Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

04 Sep


If anybody happens to experience this as host, it would really help us out if you could provide us with the corresponding console log. :heart:

Your console logs can be located using the instructions below, and the timestamps should help with identifying the corresponding session.

  1. Press the Windows key + R
  2. Enter %appdata% within the search input and select ‘OK’
  3. Navigate to AppData\Roaming\Fatshark\Vermintide 2\console_logs

Without it, it will feel much less responsive and harder to do heavy attacks - especially with slower weapons.

    [Fatshark] Hedge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
  • Fixed halberd push attack missing overhead attack

Welcome to Patch 2.0.9 for Vermintide 2. This patch looks at stability, sound and tweaks to Battle Wizard & Slayer career skills (as well as other various fixes, all outlined below).

In-case you missed it, yesterday we outlined some of our plans for Season 2[forums.fatsharkgames.com] so be sure to check that out, and consider joining us for our AMA ... Read more

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  • Fixed halberd push attack missing overhead attack


Welcome to Patch 2.0.9 for Vermintide 2. This patch looks at stability, sound and tweaks to Battle Wizard & Slayer career skills (as well as other various fixes, all outlined below).

In-case you missed it, yesterday we outlined ...

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  • Fixed halberd push attack missing overhead attack

Welcome to Patch 2.0.9 for Vermintide 2. This patch looks at stability, sound and tweaks to Battle Wizard & Slayer career skills (as well as other various fixes, all outlined below).

In-case you missed it, yesterday we outlined some of our plans for Season 2[forums.fatsharkgames.com] so be sure to check that out, and consider joining us for our AMA ... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/552500/announcements/detail/1592507941097486365]here[/url].

Do you own the Shadows over Bögenhafen DLC?

    Exanimia on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yeah, you’re fair and right to question their choices, considering the direction of WoM, but I remain optimistic the feedback from this expansion was loud enough they’ll be wary of such a large mis-step, particularly since they have mentioned in the past through PR interviews and press-releases they were staunchly against having players pay for lootboxes.

Their audience isn’t happy, so if they are wi...

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Or you know… we could just ask for a scrap converter? Still, I can see the point. It’d be kinda lame for the Emporium to drop and on the first day we unlock every single cosmetic. :joy: I dunno, I like the idea of having to do weeklies and stuff. And by the sounds of it, we’re gonna get a bonus amount of shillings anyway.

    OenKrad on Forums - Thread - Direct

Wizard’s Tower and the secret level would be incredible. Easily the coolest map in that game. I liked the On the Reik maps too though.

I dig some cosmetics. I’ve been wanting a bit of Fashion Tide for a while. It’s really cool there will be some you can earn in-game but also buy. I’m fine with supporting something I enjoy. cough Warhammer: Total War 2 cough . I’m invested in both VT2 and that pretty heavily.

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03 Sep


Drachenfels eh? Geneviève Dieudonné is on the way boys :wink:

Looks amazing. I can’t wait, 3 maps and Cosmetics baby. Oh yea

About the shillings? What do you mean by owning previous DLCs? Do we just get a certain amount of bonus shillings to start? Or do we get extra shillings from doing quests?

    Exanimia on Forums - Thread - Direct

Microtransactions for Fatshark cosmetics aren’t new. They had them in VT1. Some were pretty slick, to be honest. FS has stated they’re against paying for lootboxes/P2W, so I hope, at least, they won’t go beyond cosmetics (the fact they’re giving us three maps is pretty generous too!).


This is just a known sh*tty patrol spawn. Sorry for that. We’ve reported it a few times to the appropriate persons, hopefully it can be solved soon :3

    Exanimia on Forums - Thread - Direct

Wow what a post! Bravo!



Season 1 of Winds of Magic is steaming ahead (partially due to Saltzpyre), and while there is still some time before the next season, we wanted to introduce the changes, updates and additions coming with Season 2 and update 2.1.

Season 2 will bring several things to both Vermintide and Winds of Magic. But before we dig into the changes we wanted to thank you once more for your feedback, we have heard you loud and clear. We designed these changes with the feedback from the forums, Reddit, Discord and social media together with the in-game telemetry from the last month in mind.

We are committed to improving the game and during the past weeks we have pushed many smaller patches to address the most common issues, thank you for your patience!

Season 1 is going to end with Geheimnisnacht event to line up with Halloween, and Season 2 will start before the end of the year.

Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Reworked levels from Verm...

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We will have some news very soon on our plans for weaves going forward, thanks for the patience on the near radio silence we have had a lot to do!

    Exanimia on Forums - Thread - Direct

Personally, I don’t leaderboard, but enjoyed seeing my friends compete on them (so support them in some way, as I don’t see friendly competition as something that inherently breaks Verm), but I have concerns about sustainability long-term past season one when the newness of “yay, we did it!” wears off (can almost promise they’ll be super empty for console port, where our playerbase is but a fraction of PC’s). This hits the nail on the head on why. Well said.

For me, my problem with weaves (the only higher one I tried was around 92), is the feeling of them being mini-FoW-esque. Learn strat, die, restart if something goes wrong, go at it for another large...

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Are you using Avira Anti-Virus? I ask as it’s been known to interfere with the workings of the cores in that sense.

What is your ‘Worker Thread’ count currently set to?