War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

06 Dec

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

The SUB-I-II is one of four prototypes of what would eventually become the Type 73 APC in service with the JSDF from 1973. Coming to War Thunder as part of the next major update, Japanese tankers may look forward to the arrival of a specific version of this prototype, featuring a 20mm turret that didn’t make it into the production variant!

Briefly: A prototype version of the Japanese Type 73 APC, outfitted with an experimental 20 mm roof-mounted turret.

SUB-I-II, SPAAG, Japan, rank IV


Fast-firing 20mm cannon

Decent mobility

Light protection



Based on the influence of the Vietnam War as well as on the experienc...

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    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

If you can suggest any IRL existing AAA that can be implemented to the game, please submit valid Suggestion in Suggestion Section on our forum.

05 Dec


There will of course be changes to maps / missions and other mechanics to do with EC as there generally always are in every major. However as to the specifics of what they are, its too early to go into detail at the moment. You will have to stay tuned for the dev servers / patch notes.

But as it currently stands there are no plans as we have already mentioned to have RB EC as a permanent mode.


I generally watch most streamers and Youtubers, though lurking in the background

But lets not get back off topic please.

    OrsonES on Forums - Thread - Direct

War Thunder Screenshot Competition

December week 1 winners

Laisy and Silver Fighters (Straights

rn_s25 and "Intercept;(


SubZero_0 and "Sneaky" (


AMMY_Satori and 4Gen Fighter( Straights

H4WK_TURK and Cats of The Desert(

screenshot )

Rewards should be allocated within 2 working weeks from date winners were announced.

Well done and keep up the good job guys!

You can find more interesting content from our players on our Live.WT site and in our Media sec...


Its really not at all. If your discussing something announced or that actually has credible rumours, then its here.

If your discussing that there is nothing credible on and your just speculating and wishlisting, then its the Wishlist thread.

As we have already said a couple of times now, there is no Rank VIII ground this patch. So it has nothing to do with this topic.

A reminder guys, this topic:

Exists as does this section. Please use them for missile performance discussions. It has nothing to do with this topic.


Theres no news to share currently. These types of reports are treated as suggestions. Not bugs.


Not in this patch, so please don't start wish listing here. There are appropriate topics to discuss / wishlist in.


Doesn't really have anything to do with this topic. If we have a new vehicle, we will release a blog or over it on the stream. France also doesn't have an autocannon IFV yet, so its not just Israel or China.

But just guessing questions to ask is not going to lead to us to confirm something is coming this patch or any RR.


Python 3 is currently above the abilities most of the missiles of its type in game. The Kfir is also one of the higher jets at its BR in terms of efficiency too. So at this current moment in time, Python 3 is not being considered. With new jets added and if its situation changes, this may be reconsidered.


Everyone who repeatedly ignores warnings recieve a warning or more if they deliberately carry on.

And no, "but someone else also did it" is not a valid reason to carry on or start the conversation again. Report the posts that do it and let moderators deal with it. Don't just carry on yourself.


If you want to discuss Kfir or it's weaponry, it should be done in the correct section: https://forum.warthunder.com/index.php?/forum/2140-israel/


Research no, photograph yes ))


You will stop, not because people need to pay to you, but because you are breaching the forum rules and spamming off topic posts which we have warned about many times in this thread.

It's not for you to decide what can and what cannot be posted here. You can use the appropriate areas of the forum to discuss as much as you like. But you cannot go into a thread and tell others what you want to post is fine and they are the ones wrong.

Please check the forum rules and review your previous posts.

That's quite enough off topic discussions from everyone on the Kfir and Python. Please take it to the relivant topics and areas guys. It doesn't belong here.


The 120mm variant has been in game for some time now.

    Stona on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is Tank Versus! The most entertaining, most action-packed and the most spectacular show about which tank is stronger!

Today: the Tiger E, one of the most recognizable tanks of the Wehrmacht vs. the Soviet IS-2, one of the most fearsome and heavily armoured tanks available to the Allies during WW2!

Previously on Tank Versus:

M1A2 Abrams vs. ZTZ99-III

Breda 501 vs. 8.8 FLAK 37

BT-5 vs. A13 Mk.1

M60A2 vs. Leopard 1A5

MBT-70 vs Khrizantema

T-50 vs. Pz.III J1

We invite youtubers and streamers to cooperate and offer support depending on the quantity and popularity of your content. More information: ...

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