Warhammer: Vermintide 2

Warhammer: Vermintide 2 Dev Tracker

29 Jul


@FatsharkJulia Normally handles Tech Support. Hopefully she has some suggestions.

26 Jul


I don’t have any pets right now. One day I’d hope to be able to pet a Shiba of my own :sunny:



After the crash occurs, a window should appear to prompt you to enter what you were doing prior to the crash. After submitting that, another window containing a long ‘GUID’ string and a ‘Copy to Clipboard’ button should be displayed. If you could copy and paste that in here the next time you encounter a crash, that would be superb.


Here’s my darling Leonidas, he’s 5 years old and the light of my life.


Let’s see your pets!

    [Fatshark] Julia on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm aware there's been some disturbances as of lately - mainly connection-related, but I'm having a hard time identifying patterns.

We haven't made any changes on our end and our backend is running smoothly with no reports of downtime. Due to this I initially suspected it could be isolated to specific ISPs, but there's not enough consistency to prove that.

Steam has been somewhat wobbly, so that's my prime suspect right now.

The investigation continues. If the people experiencing these issues could share their country and name of their ISP, that would be helpful.

25 Jul

    EmpIzza on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just to clarify, it used to work but does not anymore?

Do you know if you are behind a CGNAT? See https://superuser.com/questions/713422/how-would-i-test-to-see-if-im-behind-carrier-grade-or-regular-nat

There used to be some issues with CGNAT, I don’t know if they are resolved (I.e the host should not be behind CGNAT).


Could you upload the clip please? I believe this can be done via OneDrive - instructions can be seen on the Xbox Support website here.

24 Jul


Are you playing on PC? If so, could you please copy and paste any crash reports produced in here?


Yea, is Geneviève Dieudonné coming in the next expansion then?


Thanks for this post, clearing up a lot of things. As for more information,

  • Will there be another beta leading up to release?
  • If not, what are the chances of getting a balance patch directly after release?

Now, I hear about seasonal weaves, and I’m kinda worried that these are going to pull staff away from the base game to work on them. As someone who is not interested in weaves at all, can you let us know what ex...

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Check your email. Might be under promotions or another tab. If you played in the beta, you should get a portrait for helping test.


It always makes me laugh how much we Brits complain about the heat, then we go vacation in places around the Mediterranean. :joy: Although, I guess drinking a cold beer pool side in the heat is probably not the same as working in it.

That’s like Jamaica… I hated it the...

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Hello Vermintide Community

Wanted to broadcast a few of the many things going on inside the studio, in the lead up to the release of the Winds of Magic!

There have been many passionate discussions about what people love, hate, and why they play Vermintide. There have also been many questions sent our way and so we wanted to take some time to address as much as we could. Thank you again to those who took the time to send us your thoughts in whatever forum you found most suitable, it has been great to read through and discuss back here at the office. To that end, we also wanted to take some time to try and address the feedback, and provide some insight into what we are thinking and shed some light into what we have been working on these past few months.

We were able to push out a few iterations of the Winds of Magic during this extended Beta period. We wanted to run this beta early enough to make adjustments to the game, not push out a beta as a marketing beat on ...

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@TocFanKe4 we have extended the event to the 26th :slight_smile:

23 Jul


The heat over there must be crippling! I’m in the UK at current and it’s 27c where I am, and naturally us British aren’t coping very well. :smiley:


I’ve moved it to an open board

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22 Jul

    Exanimia on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi, I can shed some light on this.

The channels for beta communication were as follows, as far as I know:


  1. Fatshark forum
  2. Fatshark public discord
  3. Fatshark focus group discord
  4. In-game survey


  1. Squirrel Squad (open beta discussion only)
  2. Blood Moon Inn (open and closed beta discussion, where proof of beta invite/Steam had to be shown to Discord moderation team—this was proposed by the BMI staff)
  3. Reddit (open beta discussion only)

*I think there was also something in Red Moon Inn that had dev blessings as well, but am not sure since I’m not in that one. I’m not sure about other Verm servers.

The devs hang out in these third party servers, but are usually pretty quiet overall and seem to prefer to sit and absorb feedback (sans reddit, where they pop in from time to time)


If I’m not mistaken, the original 2 heros were from Vermintide 1 that got carried over.


huh? I call out fatshark just as much as anyone else. I spent the first week of beta complaining about the stagger and dodge changes, even going so far as saying I will not be playing if it goes live as it was. I’ve openly stated multiple times that the weaves do not interest me and I’m not excited for them.

I’ve spent the last 9 months trying to get the night maps added. As well as the games optimization fixed, to which many other people were/are having issues. Dropping to 20 FPS on hordes and so on. I definitely wasn’t suck...

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