Could you let me know what your connection’s upload and download speeds are, using a website like Speedtest please?
Could you let me know what your connection’s upload and download speeds are, using a website like Speedtest please?
This is a known issue, apologies for the inconvenience.
This appears to be a mod-related crash.
I suspect these are already known issues but if possible, we really need to see the crash report produced immediately after the crash, containing a long ‘GUID’ string. Unfortunately the console log contains no crash data, and the crash dump isn’t appropriate in this case.
Your GPU driver is considered to be ‘Obsolete’ which means it’s either outdated or corrupted. Please see:
I’ve raised this with development - looks to have something to do with Twitch Mode. Apologies for the inconvenience.
We’re working on it - apologies for the inconvenience.
You can earn essence from main game maps. Weaves are designed to have these kinds of niches, which weave number was it if you recall?
Could you provide logs? Does the game crash? Do you get switched to new games without turning to keep?
The mod, as it is,only plays sounds that play.
We can technically see anything, it’s just a matter of putting the data in to the games logging I think. Played maps, difficulty, outcome, careers chosen, traits used, talents picked, exactly where players died on a map overlay (work in progress still I think, it’s pretty complicated), kills by careers, classes, what they killed and how much they have killed of each. I think you nailed the ones we have set up in your list there. There may be more, the telemety ‘backend’ is pretty intimidating!
Sometimes they’re born of community requests, things like the social wheel, accessibility options, heck even Twitch 2.0. Sometimes suggestions coincide with a developers’ inate interest to expand on a system, but sometimes they’re inspired by the suggestions and the hackweek project follows.
Read moreYooo, congrats! That’s pretty cool, haha. It reminds me a lot of something Xcom 2 has, where a public website tracks various stats combined of all players regarding how many aliens they’ve killed, etc.
Gonna be fun when yours is out for realsies.
A lot of stuff can be just learning really, or trying something new, no tangible result you can touch or feel, but more personal growth that might benefit Fatshark down the line, or help you understand others’ processeses more. We have a bunch of stuff that never quite made the cut, it’s cool stuff that could be born again in a future hackweek but it’s not stuff we’re too cosy talking about for various reasons. Mostly just so we don’t break hearts if they’re highly interesting features we just can’t deliver on fully. I think you guys have had enough of that. ...
This gives me some hope for some of the things that have been requested or talked about that would be cool to have.
Thanks for stopping by to check out the latest dev update from the Shark Tank here in unusually unwintery Stockholm.
This week is what’s known as a ‘Hack Week’ here in the office. What does that mean you might ask? Well, think of Hack Week as an opportunity to do something different - so long as there’s some theoretical or actual value in what you’re doing, and have a pitch for it. Some will end up hacking alone, whilst others will form a team and get cracking on something bigger, or req...
Read moreIf you have hacks installed and running - even for other products - it will be detected. Try a Selective Startup:
I don’t believe we’ve seen this on our end but we can certainly watch out for it. Would always recommend a clean GPU driver re-installation if you’ve recently upgraded.
Or, is this what you’re experiencing perhaps?: