :slight_smile:

31 Oct


Hi @Jake,

Very sorry to hear this! Can you please provide me with your PSN ID so we can take a look?



@Hollalex, sorry about that - this should be resolved for you now :slight_smile:


Hi @RaistlinMajere,

This should be fixed for you now :slight_smile:


Glad you were able to pinpoint the issue and resolve it. Thank you for sharing!


Glad to hear disabling the Steam overlay worked :grin:

28 Oct


Hi @RaistlinMajere

Can you please provide me with your Steam profile URL so I can take a look?

Thanks! :slight_smile:

27 Oct


Hi @Alipheese,

The logs show that your Vermintide 2 installation has become corrupted.

Usually Verifying Integrity of Game Files can resolve this, but In cases where the errors continue after using this option, we consider it to be persistent data corruption - which can, unfortunately, occur for a number of reasons.

I recommend trying some other potential solutions here:

Read more

Ah, well, this thread ends now. All a bit much.

We can’t speak to any other title or where they’re sold.

This isn’t the place for politics, though. There’s plenty of spaces online to discuss world events.



Hi @Visulth,

That’s unusual! :thinking:

A few thoughts -

Are his GPU drivers all up to date?

Does the issue still occur if he changes Direct X versions?

Also, does disabling the Steam Overlay have any effect?


Hi @Siltherium,

It looks like you’ve tried our usual solutions, by enabling the Steam Overlay and Verifying Files.

It could have been a temporary issue with Steam itself, and may have resolved. Can you check again and see if the issue is still occurring?

26 Oct


Thank you. I can’t see any errors in the backend, which is annoying, but does confirm my suspicion in that this is solely related to Easy Anti-Cheat.

On the 24th we rolled back a problematic Easy Anti-Cheat update - have you attempted logging in since?


Super - thank you for confirming! :slight_smile:


@skramer1323, our Backend Developer has implemented a fix now, so this should be resolved for you. Can you please check and let me know? Thanks! :slight_smile:

25 Oct

    Aqshy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sure, it’s read-only now. Please note as we get closer to launch and pre-order beta, it will be hidden to keep the forum clean, but should be available for you all to browse, now. :slight_smile: