War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

30 Jul

  • The icons of corresponding gaming platforms (PC and consoles) have been added to the players nicknames. Icons for consoles will be visible to PC players and vice versa.
Ground vehicle characteristics, damage model, and weapon improvements:
  • Clarifications in the designation of British ground vehicles of rank III.
  • BMP-3 — A bug has been fixed with jerky movement when turning from halted whilst the W and A/D buttons are pressed, the vehicle repeatedly trying to switch between N and first gears.
  • Pvrbv 551, Lvrbv 701, Type 94, Sd.Kfz.221, AEC Mk.II — A bug where the vehicle continued to turn for a while after releasing the A/D keys has been fixed.
  • CV90120 — The initial speed of the DM23 shell has been changed from 1640 to 1680 m/sec with correspondi...
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29 Jul

28 Jul

    Ouiche on Forums - Thread - Direct

Maybe. Should we focus on providing informative elements and help players understand relevant changes so they can notice them in game (but they might not see all the background work), or on showing our work by posting wall of texts? (at the risk of having most of the players ignore patch-notes entirely?)

I'll see if i can provide an example (secrets documents don't get taken out of the vault that easily!), but it's really incomprehensible for a regular person. (basically, anyone but devs).

We know the (vocal) community is asking for fixes before new vehicles, but both are compatibles... and necessary. We had a really big "minor" update recently, followed by engine sound fixes / improvement, some guys working on optimization for air battles with this patch - we're not forgetting fixes.

At the same time, we got quite a lot of players asking for new vehicles because... they seems to like new things

We ...

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    Ouiche on Forums - Thread - Direct

Along with visible modifications (vehicles specs, feature correction, regular bug fixes...), a lot of work is being done on graphic API, engine and so on. It's usually it's a few lines per update, up to a page of something looking like a foreign language for regular people. Some assets failing to load, loading too slowly, an internal action reporting an internal error, you name it. Dev stuff.

Listing those fixes would submerge what really interest players in a blob of... Klingon, and spending time to explain those would turn our updates notes into an online program development course.

Pic from https://live.warthunder.com/post/895213/en/ !
Skin from https://live.warthunder.com/user/JohnnyAlpha65/ (but i'm not exactly sure which one was...

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  • Game performance has been improved for battles with large amounts of aircraft.
  • Cameras in the replay of battles have been fixed.
The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.

26 Jul

24 Jul

    Ouiche on Forums - Thread - Direct

I've been a tech mod for quite some time in the past (and miss it) and overall, felt in love with WW2 vehicles a long time ago - so i'm going to be slightly subjective and exaggerate a bit.

For me, this doc is... a lost commandment tablet. THE source. We spend days trying to get to the end of this "turret armor" story and through we had the answer. Seems like we were wrong. Honestly, after the time we spend trying to convince players we were right (as we really, really through we were), it would have been easier to keep it the way it was and forget about it.

We're not trying to balance the maus, we're (finally) fixing an incorrect vehicle.


From 14:00 GMT on the 24th of July until 14:00 GMT on the 27th of July

Deal 10,000 points of damage whilst using Soviet fleet vessels from rank II or above and get the unique decal “Sea Predator”.

  • To follow your progress click on your nickname → Achievements

“Naval Squadron” tournament
Register right now to take part in the Navy Day tournament on the TSS page.

Naval Squadron 5x5 RB
Aircraft and fleet vehicles of up to 32 teams (Best of 3)
Start: 17:25 GMT on the 25th of July
Prize fund: 33,000 GE
Prize for 1st place “Project 7U Stroyny” Pack for each player

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    Ouiche on Forums - Thread - Direct

Aircraft characteristics, damage model, and weapon improvements:

Canberra B(I).Mk.6 - a bug has been fixed which prevents autocannons from deactivating when the landing gear was extended.

Ground vehicle characteristics, damage model, and weapon improvements:

T95 — a bug has been fixed with jerky movement when turning from halted whilst the W and A/D buttons are pressed, vehicle repeatedly trying to switch between N and first gears.

MBT-70, KPz-70, XM-803 - dynamics of the pivot turn in Neutral gear has been improved.

BMP-1, Type 86, SPz BMP-1 - floating speed has been specified: forward - from 9 to 7 kph, reverse - from 5 to 2 kph.

Source: Боевая Машина Пехоты БМП-1, Техническое описание и инструкция по эксплуатации.

T-72B - max speed has bee...

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23 Jul

22 Jul


USMC veteran and active War Thunder player Conte_Baracca shares his recollections about active service in the M1A1 Abrams, and how this tank feels in our game.

Would you please tell us a bit about yourself? When did you decide to pursue a military career and why did you join The United States Marine Corps in particular?
I was born in 1975 and was raised in Oklahoma in the United States. While I was in high school I participated as a cadet in the Civil Air Patrol, a civilian paramilitary organization with a focus on search and rescue. 

I enlisted in the United States Marine Corps Reserve my senior year. Upon graduating high school I went to “boot camp” at Marine Corps Recruit Depot in San Diego and would serve in the Reserves until I was commissioned an officer. After completing Marine Corps Recruit Tra... Read more

21 Jul


Ground vehicle characteristics, damage model, and weapon improvements:
  • Type 89, CV90105 TML, M60 AMBT, Ariete (Preserie), Ariete PSO, Ariete — a bug has been fixed with jerky movement when turning from halted whilst the W and A/D buttons are pressed, vehicle repeatedly trying to switch between N and first gears.
  • M60 AMBT — the LW25 25mm auto cannon fire rate has been increased from 120 to 260 rounds per minute. Source: 2008 NDIA 43rd Annual Armament Systems: Gun and Missile Systems Symposium 21 – 24 April 2008, Development of LW25 Family of Ammunition.
  • AMX-30 Roland, FlaRakPz.1 — the explosive weight of the Roland 1 missile has been increased from 3.3 to 3.5 kg. Roland 3 missile — from 4.45 to 5.2 kg. Source: ROLAND FRR & FGR Handout (Deutsch) — Multinational Aircrew Electronic Warfare Tactics Facility/Zentrum Ele...
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    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ground vehicle characteristics, damage model, and weapon improvements:

Type 89, CV90105 TML, M60 AMBT, Ariete (Preserie), Ariete PSO, Ariete — a bug has been fixed with jerky movement when turning from halted whilst the W and A/D buttons are pressed, vehicle repeatedly trying to switch between N and first gears.

M60 AMBT — the LW25 25mm auto cannon fire rate has been increased from 120 to 260 rounds per minute. Source: 2008 NDIA 43rd Annual Armament Systems: Gun and Missile Systems Symposium 21 – 24 April 2008, Development of LW25 Family of Ammunition.

AMX-30 Roland, FlaRakPz.1 — the explosive weight of the Roland 1 missile has been increased from 3.3 to 3.5 kg. Roland 3 missile — from 4.45 to 5.2 kg. Source: ROLAND FRR & FGR Handout (Deutsch) — Multinational Aircrew Electronic Warfare Tactics Facility/Zentrum Elektronischer Kampf Fliegende Waffensysteme, Polygone // A...

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19 Jul

17 Jul


Ground vehicle characteristics, damage model, and weapon improvements: 
  • Corrections to the designations of British tanks at ranks I and II.
  • T-80B — AA machine gun elevation aiming angles has been specified from -5/60 to -5/75. Source: Т-80Б, Техническое описание и инструкция по эксплуатации.
  • T-64B - AA machine gun elevation aiming angles has been specified from -10/60 to -5/70. Source: Т-64Б, Техническое описание и инструкция по эксплуатации.
  • Strv m/39 - weight has been specified (reduced) from 9,660 kg to 8,850 kg. Source: Instruktionsbok for Strv m/38, m/39, m/40-LI, m/40-KI (Truppinstruktion)
  • Strv m/40L -  weight has been specified (reduced) from 10,000 kg to 9,360 kg. Source: Instruktionsbok for Strv m/38, m/39, m/40-LI, m/40-KI (Truppinstruktion)
  • A...
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16 Jul

The new Japanese and British Starter Packs include 2nd-rank premium vehicles, which, along with an ample amount of Silver Lions and Premium Account days, will ensure confident victories and rapid development in the early ranks of War Thunder!

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  • Fmod Studio[warthunder.com] version has been updated (from 1.10.17 to 2.00.09).
  • New sounds for falling empty round casings on all calibres.
  • Sound events have been reworked for the following auto cannons: TNSh, 2А7, 2А42, 2А72, Hispano-Suiza.
  • KPVT heavy machine gun sounds have been reworked.
  • Sound events for reloading guns in ground vehicles now have loudness depending on the camera position (inside or outside a vehicle).
  • A bug has been fixed with pop-up hints on some modifications on naval vessels showing no activ...
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