Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

06 Sep

    Exanimia on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi, I believe you were in the game with me yesterday when you mentioned this was happening (I was the WHC)?

If you have a specific map you recall this being most drastic on, I can pull some clips from my VOD to help the devs as I had my allies’ ammo count on. :slight_smile:

05 Sep

    [Fatshark] Julia on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
This has definitely happened to players before but it's my understanding that we've never been able to replicate it ourselves!

Are you able to 'Verify the Integrity of Game Files'?:

1. Right-click Vermintide 2 in your Steam library sidebar
2. Select 'Properties'
3. Select the 'Local Files' tab
4. Select the 'Verify the Integrity of Game Files' button. This may take several minutes
5. When complete, close and reopen Steam
6. Launch Vermintide 2
    [Fatshark] Julia on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Celtic Dragon:
Originally posted by BAD RAT:
That doesn't make any sense. FS, like any other developer, uses the forum platform provided by Steam and therefore has to abide by the guidelines they're given. It also means that you can be reported straight to Steam and also banned directly by Steam.

And it sets a precedent where criticism can be censored by Steam admins like in my case, and the devs/publisher the criticism was directed at just shrugging it off cla...
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    [Fatshark] Julia on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Celtic Dragon:
Originally posted by Fatshark Julia: It appears you were banned by Steam Support - if you check your Community Messages, you'll see at the top:

I agree your post shouldn't have warranted a ban. Could've been nicer, but we wouldn't have banned for it.

Can't help but notice the convenience letting 3rd party admins handle your forums with their own rules creates for the question of responsibility for actions taken.

I ... Read more
    [Fatshark] Julia on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
It appears you were banned by Steam Support - if you check your Community Messages, you'll see at the top:

Ban notification from a member of Steam Support

I agree your post shouldn't have warranted a ban. Could've been nicer, but we wouldn't have banned for it.
    [Fatshark] Julia on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ShellaSunshine:
Originally posted by Fatshark Julia:
Shella, why do you continue to lie?

You referred to the Fatshark developers as "meth heads and homeless drunk people". That was the reason for your suspension.

I'm not lying. The steam ban informed me that a developer of this game banned me and HIGHLIGHTED the post that was banned.

I have the screenshot. I can send it to you through the customer support portal if you like 😂

... Read more
    [Fatshark] Julia on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Sorry for your post being locked Evilnapkin - it seems it was done by Steam moderators.
    [Fatshark] Julia on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ShellaSunshine: For the record, I was only banned once in the Steam forums by a Fatshark developer for negative criticism of the Versus mode not having dedicated servers.

Developers banned 8 other people that same day for negative criticism about WoM and Versus mode.

Shella, why do you continue to lie?

You referred to the Fatshark developers as "meth heads and homeless drunk people". That was the reason for your suspension.

I suspect it’s something to do with the DLC check the server performs on logging in. Sometimes it might not find your WOM DLC entitlement, and as such hides your WOM items from you. I’ll pass that to our backend team - thanks!


Strange. I can see both the blueprint and your orange throwing axes in your inventory on our side.

Could you try renaming the Vermintide 2 folder in your App Data to something temporary (like “Vermintide 2 OLD”), then reboot the game?

C:\Users\YOURNAME\AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Vermintide 2

You will lose your settings (which is why we backed up your folder by renaming it!) but it’s worth testing this to see if the items appear in your inventory again.

If it helps (or not), just delete the newly created Vermintide 2 folder and rename the old one back to normal in order to restore your settings.

Let us know how this goes.

    [Fatshark] Hedge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The Photomode Mod lets you take control of the camera.



  • Fixed halberd push attack missing overhead attack

Looks like these are largely Access Violation crashes, the cause of which are numerous and hard to identify for specific people. We have a guide here which has various steps you can run through to try and solve:

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Could you link (or DM me) your steam profile so we can look in to this?


This is likely intended, they’re different weapons after all. I’ll pass it on all the same, but don’t necessarily expect change as a result.

04 Sep


No worries! Let me know if I can dig anything else out. Usually they’re merged into PSDs so you might get weird lighting as in the ubsersreik one but hopefully it works :slight_smile:


If you catch any crash reports, please send them my way. :slight_smile:


We didn’t just start work on Drachenfels, it’s been in the pipeline for some time.


The issues reported 2 and 3 days ago haven’t yet been marked ‘Acknowledged’ and thus haven’t yet been raised in our internal database. They’ll be raised eventually, either later today or tomorrow - but please be aware some issues can take more time than others to be resolved. We don’t recommend checking after every patch, unless the patch notes explicitly state that the issue has been resolved.