The Night of Mystery Geheimnisnacht is the most ill-omened night of the year and with both Mannslieb and Morrslieb full in the sky only the strong and brave dare venture into the dark. During Geheimnisnacht it's said that the veil between the living and the dead is thinner, and it's the perfect time to visit the Gardens of Morr to pay homage to the ancestors.
Geheimnisnacht will be live between October 28th until November 5th.
Geheimnisnacht Event
Night Mode
Once again during the seasonal event of Geheimnisnacht, all of the outdoor adventure levels will be bathed in darkness, with only the light cast by Mannslieb and Morrslieb to guide your steps. Players on both PC and Console will be able to experience the Geheimnisnacht night mode.
- Geheimnisnacht Keep Theme...