Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

14 Jan


Please disable the Bestiary mod.


Please disable the Beastiary mod.


That looks like an issue in our code with the voice chat. I’ve raised it with development, but it looks like you’re the only person to have ever experienced that particular crash so consider it unlikely to occur again!




We are happy to announce that the first expansion to Warhammer: Vemintide 2, Winds of Magic, will be coming to PlayStation 4 on January 15th. We are grateful for your patience and understanding over the past weeks as we have finalized and polished the expansion for this release. The Beastmen cometh!

The Double XP is still ongoing and will continue to run until January 15 and the release of Winds of Magic.

13 Jan


Tu progreso se guarda automaticamente. Si estas jugando offline, se guarda en tu PS4 hasta que te vayas a modo online. Cuando estas en modo online, se sube automaticamente a los servidores de Fatshark.

Podes jugar Vermintide 2 en distintas PS4s siempre y cuando uses la misma cuenta de PSN y hayas estado jugando en modo online, para que tu progreso se guarde en sus servidores.


Oops! We changed the rarity, but not the price. We’ll sort that out!


Sorry to hear about your crashes - please lower your ‘Worker Thread’ count within the launcher’s ‘Settings’ menu down to 6, and see if there’s any improvement!


Could you also please upload the corresponding console log? :slight_smile: Thank you!


Sorry to hear this Raf. Please try lowering your ‘Worker Thread’ count within the launcher’s ‘Settings’ menu down to 6, and see if there’s any improvement.


Sorry to hear all of this. I’ve raised your concerns with our Console Developers.

Nope - we have another patch in the works!


Sorry about this! This will be addressed in the next patch.


You can change it in the launcher I believe?

image536×515 84.7 KB


Assuming you’re playing in Online mode, your progress is automatically saved on our servers.

If you’re playing in Offline mode, your progress is automatically saved locally to your PS4.

10 Jan


Sorry to hear that. Is this still consistently occurring for you?


Your CPU is below our minimum requirements but not enough to result in this being such a consistent issue imo.

I’d recommend running through the solutions here: https://support.fatshark.se/hc/en-us/articles/360021422873--PC-How-to-resolve-Access-Violation-crashes


Odd! May I ask which countries you’re both playing from, and which ISP you’re with?

09 Jan


Sorry for the confusion, the patch notes were included with the submission that was intended to include Winds of Magic originally. We’ve had to split the patch up, which is why Winds of Magic is mentioned in the notes.

Winds of Magic won’t be too much longer, I promise! :frowning:

    Exanimia on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah the patch notes are incorrect; it’s for crash fixes.

    Exanimia on Forums - Thread - Direct

It’s not available just quite yet. I’ll have a link for you on the latest news in a bit.

Found here: https://www.vermintide.com/news/windsofmagic-ps4

08 Jan