Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

14 Sep


Sorry to hear this Dzor. Could you try a ‘Selective Startup’ please and see if this changes any of the symptoms?

  1. Press the Windows key
  2. Type ‘msconfig’ and select ‘System Configuration’
  3. On the ‘General’ tab, select ‘Selective Startup’
  4. Deselect ‘Load Startup Items’
  5. Reboot your PC
  6. Launch Vermintide 2 as normal, and see if the issue persists

Keep us posted!


One of our developers was able to solve this promptly last night, please let us know if you have any other problems with purchases!

12 Sep


Thank you Harridas, appreciate your detailed reports as always.


That’s unfortunate - in cases where the errors continue after using the ‘Verify Integrity of Game Files’ option, we consider it to be persistent data corruption - which can, unfortunately, occur for a number of reasons.

We have a list of potential solutions in the article linked below, which we’ve created based on what’s worked for players in the past:

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07 Sep



In today’s blog we bring fresh insights into the characters you’ll be playing in your battle to save Atoma. Whether you’re taking to the hive city streets as a hard-bitten veteran, ranting zealot, haunted psyker or hulking ogryn, you’ll be able to pick the voice profile that suits you best!

To dive into the detail, we asked the members of our writing team (Matthew Ward, Mark Latham, Sarah Cawkwell, John French, Victoria Hayward, Jude Reid & Jeremy Vetock) to tell us a little bit about what makes these reluctant defenders of Atoma tick.

The Veterans
For the Emperor!

Countless billions toil in the ranks of the Astra Militarum, more colloquially known as the Imperial Guard. They’re the hammer of the Emperor, responsible for crushing threats to the emb...

Read more

06 Sep


For this to occur so suddenly and without a patch, there may be a driver or hardware-related culprit. Can you think what could have changed on your PC around that time?

Otherwise, it’s always worth cleanly reinstalling your GPU drivers: https://support.fatshark.se/hc/en-us/articles/360021233554--PC-How-to-Perform-a-Clean-Re-Installation-of-Your-NVIDIA-GPU-Drivers

05 Sep


Hi @Shakahara,

To echo above, the statue of Sigmar in the Keep is included upon purchase of the Collector’s Edition upgrade.


Thank you for letting us know! We’re looking in to this one.


Hello! It looks like your installation is incomplete. Please use the ‘Verify Integrity of Game Files’ option, which is accessible via the Steam client using the instructions below:

  1. Right-click Vermintide 2 in your Steam library sidebar
  2. Select ‘Properties’
  3. Select the ‘Local Files’ tab
  4. Select the ‘Verify Integrity of Game Files’ button
  5. When complete, close and reopen Steam

02 Sep


We’ll be live in 23 mins!


I’ve ran the script to remove the duplicates but I’m not sure it worked. Could you have a look the next time you log in please?


I’ll see what I can do! Send me the URL to your Steam profile. :slight_smile:


We’re looking in to the issue right now, apologies.


We are actively looking in to this, apologies for the inconvenience!


Thank you. Unfortunately, our Argentinian and Turkish players are currently unable to purchase any of the upgrades because the price has dropped below Steam’s set threshold during the sale. We are aware and looking in to it, apologies.

01 Sep


Hello! Do you have the latest patch installed?


Which part of the world are you playing from Lucke?

31 Aug


@doctor0zlo, huzzah! very glad to hear that :smiley: thank you for the update.


That’s good news! :smiley:

Oo I see, I’ll pass this on internally and we’ll look out for this. Thank you!


This should now be fixed for you @NobunagaOda :slight_smile: